5* Champs

Looking it at some champs like SW and Wolverine or Thor as 5* could help people massively. I think every character released in the game should be able to be obtained as every star possible. I dont understand why there like a 4* champ of someone but not a 5* It doesn't make sense. Also if you can include every champ as a 5* it help people compete for Arena more. I would love to have a 5* SW because she is one of my 4* champ to play with. As a 5* she could be a game changer.
However, with 6* in the game, this doesn't hold up as much anymore. It would be great if they did have 5* version of them - like as a reward for 100% the next story quest that comes out (crystal spin with one of the few that don't have a 5* in the game). Probably never going to happen in any form though... maybe, but not likely.
Couldn't they make like a less op version of SW like an MCU version or create the next LOL and allow SW to be one of the champ you get. I agree a 4* SW is op
Ya but Tbh All Champs are good at certain thing. Like every champ benefit in the own way. Hyperion is Like a SW in some ways in terms of damage. I understand why wolverine wouldnt get a 5* because he regen would make him crazy good and probably the best defender ever. But They could make it so there like a prize but ofc make it like a hard 100 percent quest