Changing Sundays Free For All into GoldRealm

I know Kabam has realesed a Gold realm with the Summoner Appreciation Week, but I think some people did not have the time or patience to grind it, so I suggest a change to be made for the useless (imo) Free For All on Sunday. It's only function is to give you those last 200-500 frags, but it is not worth it. A gold realm would be much more appreciated by the community by now.
Gold is relatively easy to get, I'd rather see the t4cc frag quests or the addition of signature stones to the expert proving grounds join the rotation permanently. Even the hall of healing is more valuable to me than the gold quests.
Then again I have 5 unopened t4cc and 200 shard ones unopened because my inventory basically full lol
It depends on acc.
Not all people are fed up on gold, and those who are, are about 25% of the community.
The 25% of the community is largely 200k+, and 75% is 150k and Lower, and it would please a larger base (?) if FFA on Sunday was removed, and goldrealm was implemented instead. I still like the idea about the permanent T4CC and Sig stones on expert, but then they would have to make the quest harder, since the rewards are better.
I also say Kabam wants to keep there fan base as large and prosperous as possible, and doing this they may attract more players / players returning to the game. (Just Speculatin)
Fair point about the gold. I bet they'd sell a lot of energy refills if they launched all three events to run for the same 24 hour period on Sundays though. Wonder if that would drive people to buy more units?
I agree. That would be a smart move on there side if they launched a such event, and maybe handed our/ discounted a few refills.
If the prices are lower, more people would buy, and the activity/game time would be a lot higher. And also, with the recent IAPs, I think they should sweeten the deals a bit, and cut the prices a bit. Doing so would make about the same as the previous with lower costs, little more buys for those who pay.
Wonder if it's worth it though,
1x refill = 30 units.
6 refill would then be 180, plus the price for the potions. Might buy it if I grind a bit.