Arena Cutoffs - What the Heck?

DragonfeiDragonfei Member Posts: 263 ★★

I know we're all a bit distracted with the Vision offer that just came out, but is anyone else mystified as to what happened with arena cutoffs this past round? Not only did Proxima have an unheard of catastrophic drop in score (50.4 million to 16~ million) for cutoffs, but look at the discrepancy in those two pictures.

30 million difference in only 30 spots? So thirty people scored between those two scores and that's it? Even with the hype surrounding her?

To a lesser extent, the 4* cutoffs mystify me just as much. Not only did she increase from round one to round two (not something we've seen in the past three "new" features - Sentinel, Sabertooth, Bishop), there are more than 65 spots stuffed in 200k worth of cutoff.

14.03 million didn't get her. Placement was 865.
14.23 million and higher DID get her.

Something feels off, because this bucks all of the arena trends that we have been seeing over the past few months since the 5* arena was released. It not only bucks it, it kicks it out the window, down about 100 stories to fall into a pit of lava.

Anyone else think this is weird?


  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    Nothing makes sense anymore. The whole world is upside down.
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    Do u think 5* Hyperion second cutoff will drop like this? Cause im expecting a pretty high cutoff on round 1
  • HawkeHawke Member Posts: 46
    edited April 2018
    That looks like the 5* and 4* featured posted together...
    Cutoffs to get the 5* featured were reported to be 53,200,000
    Cutoffs for the 4* are reported at 14,745,982

    Or it's just a troll post where someone photoshopped the 5 in 23 million to make it look like a 2.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    She lost a lot of initial hype, all youtubers said she was God tier and amazing, then after first arena most that got her realized she's not the easiest to use and not a great option for LOL so they gave up.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Hawke wrote: »
    That looks like the 5* and 4* featured posted together...
    Cutoffs to get the 5* featured were reported to be 53,200,000
    Cutoffs for the 4* are reported at 14,745,982

    Or it's just a troll post where someone photoshopped the 5 in 23 million to make it look like a 2.

    So multiple people are photoshopping?
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    I being one of the first arenas 150 decided to just use a gem rather than spend the time and units for the second round. If there were enough ppl with similiar plans that could take a large portion of the pool out of the heavy grinders. She also relies on being awakened so those who missed on the first round may have surrendered the second round becuase it was kinda pointless. Also Hype was announceed at the beginning of day 2 for proxima and that may have caused people to stop fir prox rather than grind 2-3 weeks for favored champions.

    Its all guess work, simple thing is not as many put up the grind for the second round as the first.
  • HatshipuhHatshipuh Member Posts: 146
    There weren't 150 people left to do 50m again after a torturous 1st round, simple as that...
  • Rednick69Rednick69 Member Posts: 325
    Ban wave.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian

    I know we're all a bit distracted with the Vision offer that just came out, but is anyone else mystified as to what happened with arena cutoffs this past round? Not only did Proxima have an unheard of catastrophic drop in score (50.4 million to 16~ million) for cutoffs, but look at the discrepancy in those two pictures.

    30 million difference in only 30 spots? So thirty people scored between those two scores and that's it? Even with the hype surrounding her?

    To a lesser extent, the 4* cutoffs mystify me just as much. Not only did she increase from round one to round two (not something we've seen in the past three "new" features - Sentinel, Sabertooth, Bishop), there are more than 65 spots stuffed in 200k worth of cutoff.

    14.03 million didn't get her. Placement was 865.
    14.23 million and higher DID get her.

    Something feels off, because this bucks all of the arena trends that we have been seeing over the past few months since the 5* arena was released. It not only bucks it, it kicks it out the window, down about 100 stories to fall into a pit of lava.

    Anyone else think this is weird?

    It is unusual, but such dramatic drop offs have happened in the past. Scores are not determined by math. Scores are determined by psychology. Sometimes, when a first round score is very low, the second round is very high because the initial low score attracts a lot of attention and encourages more players to try in the second round. Conversely, sometimes when the first round score is very high, it discourages players from trying as much in the second round and the scores drop, simply because fewer people are pushing as hard.

    When Iceman was the 4* featured he went for over 14 million in the first round, back when that was a really high score. He only went for 10 million in round two, possibly because the 14 million discouraged enough players from trying in round two.

    Also, most people know they aren't going to (ordinarily) get into the top 150, just like in the past most players knew they were not going to be able to get into the top 800 with 4* featured. In the 4* arena the data suggested that only about 1000 players seriously shot for the 4* featured champ: scores dropped dramatically past that point. Something similar is probably happening in the 5* featured arena: only about 200 to maybe 250 players are seriously trying. So it only takes a small number of them to decide to drop out to make the cut off plummet.
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