Who is the worst character on the game?

rawhineyrawhiney Member Posts: 50
edited June 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
Who is the worst character on the game? If you choose other plz tell us who.

Who is the worst character on the game? 269 votes

iron patriot
GunzoRenegade_DoggyFluffydragon2HeartlessAEG93D_S_Marsh88MjbootsTryakshaDrePiviotsaiboneRRItay1234212cccar1420AppleisgodSpeedbumpNumanARMAGEDDON999GAM3RGUYFilmScorpion 52 votes
Luke cage
Yelin547kunal_rules01OGHeRRoAakashJosh2PlayAndrewFireballs5vg2782BazingoFaustbelli300RaaINTEGRALDocMcShottieNikskiniMoshfree93Fel_95DK1825GaseousClayGreatScott 46 votes
Dark89Phoenix 1 vote
ArcDeAngelusGolden_GuardianThebgj01FuzzylumpsHaji_SaabStefffLoPrestiSpity68TheManMythLegendBosko888670Joey0480Dave2442trey920087abo2aMikeh8nyADDZZJac094SpiritCedricccScorpionsKrypt 49 votes
NoobeeusRotmgmoddySparhaukOngellSirnoobSlowDigzAlfa_PigeonDLegendDrakon56LeNoirFaineantStrategicWorld EaterA_Noob_Is1CuteshelfditCdaveShynight00AppieTheLazyKinggr3nd3lDonaldJTrump69 121 votes


  • Dave2442Dave2442 Member Posts: 109
    Here is my opinion.

    At least Iron Patriot has regen to save him at the end of the fight.

    Luke Cage is not a bad character. He is an AMAZING defender! if you rank 5/50 him and place him in AW as a defender your opponent will get pissed with his Physical resistance plus the 6 seconds of Indestructible in the beginning.

    Vemon is a good champion. I do not have him yet, but ever since I started the game my dream is to get him.

    Hulkbuster is just a fat iron man without regen.
  • rawhineyrawhiney Member Posts: 50
    iron patriot
    Thanks for your opinion
  • rawhineyrawhiney Member Posts: 50
    iron patriot
    Its a tough battle for the worst person on the game
  • MonasouMonasou Member Posts: 143
    Joe Fixit. awakened 4* R3 30/30 hits for less than 100 and puts multiple useless debuffs on opponents allowing them to regen off willpower when i end up throwing him on an arena team. he's not just bad, he's detrimental to winning a fight.
  • CheyneedCheyneed Member Posts: 95
    She Hulk and Fix-It are both worse than all the champs on that list
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Awakened Luke Cage shouldn't be on this pole. His ability can save you from lots of mistakes in AQ
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Quake hate using her

    You are bad at this game lol.

    Personal thing really don't want to really learn her so for me she's meh
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    Come on guys Venom is pretty good himself. Not AWESOME but fairly decent!
  • MayurMayur Member Posts: 1
    Everyone forgot Spider Gwen
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Mayur wrote: »
    Everyone forgot Spider Gwen

    I thought about Spider Gwen. Her L1 is stupid obviously, and she isn't good, but there are lots of worse champs lol
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited June 2017
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Quake hate using her

    You are bad at this game lol.

    Personal thing really don't want to really learn her so for me she's meh

    Quake is good though. Not wanting to learn her isn't a good take on a good champ. And I retract my original statement. You may not actually be a bad player, but that's a bad take.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Not preaching for her to be buffed r anything I know she is good if ur willing to learn her I'm not got champs I would rather use so to me she's at the bottom of the list others might like her good for them
  • SickBanter69SickBanter69 Member Posts: 28
    How did venom get on the list, he's good tier and much better than carnage (IMO)
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    iron patriot
    Also Kamala Khan, Ant man, Old Man Logan and Spider Gwen
  • GreatScottGreatScott Member Posts: 107
    Luke cage
    Cheyneed wrote: »
    She Hulk and Fix-It are both worse than all the champs on that list

    She Hulk I'd agree. Fix It is actually awesome if you have deep wounds maxed. His sp1 can stack like 5 bleeds and deep wounds would take off an additional 1% for each bleed stack. His sp3 bleed damage is one of the highest in the game, with maxed deep wounds it's extended 2.5 seconds. She Hulk is just bad period, her stuns don't process at a high enough percentage to be useful and her attack is weak, you could use her heavy when stunned. But what if you're fighting on a stun immune node what does she have, nothing.
  • MarleyMarley Member Posts: 12
    For me its magneto. Not fun to play with. Has a very short reach.
  • GreatScottGreatScott Member Posts: 107
    Luke cage
    Marley wrote: »
    For me its magneto. Not fun to play with. Has a very short reach.

    Magneto duped is only good at a high sig level. He'll eat more sp3's than anyone in the game. Unduped or duped at a low sig level, yea he's pretty bad. He's one of the strongest marvel champions he definitely needs to be buffed.
  • GreatScottGreatScott Member Posts: 107
    Luke cage
    Awakened Luke Cage shouldn't be on this pole. His ability can save you from lots of mistakes in AQ

    What if he's unduped? I mean he's this huge guy who hits like his fists are made of pillows. His only real redeeming quality is he's bleed immune.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    It's definitely carnage.

    His extremely low bleeds, slow ramp up time, overall low stats make him virtually useless.

    All the other trash tier champs have a use, carnag has nothing.
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  • Fel_95Fel_95 Member Posts: 347 ★★
    Luke cage
    where's Kamala Khan? she's the worst one. Luke's close second
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    1. why is venom on here? He's a solid defender.
    2. It's a tie between iron patriot, hulkbuster, and she hulk. Kamala khan hits harder than all of them combined.
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