Juggernaut delayed unstoppable

iPhone 7 Plus- latest update
Juggernaut will fire off a special and will not go unstoppable until well after the special has ended and I hit him at least once. Sometimes I can hit him twice before unstoppable will suddenly appear. It is much more frequent when using Blade (danger sense) and AA when he has 1 or two stacks of neurotoxin. Haven’t tested it with other ability reduction champs. Sometimes it will have a delayed unstoppable, pop up with unstoppable and then Expire right away. I Don’t fight jugs all that often outside of ROL but I just had it happen in dungeon six, room two as mini boss as well (using Blade with GR and SS synergy)
Juggernaut will fire off a special and will not go unstoppable until well after the special has ended and I hit him at least once. Sometimes I can hit him twice before unstoppable will suddenly appear. It is much more frequent when using Blade (danger sense) and AA when he has 1 or two stacks of neurotoxin. Haven’t tested it with other ability reduction champs. Sometimes it will have a delayed unstoppable, pop up with unstoppable and then Expire right away. I Don’t fight jugs all that often outside of ROL but I just had it happen in dungeon six, room two as mini boss as well (using Blade with GR and SS synergy)
1 triggers during his special attack (which is kinda useless) and one triggers after he has recovered, which is probably what you're experiencing most of the time, when ability accuracy reduction (Blade's danger sense, AA's neuros or Assassin mastery) stops the first from triggering, but the second still triggers.
However, when you mention that it pops up and expires straightaway....yeah, I got nothing, sorry.
He used to only have one but they couldn't get it to work right where it would last through the special and only start the unstoppable timer after the special ended. So to get around that they just added a 2nd, separate one that starts once the special ends. It's the same with Unstoppable Colossus. So the answer: poor coding.