
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    gohard123 wrote: »
    I'm sure they'll have it up soon. I get that it's frustrating when you're in the middle of something. Just saying.

    Soon you say

    Well, that's usually the case, yes. This is quite an extenuating situation.

    Your mastery of malapropism is Jedi-like.

    Typo. Extrenuating is what I meant. Love the tablet. Hate the bloody autocorrect.

    I guess that should have been obsequious.

    That's funny. Lol.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Tell me why it's 3am on a Friday night and this thread is the most exciting thing that's happened this week.

    I'm certainly having fun reading through it all!

    Who the heck are you?
    Spruce like the tree? Or are you here to spruce the forum up a little?

    Edit:if it's the tree, then King Groot as your avatar is hilarious
  • SmelllerSmelller Member Posts: 2
    Kabam pee on my gold tiket.....ty i cant play the arena now and later i will Be at work ty a lot
  • KarmacolorsKarmacolors Member Posts: 3
    The game is still down. I lost many things, questing, arena and aq
    I took leave from my office to play today And now left with nothing..... It's happening since last 8 hours. I lost my leave and well as all rewards for which I took leave. Only 4 days left in event to get over. I won't get chance to complete it now.. I am really unhappy.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Member Posts: 724 ★★★★
    Snizzbar wrote: »
    Tell me why it's 3am on a Friday night and this thread is the most exciting thing that's happened this week.

    I'm certainly having fun reading through it all!

    Who the heck are you?
    Spruce like the tree? Or are you here to spruce the forum up a little?

    Edit:if it's the tree, then King Groot as your avatar is hilarious

    Eyyy, go easy on him will ya? He is often in the background, but he's one of us ;) He's good people, I can vouch for him!

    Also - it is indeed the tree. He's witty like that :D
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Dakine86 wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Dakine86 wrote: »
    What i remember since the last 3 years,they were even online on new years eve ...and were fixing servers

    I will not believe that they ever sleep
    But maybe one account has several users with different working times

    There is only one Ad0ra_ and there is only one me! It would be easier if we had clones, but that technology has not come far enough...

    @Kabam Miike I’m a robotics engineer, pretty sure I could make something along these lines happen for the right price haha.

    Are we talking about something like Replicants? Or more like the hosts from Westworld?

    I have not seen Season 2 of Westworld yet, please don't spoil it for me.

    I'm not sure that's even possible.

    You would be surprised what’s developed behind closed doors. I’ll leave it at that. 🔇

    I was referring to Westworld. I've seen all of season two. I'm not sure how I would go about explaining it to anyone that hasn't seen season two.

    Ahhhhhh, I still have to watch that. Looks awesome tho.
  • Clobberin_TimeClobberin_Time Member Posts: 90
    Tell tree man I said hi.
  • Chris9Chris9 Member Posts: 17
    @Ad0ra_ @kabam miike

    I think both you and players had a chat like this several months ago during a very long server outage as well.

    But that didn’t last long, unfortunately.

    I think some ppl think you guys don’t play because sometimes you say things that are probably more PR than your personal opinions.

    Also, the only example of Kabam devs playing was that NYCC. To be honest, didn’t really like that lead quest designers smug attitude toward new players (“it’s going to be a very bad time for you”) and then to see him play so poorly against the Ghostrider.

    It’s an image thing. I say don’t be afraid to show us videos of your gameplay, if possible. It will make you an empathetic figure and most would respect you more for it. Because you will be looked at as being “one of us”...a player.
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    Golfclash anyone? 😂
  • AdiMukh555AdiMukh555 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    Still down...
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Shouldn't make it seem like Google is the problem.
    The game is still down. I lost many things, questing, arena and aq
    I took leave from my office to play. And now left with nothing.....

    Still waiting for only guy that can fix the issue to cut his long weekend super short and come back to fix things.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    Snizzbar wrote: »
    Tell me why it's 3am on a Friday night and this thread is the most exciting thing that's happened this week.

    I'm certainly having fun reading through it all!

    Who the heck are you?
    Spruce like the tree? Or are you here to spruce the forum up a little?

    Edit:if it's the tree, then King Groot as your avatar is hilarious

    Eyyy, go easy on him will ya? He is often in the background, but he's one of us ;) He's good people, I can vouch for him!

    Also - it is indeed the tree. He's witty like that :D

    Oops sorry that was a little rude wasn't it. I meant to say "Hi and welcome to Kabam Spruce". Is he/she taking over for the night shift?
  • PhantomBushidoPhantomBushido Member Posts: 9
    @Kabam Miike How many of us must continue to be inconvenienced by “emergency maintenance”? This has to be the most ridiculous amount of time we had to wait. We definitely have demands! We’ve given a lot of time and money (most of us) to have for little to nothing in return. With the understanding of issues arising, is it possible this is related to the potential boycott?
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    @Kabam Miike How many of us must continue to be inconvenienced by “emergency maintenance”? This has to be the most ridiculous amount of time we had to wait. We definitely have demands! We’ve given a lot of time and money (most of us) to have for little to nothing in return. With the understanding of issues arising, is it possible this is related to the potential boycott?

    Calm your meat sacks.
  • Atharva111Atharva111 Member Posts: 52
    I have to login for alliance war for daily rewards
  • amur3amur3 Member Posts: 1
    We need compensation!
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    BrianGrant wrote: »
    BrianGrant wrote: »
    I love how Brian grants stream was 2 hours of him doing things other then playing the game

    Mentally I was grinding. 4-stars are about to come off cooldown again

    Brian! Nice to "see" you!

    I can't believe you guys are still up. Slumber party? Hope one of you packed s'mores.

    There is probably chocolate SOMEWHERE in this office, but no graham crackers or marshmallows....

    ... or presumably fire.

    The fire is in the server room.
  • KappaluzzoKappaluzzo Member Posts: 42
    I’m trying to get on and I can’t. A lot of my alliance members are trying to get on and they can’t. If the game is down can we get 30 min timers for AQ.

    30min timer will not be enough considering we dont know when server will be up.. 1min timer maybe so
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    amur3 wrote: »
    We need compensation!

  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    Must be a pretty bad problem to be down this long.

    Even free energy at this point wouldnt help in aq...
    Still would require one heck of a hustle to complete. Didn't want an added job to the time crunch.
  • Romo790Romo790 Member Posts: 142
    Anyone else in love with the sacred riana?
  • Morgan0094Morgan0094 Member Posts: 3
    Kabam never thought about how bad are their server systems. I tried to complain to their customer service team, about their server makes me interrupted ongoing AQ game, and it was showing the game was win. after it shows the network issue sign, I wait until few mins than can enter the game, I check with the 500 peoples Chat group, there are many people has same problem, I also has been check my other apps and network are running well without any network issue. I sent to issue screen cut to them , useless, when any problem even the problem is from their aim, also showing network problem, they just tell me it should be my network problem, they just don't wanna take the responsibility, I was so sad when they given me this sucks reply, it was really makes me feeling bad!! Make money is OK, but not on this way !!! Please take the responsibility, otherwise we will leave this game as terrible user experience and service quality.
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    I won't be even able to join aw defence unless up in 2 hours first time I'll ever miss one
  • TechWormTechWorm Member Posts: 18
    i hope there is compensation related to arenas too.
  • This content has been removed.
  • StrykeGirlStrykeGirl Member Posts: 18
    Hershy wrote: »
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    No response, no suprise

    It's been like 15 minutes. I'll openly criticize where it's warranted but mods not responding within minutes of a post isn't one of those times.

    They responded to me and another guys post saying

    Amazing they respond to this, then put in CAPS the game is down but dont bother to address it here and give a timeline or explanation. I dont criticize Kabam often but Kabam Rose dropped the ball!

    They weren't telling you that the game was down... They were telling you to go to the thread "GAME IS DOWN". I was directed here as well
  • Valeron2004Valeron2004 Member Posts: 19
    Could u guys extend arenas once servers r back up?I rly want MODOK.
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