IMIW and Domino are game breaking champs

IMIW - in war, people who have him in high tiers can basically stop the other alliance. If you don't have him you're **** out of luck and you will lose wars.
Domino - enough has been said about her lazy game-breaking design. When a champ affects the abilities of every other champ in the game and has no counter, that's game-breaking.
Something has gotta be done about these champs. Fix them. Remove some abilities. It's ridiculous how this is the direction the game is going.
Domino - enough has been said about her lazy game-breaking design. When a champ affects the abilities of every other champ in the game and has no counter, that's game-breaking.
Something has gotta be done about these champs. Fix them. Remove some abilities. It's ridiculous how this is the direction the game is going.
There's a harder node for him that I won't say but he is near impossible on that. Wayyyyyy harder than on 38
This. Every new challenge has the same reaction. Sometimes you have to practice to become efficient at it. Which means you will probably fail once in a while.
Please, these champs are not game breaking in any way
They're only hard due to the fact were not used to them yet. Happens with every new champion
Actually ironman is pretty easy now for most just watch videos, don't hit him when he has 3 or more armors, be prepared to use Dex on all his specials and when he is below 15 use only heavies.
Not arc.
I was using vision against her. My parry failed, she evaded me and then killed me with 1 combo
Yea I think it's starting to catch on, we faced it this morning in war. Oof I felt bad for my alliance mate who had to fight it completely unexpectedly.
Domino has the same unavoidable damage others have, but at a slower rate, and it doesn't scale with node attack buffs.
The addition of IMIW is something I like. He is hard, he is beatable, but it makes you change your play style. If you need help with how to fight him ask that question. You'll probably have better luck with asking for help than asking for a nerf.
I'm not outraged as much as a lot of people here as I didn't find her to be terribly difficult, however I'm extremely worried that in the mix of all this craziness happening with her, and the fact that there's hundreds of "abilities" loosely defined in this game, that she's actually broken - even only if slightly - and it's hard to prove it because we don't truly know what she should and shouldn't be triggering lucky on.
I've seen people's *blocks* get triggered on, is that supposed to happen? Is a block an ability? If so why isn't a light/medium attack? I truly feel something's off with her that the devs need to fix but we just won't be able to get to that point unless we get some detailed dev responses to the questions in all these threads.
Things are being lost in translation with the mods and the devs/game team. No doubt in my mind.
Same cost as Dormammu AW bosses cost players from February to October 2017 before Blade was released
You and I tend to see this game, gameplay through the same lens.
I have the 3-star Domino, and awakened her. Played it pretty thoroughly last night.
I haven't written about it yet because, yeah, we should all be concerned. I don't play high-level AW, am basically a solo player now.
But I am not a noob. Week 1 player, 500K roster even with a weaker 5-star bench. I have seen everything that has happened in this game.
Domino. Yeah. People should maybe be a little concerned about this one -- and I don't normally sweat powerful characters and game design