Does the "Window to Parry" ever vary? (ie window get smaller in harder difficulty)

So I have noticed in harder fights it "seems/feels" like the window to parry is much smaller. Is this the case?
Honestly it seems when fighting a 3* I can parry like a full second early or late and still get the successful Parry but fighting a 4/5* the window feels much smaller.
So is there any change in the window for a successful parry or is it just a perception illusion (or even a frame rate/lag issue)? Just curious as the window seems (again seems... not saying this is the case) to vary greatly.
Honestly it seems when fighting a 3* I can parry like a full second early or late and still get the successful Parry but fighting a 4/5* the window feels much smaller.
So is there any change in the window for a successful parry or is it just a perception illusion (or even a frame rate/lag issue)? Just curious as the window seems (again seems... not saying this is the case) to vary greatly.
My hunch is that well timed blocks depend on something related to the attack being blocked, and this thing whatever it is gets baked into the attack when it is created by the game developers, and there are no rules enforced by the game engine on how it works, meaning it could work differently in every situation depending on what the developer does. I even think that when the devs make changes to the underlying game platform, those changes can subtly alter these things, which is why so many players think parry is constantly broken while other players don't see the same problem. If well timed blocks change in very subtle ways, it could change in a way that causes some players to misjudge and others to by chance continue to judge correctly.
Short answer: I wish I could say with certainty how it works. All I can say is it doesn't work in a consistently predictable way.
This is just my theory:
It’s a 3-2 boss clear at this point. The 3rd group is going in for the kill on the the main boss and let’s say it’s OGSM... his chance to evade “could possibly” go up depending on if the game wants to possibly cause more item use.
I think that’s a given. If I was Mr. Kabam himself I would turn the dials a tad to make him evade / insta-attack (like the AI loves to do so much) like a monkey 🐒 to wipe more attackers out. Since it’s a 3-2 boss clear already the team is pressed to do what it takes to get this dude down. So at this point it’s almost win at all cost because the other 20 guys / gals are watching and waiting for this to be over. #PoppinPots #BlowinUnits like a wildman
Challenge rating affects flat stat values only. CR is just a tuning parameter of DR, which means only stats affected by DR are affected by CR. Parry is unaffected by DR. In fact, Parry used to simply buff block in 12.0, which in effect made Parry indirectly affected by DR but in 12.0.1 Parry was changed to be a flat bonus outside of DR. This means Parry is no longer affected by DR, and thus it is unaffected by CR.
Parry itself is an ability that is triggered by "well-timed blocks." I've seen no evidence that well-timed blocks are directly affected by CR, and if well-timed blocks were directly affected by CR the effect ought to be strongest when facing off against the highest level stuff, which doesn't happen universally.
Also, just FYI you mention using max 3* vs 4/55. Challenge rating affects opponents. The difference in challenge rating has no effect. In other words, when you fight a 4/55, your stats are reduced based on the DR formula and the challenge rating of that opponent. This effect is unaffected in any way by your own challenge rating. Whether you use a 6* champion or a 1* champion, DR and CR will affect you in exactly the same way. Your starting stats will of course be different, but the effect your opponent has on you has nothing to do with your own CR. Their CR affects you, your CR affects them.
This is sometimes a difficult concept to get across, so imagine there was such a thing as a champion with 1,000,000 CR. That CR is so high that when you fight it your stats like critical rating will be reduced practically to zero. But what if you possessed a champion with 2,000,000 CR? Your CR is twice as big as your opponent so your critical stats should end up better, right? Nope: you'd still be reduced to basically zero.
Bottom line: Parry and Perfect Block are abilities. But the execution of a parry requires executing a well-timed block that has nothing to do with abilities. It is a function of how the game's animation and movement system work. There is no such thing as a well-timed block stat or ability for DR to affect.
I've been the guy trying to get the last boss kill in AW more than once. If the game has a trigger to make that situation more difficult to force players to spend more, it must like me so much it has decided to never inflict it upon me.
So whilst the window does not shrink persay the it does need to be more precise
Normally to make animations appear smooth the animators will make the animations synchronized with the game's frame rate. So normally that isn't messed with too much. And in video recordings of game play I haven't detected evidence of variable frame rate animations so far. If animations did change speed even slightly, I would expect players to detect a difference in evading specials at the same time they detect changes in parry timing, but I haven't heard of a significant number of those kinds of problems. Parry problem reports outnumber evade problem reports by like a thousand to one. So this seems unlikely to me.
My parry isnt working... cant be me... must be the game kind of thing....
With that in mind, if I have "critical" fights I will time them for just after dinner because I am the most awake and can better pay attention to the game. You will rarely see me try to take down a AW boss or make a run through Uncollected first thing in the morning unless it's absolutely necessary.
Exactly i play arena while watching tv... some fights are total ****....
If i find a have a couple of aq fights that i feel are really bad i stop... and come back later more focused with no distractions around. Personally i find most of the time it seems to be me not the game. Although at the time i blame the game
There is no realtion if DR is not mentioned
Maxed parry only affects the duration of stun... not the timing of parry...
-TedFeds, a dude who plays contest
U are mistaken. This is not about the stun duration. That is different.
we are talking about how exact your timing needs to be when you press block for it to be a parry and not just a regular block or a missed block
Here’s what I wonder, and for the sake of argument let’s say that I agree with your “maybe”:
With more buffs, challenger rating and other items to “process” in harder, feature-heavy fights, is it possible that there is at least a slight deviation from normal parry simply because of all the items that require processing? By that I mean that the app/phone have a heavier load or perhaps have an order of operations in a heavy fight that is different from a simple 1v1 fight.
I’m not a coder, but you and others claim coding experience. Thoughts?
Dr. Zola