What cosmic to awaken?

jshanso2jshanso2 Member Posts: 51
Just did heroic chaos rift and got a 4* cosmic awakening gem. I also +99 max sig cosmic stone to use. I already have a duped max sig Medusa.

What cosmic to awaken? 30 votes

AxeCopFireTinoMia 2 votes
AndrewTheManMythLegendFoxhero007 3 votes
DaMunkSnakeEyes69Alfa_PigeonRedBaron99Anurag1606Ravenrob_33AssumedNameDRTOBatpotter1JNuclearshadow_lurker22Conquestor_VspaceoctopusEdNortonBlackspark 15 votes
World EaterSIlverProfessorSuperSam57vinniegainzAnimatronics_to3taojay1ElitehunterMrmarvel123TheRealmKeeperRob6 10 votes


  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    While I love my 4/55 duped drax, really the only other god tier cosmic is hyperion. Him and medusa outshine all the others in terms of damage output and utility...except Ronan. He's a special one, I awakened mine with a cosmic gem and pumped a couple stones into him. Some wouldn't recommend but I don't regret it, I use him at 4/40 in act 5 a lot. So, that's my vote lol
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    All those are great but completely different. The only one I would wait for is Hyperion but that is personal preference. A Max sig Thor is still awesome but he needs to be at high sig.. just remember that. I actually love Angela and Drax too but out of my 4 I probably use Thor the most. Do NOT repeat do NOT awaken Angela. That would be a complete waste of an awakening gem.
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