Bug with Agent Venom, possibly only for OnePlus 3 [Under Investigation]

Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
edited June 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues

There is a bug with AV's 1st special animation/behaviour. To make it clear, I can make a video of the bug with touches enabled so you can clearly see what the issue is.

To describe it better, whenever fighting AV, I experience this bug. When he fires off his 1st special, I cannot move until he fully holsters his guns and he can move after the 1st special's complete animation. Usually, you can charge in as soon as he's finished shooting the guns, giving you about 0.5-1s time window of when he's still in animation and you can attack him, but that is not the case for me.

I'm not sure if I've made myself clear enough or the video is needed, but I can fully demonstrate it with champs like Nightcrawler (when AV fires off his 1st special, you can see that NC is just stuck switching modes even though I'm trying to evade/attack)

I'm on 7.1.2 Android, and this issue has been around, for me at least on OnePlus 3, ever since 12.0. Then it got fixed in 13.0 but it came back up.

Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,705 ★★★★★
    Same problem here but on tab 3 Samsung can't attack after his sp1
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    Okay, seems like its not OP3 related. Anyone else got this problem ?
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Hey there @Lo4eath. Sorry that you're seeing this issue with Agent Venom. Would you be able to provide the video showing this issue? Thanks!
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey there @Lo4eath. Sorry that you're seeing this issue with Agent Venom. Would you be able to provide the video showing this issue? Thanks!

    Yes, i will record it now, sorry for the late response.
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
  • PatPat Member Posts: 25
    I've had this same issue dashing @ AV after he uses Sp1

    iPhone 7+; Current iOS; Current MCoC; Doesn't matter who i am fighting him with
  • cccar1420cccar1420 Member Posts: 57
    It happens to me like 6 out of 10 times sometimes I can rush in and get a combo in and sometimes I'm stuck blocking until he's finished with his S1 animation
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Can confirm, I'm on OnePlus3 as well and I can never punish Agent Venom's L1 even though I see streamers and youtuber's punish it all the time.
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    looks like lots of people have that problem
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Oh come on kabam. This has been an issue with av since his release. Stop with the **** need more information. It has always been this way on android. Any small amount of testing would show you this
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Oh come on kabam. This has been an issue with av since his release. Stop with the **** need more information. It has always been this way on android. Any small amount of testing would show you this

    actually, it worked good during 13.0 i think, but then they released the small patch and freezing + this AV bug returned
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    @Kabam Wolf Can you confirm or deny this has been passed over to the "bugs" team? Info has been provided
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    @Kabam Wolf is the video sufficient ?
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey @Lo4eath. Sorry for the delay over the weekend! I'll get this to the team, and update you here once I have more information. Thanks!
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    edited June 2017
    Having the same issue since over a month ago: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/322/agent-venom-l1-doesnt-allow-me-to-attack-for-2-3-seconds

    It doesn't happen on iOS. Only on my Android devices (moto x 2nd gen, google pixel).
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    Seeing this alot with any multi hit ranged special attack.
  • Slux83Slux83 Member Posts: 357 ★★
    edited June 2017
    I have the same issue on OnePlus3 but I noticed a workaround.

    Once he fires the projectiles you block but you release the block just after the last bullet has been fired. This way I can swipe forward and hit him.

    EDIT: Actually I tested it and not always works.. it must be a glitch
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    Unfortunately this is still an issue in v14. Tested Wolverine duel against AV
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,705 ★★★★★
    Same here I tried it after update and it states that fixed blocking in and out of champs yet still occurs on AV on trying to unblock after his sp1
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey guys. The team is still looking into this one for us, so hopefully we'll have a fix ready before long. Thanks again for hanging in there!
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    Is this in the 14.1 patch notes? I don't see it
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    @Kabam Wolf it's been fixed in this patch (again). Please tell the team to not mess with it again :D
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