Penalty for piloting alliances

Hi Kabam,
First of all, Thank you! you did something to penalised those piloting alliances!
Saw at least one alliance that we reported dropped from master to plat 1 with 500 points reduction.
That gives us hope that you guys are taking things seriously.
However, these alliances will meet easier opponent based on their new war rating.
They are somehow punished but also having advantage for the remaining wars?
Does these alliances still deserve a plat 1 rewards after caught on cheating?
Yes, they dont get master rewards. but do they even deserve to be in plat 1?
Alliances who caught for cheating at the end of the season should be penalised more than those who get caught at the beginning of the season as they have gained points through cheating from more wars.
Please re-assess the penalty given and appreciate if you guys continue to watch for fair play until end of the season.
First of all, Thank you! you did something to penalised those piloting alliances!
Saw at least one alliance that we reported dropped from master to plat 1 with 500 points reduction.
That gives us hope that you guys are taking things seriously.
However, these alliances will meet easier opponent based on their new war rating.
They are somehow punished but also having advantage for the remaining wars?
Does these alliances still deserve a plat 1 rewards after caught on cheating?
Yes, they dont get master rewards. but do they even deserve to be in plat 1?
Alliances who caught for cheating at the end of the season should be penalised more than those who get caught at the beginning of the season as they have gained points through cheating from more wars.
Please re-assess the penalty given and appreciate if you guys continue to watch for fair play until end of the season.
yes u agree with those also, most people who see if they alliance is failing they will jump ship, early in the season couple of master alliances who got busted for cheating....all jumped ship to a new alliance.
Lets just say there are a lot of "shell" allainces in the top 50 that are rotting...
That would work too.
I think the issue with this is (although I agree both parties should be penalized) there is literally no technical way to find out who is 'doing the piloting'. That's why the penalties only come down on the account that is being piloted on as this is really the only true source of fact.
Its my personal opinion that the fact that something is actually being done (whether its enough or not is up for debate) is a pretty good sign that matters are being taken seriously.
You find replacements for that time and bench the 2 going on vacation.
You hit two alliances that hard and you've cleaned up the contest immediately. 60 ppl getting the hammer is worth it to make way for the thousands of honest players getting the shaft bc of cheaters in yet another season.
Then your only other legit option is 2 inactive players for that period.
Same dam thing we have always done fight with 2 less teammates. What else would we do. Drop our morals and become a bunch of cheaters. No thanks bub
The intent of lowering their war rating is that this drops them in tier which lowers their points multiplier, which means they will earn fewer points in every war after that until they climb back up in rating. But lowering rating artificially does mean they will fight easier wars than they should, and also that their opponents will be fighting a harder war than they should.
The solution, I believe, is to no longer apply a war rating penalty on cheating alliances, and instead apply a multiplier penalty. That way their war rating is still high, so they still have to fight stronger alliances. They won't be able to pick on weaker ones. But they will still earn fewer points than normal because their multiplier itself will be artificially lower. That applies the penalty in the way I think makes the most sense: they lose points, they earn fewer points in the future (until the punishment expires) but they are not allowed to face artificially weaker alliances and vice versa.
So you tell the guys who are coming, “Hey we only need you for 3-4 wars. After that we are kicking you.” Seriously?
What tier do you play in? Lol
So you will ultimately play with 28/30. And it’s vacation season, so more than 2 might go off at a certain period of time.
What tier are you in? Lol
I believe the obvious solution to the question of identifying who is screwing it up for everyone else without altering whatever weird privacy policy Kabam seems to have is to simply decide that any infraction bad enough to penalize an entire alliance for should also be bad enough to temporarily ban the player who caused the infraction for. Conversely if the infraction isn't bad enough to draw a temporary ban, it should also not be bad enough to penalize an entire alliance of innocent until proven guilty players.
The problem is when you tell the player "we'll let you off with a warning" and then turn around and tell the alliance "all of you will get penalized because someone did something bad enough to warrant penalizing all of you." That's a contradictory policy.
Moving in aw takes less than 15mins each turn.
In one war, you only need to move 2-3times.
I dont believe people going for holiday cant spare max 3x15mins to clear nodes.
Worse come to worse, put them as backup. Then they only move once per war.
You are?
put those two on backup and hope u dont need them......
only run a 2 bg war......
just deal with it.....
going on vacation surely they could have 5 mins just to do a war fight here and there.....
low chance they couldnt....
but if it does then not much you can do....
there are some options.....