Dropped Blocks Come On, Kabam

Is there any update on this issue? I can now give specific examples as it just happened to me twice which is such poop. 4.4.1 against Storm, my blocks just DROPPED (and of course, she kills me with a nice 5 hit combo) using my Blade and my Archangel. Literally thumb pressing screen, blocks just dropped as she starts to hit me. No video, but this is a specific example to get tested.
Edit: if it also makes a difference, it was my 100% path (starting from Joe Fixit, and taking the White Magneto end path to Storm).
Android 7.0
MCoC 17.2.0
Cellular Network
Edit: if it also makes a difference, it was my 100% path (starting from Joe Fixit, and taking the White Magneto end path to Storm).
Android 7.0
MCoC 17.2.0
Cellular Network
This discussion has been closed.
either way this needs to be fixed in v.18.0 coming out this 25th of april. if this update does fix it then itll just justify why I dont spend anymore.
my reasoning and constructive criticism is why will i spend to play a bugged game?
months and months to fix bugs and lag and other issues is too long to take for a very profitable company like kabam who is lucky enough to be able to get a marvel license.
i wish marvel would step in for the fans to get us a working stable game.
i hope the next fixes things cause a lot of players are getting tired with bugs NOT being fixed after 3-4 months now.
please kabam for the love of the god and marvel FIX this game and keep it fixed!
we need our faith restored again after the failed aq changes, aw seasons piloting/cheating issues and the bugs we are forced to play through since bugs havent been fixed yet.
kabam can make this right
LG V30
It wouldn't be as bad if A. Kabam actually addressed the f'ing problems and 2. I get reimbursed for all the items I've had to purchase due to their BS problems. It's more likely God comes down to the heavens and makes itself known before Kabam would ever do either of these points.
If you are having performance issues, please use our static threads for iOS or Android about these issues so that we can gather all of the relevant information required in one place. As mentioned in our investigation threads, this is an ongoing process and any device information or specific, detailed reports you can provide are very helpful.
Please do not open new threads to ask for status updates.