Champs that can beat wolvie rol?

I been trying to get pass wolverine and i failed any tips wouod be glad to know thank you. My champs im using are wolverine x23 5* unduped, SL full max 4* unduped, gwenpool 5* unduped, GR 4* unduped and the hood 5* unduped
Or use someone that has a decent heal block mechanic, like yondu sp1 or doc octopus.
You can also try someone that reverts his healing, like guillotine sp2 or the debuffs from void.
With the team you have, you won't be able to defeat him.
*Ability to be more specific.
Any heal block champ can do it too but a much longer fight. (Vision, CW, ect.).
SL (high sig)
Civil Warrior
Guilly is far and away the best option. Duped SL is probably 2nd best since he can eventually out punch Wolvy regen with a high hit combo.
The rest could work, but would probably make for fairly long fights.
One option I haven't seen mentioned is rogue, but it takes quite a bit of skill. If you can steal wolvie's regen and keep her timer from expiring, wolvie can't trigger regen. If you accidentally lose it, you have to build to sp3 without hitting wolvie (basically parry/take block damage) to regain the regen buff.
Magik is fairly simple. You can either s1 nullify his regen or s2 to keep him power drained/locked so that his regen is minimal. That would be an incredibly long fight though.
Voodoo s1 will convert any existing buff into poison. S2 is power control and he's also got ability reduction.
None of them are ideal. Like I said, guilly is the #1 option. But without her or a high sig SL, there's some champs out there who could get you through if you have the desire for a 30 minute fight.
@Brew_Swayne ah I see, I was wondering about magik because the sp1 nullify is nowhere near enough to counter all wolvie's stacks, but maybe power-locking him at 0 power could work. Also I'm just now remembering a video I saw where someone stacked 99 loa's on wolvie and then converted them all. my bad hehe
Rogue may be good to stay alive and shrug off Bleed, but she doesn't stop his Regen, just mimics it. Loki might.
Ant man doesn’t reverse healing he only reduces it. Not an option.
Magik would work with a wolverine today, but not RoL. RoL wolv is different because he is back when wolverine’s regen wasn’t tied to his power bar, even at 0 power he will still regen 3k and 9k per tic for his two different regens.
guilly's sp2 can reverse healing, yondu can do heal block
No. Yondu's L1 has heal block without his signature ability.
I'd say for killing ROL reliably, Void is the #1 best option. Once he gets 2 petrify debuffs on Wolverine, the regen will stop completely. It'll reverse some of it if you have points in despair. Then once you get Fear of the Void AND the petrify debuffs, the health just falls off of him.
For a more extreme example, it is possible to solo the LOL X-23 with Void. You could possibly do it with Guillotine, but it would take a lot of luck and would likely result in at least a few revives.