Surprisingly cool visual bug

I don't know about everyone else, but I've been getting some interesting visual bugs since 17.0. I thought I'd share my current favourite, which is this fight scene with all the visual information stripped down, and the Special button replaced with a miniature sun, burning in the corner:

It makes it hard to tell when your opponent is near their next special threshold; but otherwise I rather like it! Definitely preferable to the widely-reported weirdness in the arena match-up screen:

What fun visual bugs have you guys been enjoying?
I'm on Android 7.0, on a Moto G5-plus, for reference. These bugs usually happen in the arena; particularly if I've paused the game and either opened a different app or allowed the screen to snooze.

It makes it hard to tell when your opponent is near their next special threshold; but otherwise I rather like it! Definitely preferable to the widely-reported weirdness in the arena match-up screen:

What fun visual bugs have you guys been enjoying?
I'm on Android 7.0, on a Moto G5-plus, for reference. These bugs usually happen in the arena; particularly if I've paused the game and either opened a different app or allowed the screen to snooze.
Don't have any bugs to share sorry.
I wonder if there's any relevance that this bug came back shortly after emergency maintenance?
Kabam should actually make potions like this
Still happening!