Why does Kabam feel the need to hide prestige from the players?



  • Batpotter1Batpotter1 Member Posts: 348
    I've been playing this game since the first few months of release and I have never understood why prestige was such a big secret that Kabam enjoyed keeping from the player base. It is a huge part of the game and they refuse to share this info. The fact that we have to rely on third party community sourced prestige info seems pretty silly to me.

    Is there some legitimate reason for Kabam to keep this information hidden from players? I get why they did not want to reveal drop rates for crystals since it would hurt sales. But I do not see how releasing prestige info would. Why the veil of secrecy ?

    It is so you reset your masteries and pay money to redo all the masteries with units
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    I love the idea of resetting my masteries for 200 units every time I put a sig stone on my top champs.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    The information is always available online.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    The information is always available online.

    Which we’ve established is not entirely accurate.
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  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    You don't need to take masteries off just look in the right place for it..p7z3g64c9qvn.jpg
    Although as already said calculators aren't exactly accurate so I'd probably go by the games prestige..
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    Ok as I'm alliance free I started an alli (just me as a member) according to that my starting prestige would be..d1wye1hmwzfz.png
    So now we're faced with 3 sets of numbers..
    Very close to the CHQ number.. I agree it would be easier to get it set out and able to see in profile.. But until then short of starting an alli or using a 3rd party app to see, the best you'll get is by using the strongest team section.. (At one point starting prestige and strongest team matched up perfectly I was surprised to see a difference this time, could be a glitch from a recent update but who knows)
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★

    What's even more strange is they said the community tool isn't quite accurate... they have known for awhile and still done nothing to correct it. So we have all just been reaching in the dark for 3+ years apparently smh I'm so sick of this

    The prestige calculators are accurate enough that the discrepancies are not significant. I've dropped masteries and tested the calculators and found them to be very accurate. We are hardly reaching in the dark. And as others have stated you can find out your exact prestige any time you want to without using the calculators.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Batpotter1 wrote: »

    It is so you reset your masteries and pay money to redo all the masteries with units

    Do you really think they make money on people dropping masteries to check their prestige? It is possible to use units without spending money lol
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  • The_GrandmasterThe_Grandmaster Member Posts: 205
    1st off prestige should be readily accessible to players in game with that said, we have been getting along just fine for 3+ years and I would personally rather see Kabam fix all the broken aspects of the game before they drop back and work on a way for us to easily see our prestige in game. I'd wager that the online calculators are at least 95% accurate and that seems to be plenty good enough for anything I have ever needed.
  • TheGladiator02TheGladiator02 Member Posts: 33
    This should be a better title:
    “Why does Kabam feel the need to hide prestige from players and use it to identify infinity dungeon milestones?”
    I mean if we can't calculate in game it why is it a stepping stone for better rewards? And they could easily change the requirement to strongest team or total base hero rating.
    By the way i just became available to the last 7.5k milestone by ranking up Stark Spidey. It wasn't my intention to rank spidey for prestige and i didn't even know i unlocked the milestone lol.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★

    Their internal metrics for Rewards and Difficulty are based on Prestige, yes. It's the Players that decided to maximize that in order to maximize Rewards, and made it an absolute requirement for Members.

    To be fair, why wouldn't the players do this? The rewards are the tools to progression and progression is not only the goal of all players, but the business model that this game is built on. With Kabam rewarding higher prestige, they have created the prestige driven culture that exists in alliances. Obviously we have no idea if this was Kabam's original intent or not, but it doesn't take a psychologist to figure out that if you reward a behavior, people will likely respond by adapting that behavior.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    The information is always available online.
    are you even reading what this thread is about.

    Just stop with this nonsense about prestige race players made up your always going on about. This is a contest if am not mistaken an alliances COMPETE against each other. Kabam has made the rules on what you need to strive for to compete in AQ.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    Their internal metrics for Rewards and Difficulty are based on Prestige, yes. It's the Players that decided to maximize that in order to maximize Rewards, and made it an absolute requirement for Members.

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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    Clearly you're just looking to argue on a personal level, so I'm going to abstain from that, thanks.
  • PurveyorPurveyor Member Posts: 201 ★★
    IOSJasoN wrote: »
    You don't need to take masteries off just look in the right place for it..p7z3g64c9qvn.jpg
    Although as already said calculators aren't exactly accurate so I'd probably go by the games prestige..

    The strongest team metric includes synergy. It’s also not technically your highest ranked team. It’s the highest rated team you have completed a quest with. So the only way it shows your prestige is if your top 5 prestige champs have no synergy and you have completed a quest with said team.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★
    Jaffacaked wrote: »

    People think your out of touch because of the crazy silly things you say an stick too, even when you get smacked in the face with facts.

    You know....what a shame that I was actually having a sincere conversation with @GroundedWisdom and others just resort to attacks. Obviously he and I have different perspectives on the prestige issue, but we are able to express those opinions without insulting each other. (Unlike @Batman05 who on the first page of this thread called those of us that want our prestige listed in-game "lazy and ignorant".....but hey, it is more popular to attack @GroundedWisdom )

  • KingsamKingsam Member Posts: 109
    It's because kabam doesn't even have the info for prestige. They probably alter it for those whales out there.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    They just seem to like keeping things secret from from the players for some reason. There is no reason it can't be displayed just like PI.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Prestige is the gauge they use to determine Rewards, yes. It's also fair that people want to increase their Rewards. However, the extremes that Players take it is not likely their intended focus. It's perfectly acceptable that people want to be aware of their own standing. The "Prestige Race" itself is not something they created.

    You cannot honestly be saying that prestige is the gauge that is used to determine rewards, but also that the players created the prestige race?
    Is that what you're saying? Because that is the biggest heap of steaming mouth-faeces I've ever read on these forums. I just hope that one day you'll see how ridiculously contradictory those two statements are.
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    Just removed all masteries and it was a waste
    Prestige calculators are correct
    Don't know what trash kabam be spouting
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★

    Their internal metrics for Rewards and Difficulty are based on Prestige, yes. It's the Players that decided to maximize that in order to maximize Rewards, and made it an absolute requirement for Members.

    Shouldn't they?People want rewards,And so,They set a prestige requirement.

    Besides,I haven't seen one prestige calculator with an old man logan and he's in my top 5.
    I'm sure many others also face this issue as prestige calculators are not ALWAYS right.

    Prestige was a "metric" for only AQ until now,And so,Making prestige available to be seen in-game only makes logical sense.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Wow prestige is coming out of the shadows. No more hiding from players.
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