What changes were made during “emergency maintenance “

Every time the game goes down it just seems to me that it comes Back just a bit different to me. What gets done to restore the game or are things having to be changed to get it up and running again?
Nothing changed. It's all in your head. You want there to be something wrong but there really isn't. This outage was not their fault.
Unless "the big one" hit and I missed it in the news, yes it is their fault. Look at all the server problems they have over the last...many weeks! They have had ample time to upgrade or replace their servers over the past months.
Result is not in my head Demonsfyre, I don’t do the programming or host the server. And if there’s nothing wrong there won’t be a patch or update saying sorry
First, I doubt this is true. I've seen posts in the past that indicated they were renting servers from Amazon.
Second, you're assuming this was a "server" problem when it's easily as likely to have been a DNS issue. That could well be out of their hands.
Either way, nothing changed in game.
They dont own the severs. They've stated this over and over.
It's not so much that they changed something, but more that they undid stuff. It looks a bit like putting an old version back online.
Edit: autocorrect
As for the Proving Grounds, it's RNG. It's random. There's not always a guarantee to get a Cat. You can keep trying and it might drop.
It's literally always been random drops. The Proving Grounds has never guaranteed a Cat. Changing rules doesn't apply.
Now, we could get into a debate about how RNG is pseudo-random, but it's really not the Thread for it. There are parameters, yes. Percentages, drop rates, call them what you want. There's an outcome generated randomly based on probabilities. Not totally random, but not subject to being altered because of it. Bottom line is, they didn't change anything because the servers crashed.
well how can you be sure are you one of the developers of the team to make such a statement with confidence? I really wonder?
oh and by the way others have confirmed similar results and i think we will see more about that in the future unless there is another changes made
I've been around a long time. The Mods themselves have said the Cats drop randomly. It's common knowledge. In fact, the subject comes up whenever people don't roll a full Cat. It's random. You could get one everytime, or have to redo it 6 times.
I was just making the point that I've seen it discussed a number of times.
well and i know how the code is written and how algorithms are built and have seen it in many games and i can notice changes anyway its pointless to go into specifics but the main point here is that the game developer keeps changing with or without notice and we have to pay for it thats why i posted that and i really don't know why every game now tries to force gambling elements to increase profit and they keep reducing the RNG drop rates to force more money.
anyway i think investing so much time and money in a game like this is useless (imo) as they keep changing the rules without prior notice. thats what made a lot of the community angry as it turns out the competition is more about money more than skill
oh by the way i played todays event quest hard for the tech t3c about 10 times and couldn't even a single one in total what are the odes here!!
For that matter, I highly doubt there is much lucrative motive behind lowering the rate of the T3CCs. Not exactly a moneymaker.
or you have to wait for several months if you want to get it upgraded.
oh and RNG again to get a ticket which may have cost you thousands of units to eventually face a game outage what a fun story.