We won a war and dropped 4 tiers !!!!!

Before 2 days we were tier 8 with war rating 1389, we won the war and we became tier7 and 1439 war rating

When we start attacking today we noticed our war rating is only 989 and we are in tier 12
So it looks there's a bug or something wrong here

When we start attacking today we noticed our war rating is only 989 and we are in tier 12
So it looks there's a bug or something wrong here

Why just why the joke.
You need to figure out who it is quickly and remove them before your alliance faces further penalties.
Worst thing is kabam make gifts to some players random, benefit that players over others. They call "random gifts". So some people receive cc4 and even 4* champs for gifts for egxample.... While others nothing. This is crazzy right? Or am only one to see this?
Then they have some bug with aw rating and explain there is a cheater. So so manny cheaters we have, with so manny rating war drops!
I bet if you search well, no one in your ally was banned!
this is not really a valid statement.
dont take ths statement as me condoning cheating cus i do not. i would never cheat and believe all cheaters should be banned although at these tier levels the nodes are much easier you are still facing opponents of similar strength.
so one might not need to cheat to clear the battle group but your opponent is also having an easy time.
my ally is tier 11 and we win only around 50% of wars. it is not unlike at top tiers in the sense that it comes down to either 98% v 100% exploration, or the amount of death or the amount of diversity. so we clear 100% and still lose just the same as you would in top tiers.
one may feel they need to cheat to just simply be better than the other team.
because the whole alliance benifits from one person if the cheating causes victory
and the whole other alliance gets screwed. all cus of one person.
The problem that me and my friend(450k rating) took the bosses in AW and up to now we didn't know who was cheating, i didn't notice something abnormal about any member.
I think Kabam have the tools to know cheaters and therefore they should punish individuals not all alliance members.
The only responses my guild has been able to do is to stop taking new people by setting our status as Open, and to stop spending money on units if they're not going to help us win wars.
Otherwise, the honest players can keep doing what they've done, continue to be punished for things outside their control, and eventually quit. I don't want that, and I doubt think Kabam wants that either.
be careful of who you recruit. don't just recruit random people,
I see ur point but ur alliance has gained in someway from a cheater whether or not you knew is unfortunate. But it needs to be done.
If a player on a sporting team cheats. Then the team suffers a loss of points. Cus the cheating player contributed to those results and therefore the results may have been different if there was no cheating.
I do however hope that kabam look at how longnthe cheater has been in the ally for. If the cheater has been 10 wars+ then the punishment should be severe. If he cheater has only been in thenally for one war only the points and rating from last war should be deducted/adjusted
This Dungeon thing is an atemp to do that, players "recruit" friends to game. So kabam as lazy they are put the players some way recruit for them.
Other egxample is bots in chats: we complain and they answer to report and block, what should be work of they lazzy fingers.
And so on. Allys is based in recruiting, because not all can play active for so long. So we are always recruiting. So we have also investigate the history game of player? How???? This should be work of lazzy kabam.
I want know the name ot cheater if there was a cheater! If was your mistake, just assume your mistake. You even can call it a bug.
BUT if piloters gets punishments (resources deduction for moving other's acc) then only ppl will stop piloting others acc because their own resources will be deducted as punishments... otherwise they wont stop piloting and fair players in alliance will keep paying the price again and again...defaulters will keep changing alliance and good players will keep getting punished because of them.....am not saying all these for any perticular alliance... just for permanent solution of storpping account piloting this should be done by kabam....
I tell you more: there are players that want stay first week free from donations because in end of that week he "jump" again to other ally. To this ones we dont give a chance, there are players that like play with resources of other players. Problem is that other Allys acept this behaviour. 2 weeks ago week i didnt give a chance to this player (he already had a copy+past message asking first week free from donations , message he usually send to every ally that enters), and imagine, he already change 2 times of Ally with dame strategy.
Its Impossible for us officers know how if a recruit will be a cheater. Its Impossible @Kabam Miike
I already sent to kabam more than 20 messages to know if there was a cheater and if yes who, and i always receive same copy+past message from kabam.
So kabam.... I come here to Bargain.
Blaming the new guy isn't always the correct choice, and really messes up everything.
What Kabam should do is tell the leader exactly who it is, OR, just ban the account, so Leaders can know what is going on.
As for cheaters in war, that is actually the right move by Kabam, a war shouldn't count if one side has cheaters, and the other side don't. Yeah, it sucks that 99% of the alliance had no clue, but, Kabam has no other option here.