Announcing: Gwenpool Goes to the Movies



  • MoneyMERC36MoneyMERC36 Member Posts: 22
    Hey All,

    We're seeing some confusion about the rewards here. The rewards listed are ALL of the rewards you can earn if you complete every difficulty or every one of these 20 short quests. We're not going to list out the rewards for each of them because there are 20 of them, each with 5 difficulties, and it's just gonna look like a huge mess!

    The rewards for each quest are fairly small, but they add up to make some of these huge numbers you see in the first post.

    I don’t know if I’m the only one wondering this or not but in order to get the 5* cinematic crystal do I have to 100% every quest on every difficulty or just every quest on Epic?
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Hey All,

    We're seeing some confusion about the rewards here. The rewards listed are ALL of the rewards you can earn if you complete every difficulty or every one of these 20 short quests. We're not going to list out the rewards for each of them because there are 20 of them, each with 5 difficulties, and it's just gonna look like a huge mess!

    The rewards for each quest are fairly small, but they add up to make some of these huge numbers you see in the first post.

    I don’t know if I’m the only one wondering this or not but in order to get the 5* cinematic crystal do I have to 100% every quest on every difficulty or just every quest on Epic?

    Just on epic. If you go in game and look at the rewards, it will make more sense.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    @Austin555555 posted some pictures earlier in this thread. It appears the 5* cinematic crystal is rewarded upon 100% completion of epic difficulty.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Werewrym wrote: »
    @Austin555555 posted some pictures earlier in this thread. It appears the 5* cinematic crystal is rewarded upon 100% completion of epic difficulty.

    And I bet a lot of people (including me) will be going for the 4*, legendary, and 5* cinematic crystal
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    edited August 2018
    Werewrym wrote: »
    @Austin555555 posted some pictures earlier in this thread. It appears the 5* cinematic crystal is rewarded upon 100% completion of epic difficulty.

    And I bet a lot of people (including me) will be going for the 4*, legendary, and 5* cinematic crystal

    Yeah same here. I want a 5* KM, IMIW, Sparky, or maybe Wasp
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Werewrym wrote: »
    Werewrym wrote: »
    @Austin555555 posted some pictures earlier in this thread. It appears the 5* cinematic crystal is rewarded upon 100% completion of epic difficulty.

    And I bet a lot of people (including me) will be going for the 4*, legendary, and 5* cinematic crystal

    Yeah same here. I want a 5* KM, IMIW, Sparky, or maybe Wasp

    I already have a 5* starky. I don’t really use him because I have my 4* maxed out
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Cashima wrote: »
    Is the "big payoff at the end of the month for Summoners who complete the entire 4 week Quest set" on a per difficulty basis or do you have to do all difficulties?

    You can see the rewards for each Difficulty right now. To get all of the rewards, you'll have to do ALL Difficulties, and it's not all payed out at the end. There are rewards for Completing and mastering each Quest, Chapter, and the Act as well. You'll be getting some of those rewards all along the way!
  • LysiszeroLysiszero Member Posts: 296
    Will the opponent pi increase for each week or should we expect to see a 8k or higher iron man infinity war and wasp during week 4? Referring to epic as right now opponents are under 2k
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    edited August 2018
    Cashima wrote: »
    Is the "big payoff at the end of the month for Summoners who complete the entire 4 week Quest set" on a per difficulty basis or do you have to do all difficulties?

    You can see the rewards for each Difficulty right now. To get all of the rewards, you'll have to do ALL Difficulties, and it's not all payed out at the end. There are rewards for Completing and mastering each Quest, Chapter, and the Act as well. You'll be getting some of those rewards all along the way!

    But is this big payoff for people who 100% all difficulties? Or just one difficulty?
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    Werewrym wrote: »
    @Austin555555 posted some pictures earlier in this thread. It appears the 5* cinematic crystal is rewarded upon 100% completion of epic difficulty.

    And I bet a lot of people (including me) will be going for the 4*, legendary, and 5* cinematic crystal

    I'm going for all quests beginner to epic. That is if the epic difficulty remains the same/increases only slightly for weeks 2 to 4
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    So there's
    Cashima wrote: »
    Is the "big payoff at the end of the month for Summoners who complete the entire 4 week Quest set" on a per difficulty basis or do you have to do all difficulties?

    You can see the rewards for each Difficulty right now. To get all of the rewards, you'll have to do ALL Difficulties, and it's not all payed out at the end. There are rewards for Completing and mastering each Quest, Chapter, and the Act as well. You'll be getting some of those rewards all along the way!

    But is this big payoff for people who 100% all difficulties? Or just one difficulty?

    There isn’t a big pay off, you can see that the 5* crystal reward is for Epic, so if that’s all you want, just do the epic quests.

    I don’t see why it’s so hard for people to understand?
  • Jjjmb5Jjjmb5 Member Posts: 119
    Will all the paths be this easy or will they geow hardee
  • Mankind5Mankind5 Member Posts: 19
    Lol I got Gwenpool champion with me 4* 40\40 My babe save my days. Send me to her in movie theater. Lol
  • MandingowaryaMandingowarya Member Posts: 6
    That's what's up
  • Iron_spider1Iron_spider1 Member Posts: 272
    Will the pi increase with the following weeks?
  • IidarshadIidarshad Member Posts: 4
    Can you tell me the difficulties of each mode till weak 4
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    Lysiszero wrote: »
    My guess is the pi will double each week. Epic shows a minimum team of 28k and each week the rewards get larger. Will not be fun facing a 16k ironman infinity war. But kabam mods have been avoiding this question. I actually hope each week remains this easy. Would be a good gesture aside from all the problems the last few months

    If this is true then there goes my 5* cinematic crystal...
  • KnightClaw2045KnightClaw2045 Member Posts: 41
    Just to let talk know cenimatic crystals come August 8th. That's in 1v1 and u might be able to get some of the champs u need.
  • KnightClaw2045KnightClaw2045 Member Posts: 41
    Also some ppl think the pi will go up. It won't. If u look in the part where it shows reeards top right shows the pi. If kabam changes the pi over time thats just wrong.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Also some ppl think the pi will go up. It won't. If u look in the part where it shows reeards top right shows the pi. If kabam changes the pi over time thats just wrong.

    The first week doesn’t require anything close to 28k PI for epic though. So logically, it will get a lot harder over the weeks.
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Pardon my confusion, but when it says

    "Each of these Quests will have Rewards for you to grab and very low Energy costs, with a big payoff at the end of the month for Summoners who complete the entire 4 week Quest set!"

    Does that mean we need to do all 5 difficulties to get the big payoff? Or is it a big pay for each difficulty? If we complete only Epic difficulty, will we get the big payoff whatever it is? Is the big payoff that 5* crystal from the rewards screen or is it something we don't know about yet?
  • LysiszeroLysiszero Member Posts: 296
    Kabam mods are either not checking this thread or they are just simply avoiding the question of how much harder will the event become over the next few weeks. It would be a dk move of them to not say anything and get ppl all psyched up to net a few decent rewards to just make the event so difficult only those with large wallets or 40k atk teams can even finish the content.
  • KnightClaw2045KnightClaw2045 Member Posts: 41
    V1PER 1987 wrote: The first week doesn’t require anything close to 28k PI for epic though. So logically, it will get a lot harder over the weeks.

    If u look at the reg. /story quest it will say( in rewards) the suggested pi is(exp.) 1000-1200. Well for the gwen quest it just says 28,000-28,000 meaning through out all the weejs it stays the same diffuculty/pi.
  • KnightClaw2045KnightClaw2045 Member Posts: 41
    I would like to know what talk think. Should I do easy all the way to master in Gwens movoe quest or just hard and master. Is it worth it to do the easy quests?
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    I would like to know what talk think. Should I do easy all the way to master in Gwens movoe quest or just hard and master. Is it worth it to do the easy quests?

    Which rewards do you need? Personally I will be doing Heroic-Epic, because I won't need any of the other rewards from easy and normal. So just do whatever you can, I would highly recommend trying to 100% epic difficulty because that 5* will be nice.
  • KnightClaw2045KnightClaw2045 Member Posts: 41
    Well I'm not level 40 so cant do epic but i will do hard and master. And if i got time after completing those and cabal quest hard and maybe master ill do easy and normal. Thanks
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    edited August 2018
    So, if we open 200 crystals and dont get the one champ we need we are screwed? Not going to be happy if that happens to me.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,404 Guardian
    V1PER 1987 wrote: The first week doesn’t require anything close to 28k PI for epic though. So logically, it will get a lot harder over the weeks.

    If u look at the reg. /story quest it will say( in rewards) the suggested pi is(exp.) 1000-1200. Well for the gwen quest it just says 28,000-28,000 meaning through out all the weejs it stays the same diffuculty/pi.

    I don't think it is a safe assumption to presume that when the game recommends a static 28000 PI, that this implies the strength of the NPCs in the missions is going to remain constant at about 1500. That seems to be going out of your way to be disappointed.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    edited August 2018
    V1PER 1987 wrote: The first week doesn’t require anything close to 28k PI for epic though. So logically, it will get a lot harder over the weeks.

    If u look at the reg. /story quest it will say( in rewards) the suggested pi is(exp.) 1000-1200. Well for the gwen quest it just says 28,000-28,000 meaning through out all the weejs it stays the same diffuculty/pi.

    If you look at the uncollected event quest for this month the recommended rating is 28,000-33,000. The boss for 1.1 is a 14k KP. I would assume at the very least you will see at least one 14k PI champ in the final week.
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