Deadpool Arena: The 72-hour Android Experiment



  • CallmelaFleurCallmelaFleur Member Posts: 235 ★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    there is alot to optimizing a game for android.
    it is not just as simple as optimizing it to run on the OS.
    there are many changes each manufacturer make to the os specific to their devices.

    also when a program is optimized it also need to be optimized to the hardware of the device. this is easy for apple as the devices are limited and all the same.

    this is impossible for android as there are so many devices using different hardware configuration.
    totally impossible once you realise that Android OS is not optimized for each set of hardware just as windows is not optimized for pc.

    have you ever noticed a new apppple pc boots and loads faster than a new windows PC??? even when spppecs of windows pc can be better....
    have you ever noticed that different pc games run optimally on AMD cards or Gforce video cards but never both?????

    True and proper optimization can never happen whilst there is vastly different hardware at play.

    Samsung should be pretty high on the optimization list. Ah, Oh a MaC? Not talking about that. My omen gaming PC has a SSD and boots instantly.
  • CallmelaFleurCallmelaFleur Member Posts: 235 ★★
    Jwagg wrote: »
    Here's the thing, yes there are to many android devices to optimize them all bit how about starting with the more popular brands and optimizing those. You don't have to make it run smooth on someone's 3 year pld lg virgin mobile phone but how about making the game work on the latest Samsung phones, don't be lazy kabam.

    Thank you sir. Everyone likes to take the other side. Lets just make the contest even or let IOS and ANDROID have 2 separate arenas.
  • RedStars82RedStars82 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2018
    I join the discussion and I saw that some people (not all) who have IPhone devices are just trolling (without realising it I guess, in the other hand I won't tell what I am thinking, I stay polite not like some guys). Some articles tell that time loading is better on Note 8 (when app had been launched). I will not respond to trolls a second time. I have other things to do.

    Without that fact, of course Kabam can respond that they can't optimize for all Android version and all devices. That can be a good answer about technical difficulties. But I want to say that if we want we can. And with all the money they earn, I think they can. They may start with device which is mostly used and the second, the third, etc. (or with the most recent). That will prove they want to make efforts.

    Sorry for my bad english if it is but I think I can be understood. Good game at all.
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  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    the problem is to optimize for android would have to be done on a per device basis.
    i agree they should.
    i play on both iphone and android.
    speed and graphics are far superior on iphone but i prefer my android for everything other than mcoc.

    what is something that makes it extremely difficult (not impossible) to optimize for android is also the fact that the android OS itself is not infact optimized for the device it it running on. so you are infact trying to optimize a program to run on a device where its OS is not optimized.
    this would mean that there is probably no way to make mcoc run as good on any android device as it can on i iOs device however surely it can be made better than what it is. itr would just take alot more work.
    the problem would then become the time required to make each update and the size of the game as it would include extra coding and optimization for a miriad of devices which would inturn increase it size drastically.

    i am not just talking out my ass i do delve into programming myself so i do have a good understanding of how this works.
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  • buggysitehaveaccontbuggysitehaveaccont Member Posts: 158
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    the problem is to optimize for android would have to be done on a per device basis.
    i agree they should.
    i play on both iphone and android.
    speed and graphics are far superior on iphone but i prefer my android for everything other than mcoc.

    what is something that makes it extremely difficult (not impossible) to optimize for android is also the fact that the android OS itself is not infact optimized for the device it it running on. so you are infact trying to optimize a program to run on a device where its OS is not optimized.
    this would mean that there is probably no way to make mcoc run as good on any android device as it can on i iOs device however surely it can be made better than what it is. itr would just take alot more work.
    the problem would then become the time required to make each update and the size of the game as it would include extra coding and optimization for a miriad of devices which would inturn increase it size drastically.

    i am not just talking out my ass i do delve into programming myself so i do have a good understanding of how this works.

    no, they should never combined players from macintosh and android, kept android players vs android players and macintosh vs macintosh.
    not sure, but do ps4 fight xbox users? pc fighting console users?
    just clicking help on ONE(1) champ used in versus could take anything from 3-20 seconds on android devices, insane how much time is wasted, i think it is faster to not click help and just grind all champs as when you use your last 3 champs the top 3 have cooled down and ready to be used again, clicking help on android is like watching paint dry(mr beast lol)
  • B012B012 Member Posts: 39
    this has nothing to do with kabam. and speaking off im a android user. if you want android to load faster, ask them to steal tech from iphone
  • 0chris9999999990chris999999999 Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2018
    At OP - you continue to prove my point. You have not done the requisite research, yet you wring your hands and whine. You read a spec sheet but are oblivious to core you even code? Yes, your phone is quite new but YES your phone is quite inferior because the OEM is not a damn software company. Nobody, and I mean nobody sings the praises of Touchwiz - you are using forked android, not pure vanilla. I’m not going to teach you the basics since you are going to act like a petulant child. Go do the research, because you know nothing about your phone. Next time maybe choose a company that not only controls the operating system but hardware and supply chain as well. Ever heard of optimization? They are not running stock ARM dude. Everything is customized
  • CallmelaFleurCallmelaFleur Member Posts: 235 ★★
    CpcBoyboy wrote: »
    Jwagg wrote: »
    Here's the thing, yes there are to many android devices to optimize them all bit how about starting with the more popular brands and optimizing those. You don't have to make it run smooth on someone's 3 year pld lg virgin mobile phone but how about making the game work on the latest Samsung phones, don't be lazy kabam.

    Thank you sir. Everyone likes to take the other side. Lets just make the contest even or let IOS and ANDROID have 2 separate arenas.

    how can u do seperate arena?? 1 account can run on both os .. i have ios and android , i have a lot of tablets and phones, but all phones are...Iphones... i switch and log on my differents account,but the fact is.. i prefer far far iphone for game ...

    arenas now need more odins in reload ..why?? because its a competition only top200 are gonna win.. others will cry, like top800 feat 801th will cry, ,

    I won. On an android. I posted this prior to learning my place in the arena. 171st 20,034,543 BTW Money/units/refreshing we can all do that. The difference is the discrepancy in the available time to do so in the arena for IOS users vs Android. Hence an edge, an advantage, a leg up. A competition where the average joes have to compete against Olympians on steroids - not a fan.
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  • Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Side note-
    There is a strange anomaly when I run MCOC sometimes. For about 30 minutes it runs super fast and snappy, the load times seem decreased and it feels like I'm optimized. 1% of the time though.

    That sounds like your device thermal throttles after 30 minutes of use, which makes sense.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    I fixed the android issue by switching to an iPhone 8 Plus. Every bug or lag issue I was experiencing is completely gone now. You can buy one at almost any Walmart or service provider. Apple will even ship one to your house.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    Side note-
    There is a strange anomaly when I run MCOC sometimes. For about 30 minutes it runs super fast and snappy, the load times seem decreased and it feels like I'm optimized. 1% of the time though.

    That sounds like your device thermal throttles after 30 minutes of use, which makes sense.

    It could also be resource management. Even on iPhones, I notice that from version to version the game will get faster, then jumpier, then back again. Right now on my iPhone X the game seems to be managing graphics resources in a particularly funky way that makes the game studder at times when switching between screens with a lot of graphic elements like champion profile pics. If MCOC is itself not very well optimized for mobile devices, it is possible that iOS happens to work with that better than Android. iOS seems much more aggressive about things like swapping, while Android I think is less aggressive. That difference means Android can sometimes switch active apps faster than iOS can, but iOS can run chunky apps better than Android at other times, all other things being equal (which they rarely are).
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    the problem is to optimize for android would have to be done on a per device basis.
    i agree they should.
    i play on both iphone and android.
    speed and graphics are far superior on iphone but i prefer my android for everything other than mcoc.

    what is something that makes it extremely difficult (not impossible) to optimize for android is also the fact that the android OS itself is not infact optimized for the device it it running on. so you are infact trying to optimize a program to run on a device where its OS is not optimized.
    this would mean that there is probably no way to make mcoc run as good on any android device as it can on i iOs device however surely it can be made better than what it is. itr would just take alot more work.
    the problem would then become the time required to make each update and the size of the game as it would include extra coding and optimization for a miriad of devices which would inturn increase it size drastically.

    i am not just talking out my ass i do delve into programming myself so i do have a good understanding of how this works.

    Sorry fellow dev, but that isn't what is going on here, and no, it doesn't have to be on a per device basis, they don't code to the metal.

    Case it point, take the game play itself (the fighting). They both run pretty much identical, do they not? They didn't have to optimize on a per device basis as you think it needs to be. They just spent the $$$ here to be pretty much identical to the iOS version.

    Now, as for the loading, they pretty much coded it for the lowest spec device out there, instead of having an intelligent loading routine that can take full advantage of the available RAM higher-end devices have to offer while still not breaking any API rules to remain compatible with their target OS requirements.

    They could spend a weekend or two and speed it up by at least 30-50% if not more by simply rewriting the JIT loading routines to native C/C++, and if they want to optimize further I would say they could pretty much get it to be the same as the iOS version.

    Why doesn't Kabam do this? Boils down to cost. Testing & more testing isn't exactly cheap, and the suits have said "good enough", so, unless lots of people complain they won't do anything about it.
  • CallmelaFleurCallmelaFleur Member Posts: 235 ★★
    "you was lucky" I was also dedicated, sick as I could be and determined to push myself. All luck.
  • Ultra_GalactusUltra_Galactus Member Posts: 35
    @CallmelaFleur I completely agree on the side note... you can tell because the screen zooms in further than normal at the start of your fight, you also get a larger area to swipe back into causing me to get hit from the AI much much less which is a huge advantage especially in end game content... the game feels super smooth, no whiffed hits, lag during an evade etc... all good, but its very rare. So if it can work then it would be great to see that all the time for us android users (note 8 user)
  • KinemglaviKinemglavi Member Posts: 7
    Side note-
    There is a strange anomaly when I run MCOC sometimes. For about 30 minutes it runs super fast and snappy, the load times seem decreased and it feels like I'm optimized. 1% of the time though.

    That sounds like your device thermal throttles after 30 minutes of use, which makes sense.

    Quickshot it's not the thermal throttling because it doesn't heat at all like ever. There is a 30 fps limiter on the game and that counts for both iphone and android. No idea about the reason behind it but I've played over 4 hours on 60 fps and the phone didn't get any sign of heat and ran smoothly until you minimize the app.

    When putting the tablet/phone to sleep and when you turned it on sometimes removes the limiter and the game runs at 55-60 fps until you minimize the game then it limits it again to 30fps. The loading times doesn't change dramatically but it's like a second or two faster.

    When recording videos it actually can see the fps on video details.

    I have the Ipad mini 4 and you can observe the same thing.
  • _solidsnake_solidsnake Member Posts: 133
    @CallmelaFleur thanks for this post. Crunching those numbers and coming up with a 5 hour difference was shocking. I was aware that iPhones had a significantly faster loading time but you don't usually think about what that does over extended period of time. Also, I agree with some of the people that have suggested optimizing the most popular android device(s) to at least give android users an option to compete with iPhones. With that being said I am in no way shape or form a tech guy so I have no idea what that would entail.
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    This argument isn't basically even arguable: kabam made a product for two different operating systems and allows them to compete head to head when there is a drastic performance edge on one of the platforms, right out the box. That is **** design for a game, period.

    If android is at such a huge disadvantage for ANY reason, they should adjust the game so that they are equivalent in GAMEPLAY (ignore graphics quality) or don't have them interact at all. They have this ability and choose not to use it: they could lower the graphics requirements and thus the load on the device, to have it perform at the same level of gameplay...they don't. Instead they choose to bog it down with all the same useless features that are causing the issues to begin with, when they already have the solution baked into the game.

    Their in game renderer has the ability to reduce lighting effects, resolution, texture map details, polygon count on the screen with simpler models and less things on the screen in the background. They REFUSE to put this in the control of the player because...they can, that's why, stop asking questions and keep buying their stupid deals, potions and revives.
  • CallmelaFleurCallmelaFleur Member Posts: 235 ★★
    Wow, I know this will get an unintentional bump but thanks for the 2.3k views on the thread!!
  • QueqqueeQueqquee Member Posts: 48
    if im not wrong, it is andriod doing the... whats the term again? capping of graphics/performance hence andriod users occasionally experience the spike in fps/performance. its like the phone forgets to cap but will eventually remember and bring it back down to +/-30fps.

    some say u gotta root the phone blah blah but none worked for me so i had to get a 2nd phone just to play mcoc.

    my main phone is still andriod. andriod 4eva.
  • sawe5456sawe5456 Member Posts: 33
    Please stop complaining to KABAM

    What you ask is impossible, KABAM has been having enough hard time keeping up with numerous bugs popping every week
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    Their in game renderer has the ability to reduce lighting effects, resolution, texture map details, polygon count on the screen with simpler models and less things on the screen in the background. They REFUSE to put this in the control of the player because...they can, that's why, stop asking questions and keep buying their stupid deals, potions and revives.

    I don't see how this could possibly help Android users much, since as far as I'm aware the vast majority of the slowness Android users experience appears to be in loading times, not in the game actually running slower during combat. Allowing users to mess with the rendering settings would only make the game engine more complex and probably more buggy, and it would be fiddling with how the game runs after the lag that slows Android down already occurred.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    Chump wrote: »
    I use both an android device, Samsung Galaxy S7 to be exact and an ipad to play this game. Although the S7 is no longer considered top of the line, it is not an inferior device. This game plays considerably different on both devices. I have an extremely difficult time evading Cyclop's sp1 attacks on my Android Phone and many other quick specials. Also chaining specials after combos is nearly impossible as well.

    I have been playing this game for over 2 years now and I can guarantee you that on an ipad it is significantly easier to evade and chain combos and specials together. Whether it's a graphics issue or a processing issue, I'm sure Kabam can allow the users to adjust the resolution to help alleviate the problem but they won't. I've requested it before and they just don't care.

    That might be true, but that has absolutely no bearing on the question of adjustable engine setting speeding up arena.

    Also, there are people claiming similar things between two different Android devices and two different iOS devices. It isn't clear to me that the most recent Galaxy phones are at a significant overall disadvantage to the latest iOS devices when it specifically comes to combat. There seems to be a lot of variability there, even on the exact same device at different times. I was playing almost lag free on my iPhone X for quite a while, network disconnects notwithstanding, until very recently when I started seeing a lot of funky lag affecting combat again. I don't see that quite as often on my iPad, and my iPad is one generation behind my iPhone X.
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