Is it possible?

We have one... "Super Skilled" member in our alliance or just cheater...
Pictures bellow are taken from AQ 2.. there is Dormamu with rating 5.5k and i think 24K hp... and lets call him Iron Man killed him
Can anybody tell me how is this possible?
I just want to be sure before i kick him because it is second player this week who made such miracle...

Pictures bellow are taken from AQ 2.. there is Dormamu with rating 5.5k and i think 24K hp... and lets call him Iron Man killed him
Can anybody tell me how is this possible?
I just want to be sure before i kick him because it is second player this week who made such miracle...

so is it possible to kill AQ boss Dormamu with such **** heroes?
I would say its possible, not probable though. I said not CRAZY suspicious. but suspicious nonetheless
Zero damage taken is impossible in the long run.
you dont need to take any block damage if you treat boss like a stun immune and can control his power
He’s got Hawkeye so he could power drain.
And sp1 is EASY to evade. sp2 is possible to evade but tough.
Yeah, but with those little one-star clowns he's running against dormammu, at some point in the hour it would take to drop him, anyone is going to make some tiny mistake and take some damage.
they are 3*
Almost anything is possible, but to do so with no hits, not even blocked hits? Incredibly unlikely. I don't know how strong the Dormammu was for you, but given the PI of the other attackers in that group I would say there's also a decent possibility that those champs don't have sufficient damage to avoid a timeout.
The only way I think this could happen is if first, the person could defeat Dormammu using nothing but intercepts, and then second they brought the weakest attackers they could find but then boosted them with every boost they could run simultaneously, from champion boosts to attack boosts to power boosts to special damage boosts.
All while not telling anyone about it or streaming it anywhere, but just for personal giggles. Sure, not impossible. It is also possible that Dormammu had one too many chili cheese burgers that day and died of a heart attack when that player entered the fight.
you think Kabam have two groups for cheaters? ..ooh they are **** it is ok ... umm this guy have 6* way he cant cheat...
i am asking just because i dont wanna zeroized stats on my alli... kabam pusnishment is not aimed to individuals but to whole aliance
100% there is 2 groups. The ones who are free to play and get permanently banned and the ones who pay thousands of dollars and kabam let's them cheat however they want. Hell the guys who admitted to buying stolen units for the game got there accounts back right in time for July 4th offers and are back streaming on YouTube.
’mvinceable’ in your team joined with his newly created account...!