Class T3 daily isn't dropping any whole t3

I'm trying to get couple skill t3 and I'm just getting very few shards. In the past I could get at least one whole t3 from 100% and get another from doing harder side couple extra times. I've 100% and went down harder side 4 times and this is all I have gotten

In fact, it happens more times than it should. Really sucks to have gone thorough it multiple times, and not get enough to get 1 full cc.
It has, but you have like a .01% these days
A year or so ago it was pretty common to get a full cat but now it's unheard of, I pulled a full cosmic the last time and about had a heart attack. After fully completing the cosmic map every week over the last 4 weeks I now have 2 and a half cosmic t3 cats. I'm not sure what they changed but it used to be much better.
Pretty sure they did it so they can have people spend on those offers they do every time you only get shards, that pops up for 400 units or whatever it is.
Just a pure $$$ grab.
Best way to get these is from T3CC crystals (and frag crystals) from doing daily Solo events and other stuff.
Few ppl run T3C daily quests anymore, which is why they probably added Pym particles to daily cat quests now (to get you to use your valuable Energy there again)