Realm of Legends done in less than 2 months

Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
So sience i started the game i always wanted to beat ROL sience my favorite mutant is cyclops and the only way to get a 4* cyclops is to clear ROL or LOL (Red Team That is) and sience i have not been lucky with my pulls to get a blue team Cyclops i always wanted to beat it, today i did it live, thank you if you went to the stream and supported the run.
Team: 4* StarLord 4/40 2* Guillotine 3* Daredevil 3* captain America 2* Superior Iron man
16 Revives in total used, no units spent, cleared in 2 hours, less than 2 months sience account creation. You too can clear this level if you want, just gotta work hard for it! i hope this inspires new players to achieve their goals!.
If anybody wants to watch the run :


  • xion360xion360 Member Posts: 88
    Yeah no problem man it was just striking a nerve, I tried to be as nice as I could about it & besides that your English is pretty good.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,320 ★★★★★
    Big congratulations!

  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @xion360 Thank you again, is your name related to KH?

    @winterthur Thank you!
  • JaggurEstrada1219JaggurEstrada1219 Member Posts: 14
    Wow nice props too you! No one in my alliance has yet to clear rol so nice job!
  • xion360xion360 Member Posts: 88
    KH? I'm not sure what exactly you mean.
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @xion360 Oh sorry, a character from Kingdom Hearts just happens to be named Xion
  • xion360xion360 Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2017
    Ah, yeah no never played it. TBH I got it from bible study when I was younger, for some reason Mt. Zion stuck with me & I liked it a lot, but I didn't like the look of the Z so I added an x for my own personal touch. It was later shortened to xN^ but mcoc doesn't like a short name like that so i reverted back to xion.
  • KyrieRedKyrieRed Member Posts: 287 ★★
    congrats fellow summoner! its a good achievement under your belt
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @KyrieRed Thank you bro!
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Wow well done man
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @Appleisgod Thank you man!
  • WarofGodsWarofGods Member Posts: 43
    congrats bro! im 1 year into the game and im not yet even done with ROL, so big props to you!
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @WarofGods This seems like a good week to complete it man! hope you do soon! and thank you.
  • WarofGodsWarofGods Member Posts: 43
    im still trying to finish off act 4 around this week, and maybe after, ill try to go through ROL!
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @WarofGods I have not even started act 4, this month consumed all of my energy on all of the special quests :/
  • DK1825DK1825 Member Posts: 43
    wow seen your video man, great job :)
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @DK1825 Thank you dude!
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @JaggurEstrada1219 lol didn't see your message thank you!
  • NikskiniNikskini Member Posts: 237
    @Josh2play congrats bro I don't have 4* Starlord or SW yet hopefully I'll get one of them
  • SligSlig Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    Nice work on that wolvie
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Congrats dude!I really want a 4* Star Lord for RoL, but never lucky enough to pull and dupe him, hopefully, someday I'll get him
  • QuakerQuaker Member Posts: 6
    Oh my gosh dude you are super good at this game
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    Gunzo wrote: »
    Congrats dude!I really want a 4* Star Lord for RoL, but never lucky enough to pull and dupe him, hopefully, someday I'll get him

    Star Lord isn't mandatory for RoL. I did my practice runs with X-23 and she works fine. In fact I think X-23 would be more forgiving than Star Lord would be for someone with less skill.

    If you want to do RoL, my advice is don't wait for the right champion to fall from the sky, start practicing on Winter Soldier with what you have. What you have might be good enough. If not, when Star Lord does fall from the sky your skills will be sharp and ready to go.

    Whenever someone tells you that you need a specific champion to beat RoL (excepting Guillotine, and even that is only the best choice, not the only one), consider this:

    Except for Wolverine, really the only difference between running with Star Lord and running with Luke Cage is how long the fight will be. The day I decided to do my real run Kabam broke crits and my first two fights took a combined 2000 hits to finish. That's 2000, not 200. Even with totally broken offense, it is just a question of how long you can play well. Star Lord will shorten the fight, which means you need to sustain for less time. But if you really want to finish RoL and you're willing to practice, almost any reasonable random 4* roster plus guillotine can do RoL.
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2017
    @Gunzo wrote: »
    Congrats dude!I really want a 4* Star Lord for RoL, but never lucky enough to pull and dupe him, hopefully, someday I'll get him

    Pretty much what the guy above me said, you can do ROL with any champion, hell you can even beat wolverine with a loki or a rogue if you are willing to spend some time beating him, but there are optimal ways to do things, and the are "Optimal" Champions for ROL those are:

    Duped Starlord
    Wolverine X23
    Duped Wolverine
    Duped Rocket Raccoon
    Both Captain americas
    Duped Scarlet witch
    Symbiote Spider Man
    Captain Marvel/Miss Marvel

    There are a lot of options to clear ROL some are more optimal, some are better, some will take more time, just pick one that suits you and try it!
    a lot of people on my alliance were telling me to just wait until i pulled a 3* or 4* Guillotine because if i tried with my 2* i would got stuck on wolverine and that i would have to quit and try again until i had the 3* version, and for the most part i belived that i wasn't going to get past wolverine, until i saw on my second try that i could do it, and i did it man, so just trust in yourself and your skills and do not let anybody tell you that you can't do something, try it yourself and know your limits!.

    PS: Even if i didn't have Star Lord, i would have tried with another champion, just happens to be that i had the most optimal option at the time.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    edited July 2017
    Josh2Play wrote: »
    a lot of people on my alliance were telling me to just wait until i pulled a 3* or 4* Guillotine because if i tried with my 2* i would got stuck on wolverine and that i would have to quit and try again until i had the 3* version

    As you discovered, they were wrong. But I wonder why they would even think that, because the only reason why Guillotine is recommended for Wolverine is because of heal reversal, and heal reversal is identical for all versions of Guillotine.

    PS: when I saw you stick Daredevil and Cap in there after the first run on Guillotine, I actually said "noooooooooooo" out loud.
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @DNA3000 They said that i most likely get killed by the blocking damage, which they were right, my second attempt was killed because my device was lagging and it didn't register Evades very well so i blocked most of his SP2 which killed me, once i was able to dodge that is when i was able to beat him.

    Hahaha, i did it so wolverine could regenerate all of his health so when i entered again with Guillotine i could build souls from the damage of her SP2.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    Josh2Play wrote: »
    Hahaha, i did it so wolverine could regenerate all of his health so when i entered again with Guillotine i could build souls from the damage of her SP2.

    I'm not sure why you would think that was necessary. Guillotine starts with four souls, and she needs two to heal reverse with SP2. You lose one every ten seconds. You gain one for every 6% of the opponent's health it loses. The goal with Guillotine is to play aggressively so you can build power to SP2 before you run out of souls (or rather drop below two). Once you have heal reverse, you still want to play aggressively to pound on Wolverine hoping to trigger more heals (because he has a chance to trigger a heal for every hit you land). If you get a heal reverse, it should cost Wolverine enough health to give you back enough souls so you have time to build up to another SP2.

    If Wolverine starts off at low health, it is still a good idea to just revive Guillotine and continue rather than start over. You will still start off with four souls, and you can still build to SP2 and heal reverse him to zero.
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @DNA3000 because you don't make souls with regened health, so if i go in and wolverine is at like 10% health, and i start hitting him trying to build my SP2 luck can bite me and he could regain like 80% of his health while i'm trying to build my SP2, and because i'm not building any more souls because guillotine doesn't build souls off of "Regened Health" that means i only have 1 Try and have to rely on him getting 4 heals to bring him below 10% HP or else it is a failed attempt, given the fact that on my successful attempt i had to do the SP2 3 Times it is highly unlikely that i would have enough luck to seal the deal in only 1 SP2.
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