[iOS] 19.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Bilal625Bilal625 Member Posts: 2
    Android 8.0
    Nokia 3
    Over heated lost control after a high combo game start stucking .. seriously lost a lot of things in last 2 month ...I m facing from last 3-4 month but still the issue alive.. please do something.. due to this can't complete events can't play areana miss a lot of basic champs.. can't grow .. please Kabam please. Do something
  • ScabbymangoScabbymango Member Posts: 50
    This happens a lot after about 10 minutes of playing when my device is hot as well as the crashing and gameplay issues associated with the overheating!


  • KulsaneKulsane Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Kulsane
    Device and Model: iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: iOS 11.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both, Mobile carrier Telia
    Game Version Installed: 19.1
    Game Mode: Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Fights slow down and the frame rate makes it difficult to see what’s happening. Animations are sluggish, for example ending a 5 hit combo where the final medium hit has the character jumping. Game client freezes very slightly during fights.
  • viniixviniix Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2018
    In-Game Name: ~viniix~
    Device and Model: iPhone 6S 128GB
    Device Operating System: iOS 12 public beta 4
    Network: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 19.1.0
    Description of problem: After ~30-45 minutes the game:
    1. In some moments the screen freezes, goes back to operation after ~6 seconds or more;
    2. Sometimes it slow motion in the fight (loses efficiency, at the beginning wheel runs the game perfectly);
    3. Loading gets much more time consuming, can double or triple the time;
    4. Consumes more battery power than normal. Produces a heating (medium-high) in the device;
    5. After asking for "help" button in the arena, alliance members who press the "help" button, the game crashes abruptly, huge slowness in the fight, freezes and lags. (This was already found in previous versions and has not been tidied up yet).
  • DineshnsDineshns Member Posts: 11
    In-Game Name: DineshNS
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 and iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: 11.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both. Carrier is EE
    Game Version Installed: 19.1.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: The game is still very laggy during fights. It is not on one particular champ but the lag in graphics during fights means I seem to miss blocks and parries more with certain champs (Vision AOU, Voodoo, Medusa, Doc Oc are a few examples who seem to be more prone to missing blocks) and there are instances of specials getting blocked on the end of a combo (Vision AOU, Medusa, Magik a few examples). Overheating is still present but much better than before and more infrequent. On the overheating and lagging I noticed a big jump when 18.0 was rolled out but the overheating got crazy in 19.0 to the point where at times the edge of the phones were too hot to touch; 19.1 is back to the levels of heat in 18.0 but more sporadic.
  • Dark DevilDark Devil Member Posts: 19
    IGN: E2A MMA
    Device: iPhone 7
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: Both
    Game version: 19.1
    Game mode: All
    Issues: Overheating, issue was fixed with last update. Now phone is burning up. Lots of lag. Made it through easy quest 1 path and phone was hurting my hands and went from 100% battery to 20%.
  • JAQRIPPJAQRIPP Member Posts: 90
    iOS 11.4.1
    ATT and WiFi
    Mcoc 19.1
    All game modes

    Very disappointing. I think the problem is that if Kabam admits that they caused overheating then they can be held liable for any damage to your equipment. So they will continue to say that the overheating is fixed. My phone still got very hot with the patch and continues to get very hot now. It does not get hot while using any other apps or playing any other games.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    edited August 2018
    So I haven't had any major issues with overheating with my iPhone 7+ running 11.4.1 shutting down since they patched it but I do notice that when I play and have my iPhone running on the charger, it does get pretty hot since 19.1. If I'm doing other things while charging, not a problem. But if I'm in arena/questing and charging, it will get hot. Hasn't been hot enough to do the overheat shutdown yet.

    While some like it hot - I do not. 🤓
  • Honeybunny217Honeybunny217 Member Posts: 33
    IGN: Honeybunny217
    Device: iPhone 6s
    iOS: 11.4.1
    Data: WiFi (at home)
    Game: 19.1
    Issues: heating and battery drain for daily questing and arena, lag/frame loss during AQ. AQ was at end after my phone was already warm. Also this is first time I’ve had these issues since I updated from beta to 19.1 the other day.
  • CherryBombTMCherryBombTM Member Posts: 2
    IGN: CheryBombTM
    Device: iPhone 7 Plus
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: Both
    Game version: 19.1
    Game mode: All
    Issues: Phone overheats within 5 minutes of game play becoming very uncomfortable to the touch. Once it overheats I constantly get "problem connecting to network" messages. It also drains my battery quickly, today 5 fights in AQ = 11% of my battery. Haven't encountered many bugs other than champions being able to call specials mid heavy hit, which shouldn't be possible. Not fun when in happens in AW.
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    edited August 2018
    IGN: Ch1efster
    iPhone 7
    iOS 11.4.1
    MCoC 19.1
    All game modes

    I really don't understand how you can go through a weeks/months of issues and then release an update that even has more issues. Overheating, then an update which still had overheating, but not as bad. Then the new update and overheating is back along with lag and all kinds of glitches.

    This needs to be fixed. A company with as much money as Kabam, should have all the Q&A testing equipment they could possibly need. Time to start using it.
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    IGN: Belli300
    Device: iPhone 6s
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: Both
    Game version: 19.1
    Game mode: As soon as I loaded 19.1 I had the loading screen that happens with every new update and by the time I got to the main menu my phone was hot less than 5 minutes this seems to be even worse than the 19.0 heating issues I had
  • konfuzuyyuskonfuzuyyus Member Posts: 1
    Ign: zuyyu
    Device: iphone 6s
    Os: ios12.0
    Cell or wifi: both
    All game modes.
    Extreme overheating and lags.
  • Gjeodet1Gjeodet1 Member Posts: 14
    Ios 11.4.1
    iPhone 7
    Wifi and Cellular data
    Lasted game update

    Having trouble blocking, game crashing and the iPhone is overheating again and again! It might be the moment i just quit this game. Super annoying to experience same bullsh again... you guys should announce your company as a failure and just sell it to better and more experienced people!
  • PbishopPbishop Member Posts: 143
    Operating System:IOS 11.4.1
    Cell or WiFi:WiFi Xfinity Comcast
    Game Version:19.1.0
    Game mode:Story, Daily Quests, Arena specially, and any other mode of content provided.
    Description of Issues: As I can best describe is when I open marvel contest of champions and start my arena grind like I normally do give it like 10-20 minuets the game will just suddenly close no matter what I’m doing or what I’m in the middle of and by the result of this my phone feels like a furnace.
  • DubyaDubyaDubyaDubya Member Posts: 3
    IGN: dubyadubya
    Device: iPhone 7+
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: WiFi
    Game version: 19.1
    Game mode: arena, AQ, AW, solo questing
    Issues: Overheating, severe frame rate drop/lag in combat, fights ‘pause’ or just crash game. Game is virtually unplayable for any longer than a few minutes. Really harshing my mellow and makes playing this game not so fun anymore. I’ve spent a lot of $$ over the years, but I’ll not give you another dime unless you fix these issues and make sizable reparations for all affected.
  • aWildeCataWildeCat Member Posts: 26
    Idk if anyone else is experiencing this issue but the game crashes at least once an hour. Not to mention increased lag in quests and fights. I use an iPhone 8 and have never experienced this issue before. I believe this crash typically happens during arena fights (although I can't be sure considering that I spend most of my gameplay in arena fights).

    Has anyone else experienced this recently?
  • DrdifferentDrdifferent Member Posts: 32
    IGN: Dr. Different
    Device: iPhone 7 and iPad Mini
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: WiFi and cell
    Game version: 19.1
    Game mode: arena, solo questing
    Game issues: serious and almost instant overheating after 3 or 4 battles, tremendous lag, screens sometime block all texts as white blocks. Occasional times where game cannot connect to server, but system outside of game had solid connection.

    In other words, all of the similar problems to version 19.0.
  • stingray_69stingray_69 Member Posts: 6
    Ign: stingray_69
    Device: i7
    Os: 11.4.1
    Cell and wifi Verizon
    Game version: 19.1
    Game mode: all
    Game issues: phone over heating same as 19.0. Super lagging even more than 19.0. Frames freezing.
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  • JohnyzeroJohnyzero Member Posts: 228
    IGN: johnyzero
    iPhone 7
    iOS 11.3
    Wifi and cell
    Carrier: Fido
    Game version 19.1
    Game modes: all

    Overheating as well as lag across all game modes.
  • TheSillyGirlTheSillyGirl Member Posts: 4
    IGN: Thesillygirl and silly girl and mightymoody
    Devices: iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8 Plus
    iOS: 11.4.1
    Both WiFi and cellular
    Game version 19.1
    Issue: overheating just with app being open. If fight, heats up even faster and crashes
    Afraid to even just log in for calendar login rewards
  • DrdifferentDrdifferent Member Posts: 32
    Seven pages of people reporting the same issue for two days on various iOS devices, and no response from Kabam after the first post asking us to post something in here.

    At my work, our IT Dept tells people to forward spam to a mailbox “spam@...” - it doesn’t do anything to reduce the spam, but it makes them feel better that they’ve reported it. That’s what this feels like.

    Is Kabam ever going to acknowledge (a) that they messed up and (b) that they’ll be fixing the issues?
  • BachumBachum Member Posts: 2
    IGN: Bachum
    Device: iPhone 7
    iOS: 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: Both (Carrier AT&T)
    Game Version: 19.1.0
    Issue: Overheating like 19.0 and lag when the temp goes up. Battery draining more quickly than previous update.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    tonyj007 wrote: »
    tonyj007 wrote: »
    Device iPhone 7

    Device Operating System: 11.4.1

    Mobile Carrier: No

    WiFi Only

    Game Version 19.1

    Phone gets hot after 15 minutes, this appears to impact game performance. In arena delayed loading time between each fight and some fights severe frame rate drop in combat . Also experiences network issues. I am reducing my game time , not waiting for phone to start shutting down. I need to check power drain while playing game.

    Overheating and more content added to game . Will it be bug free??. AQ later. I am a bit worried about game performance and impact to phone. Looking forward to new monthly calendar


    50% power drain with 30 minutes game time. If you play with charger the phone gets hotter sooner. Reduced game time for me. I expect this issue to be fixed in several weeks, once kabam discovery what is wrong. Can't wait for new content to be added to game.

    Good luke members/players, keep your device safe


    The overheating appears to be getting worse , you don't need to fight, for device to get hot. Left my the game running by mistake. After 15 minutes the phone was hot . Just be careful and be aware of risk of damages to your device

    Good luke members/players, keep your device safe
  • IcthalianIcthalian Member Posts: 31
    In-Game Name: icthalian
    Device and Model: iPhone 6S+
    Device Operating System: 11.3.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 19.1
    Game Mode: All modes
    Description of the Issue: Device becomes hot after a short period of having the game running, ultimately leading to drastically reduced frame rate, lag issues and, inevitably, character death. Have to stop playing to allow the device to cool back down. Basically the exact same issue you already fixed once last update and then broke again with this new release...
  • FixxxFixxx Member Posts: 234
    Seven pages of people reporting the same issue for two days on various iOS devices, and no response from Kabam after the first post asking us to post something in here.

    At my work, our IT Dept tells people to forward spam to a mailbox “spam@...” - it doesn’t do anything to reduce the spam, but it makes them feel better that they’ve reported it. That’s what this feels like.

    Is Kabam ever going to acknowledge (a) that they messed up and (b) that they’ll be fixing the issues?

    The likely think that compared to 19.0, the number of pages for this thread does not compare and therefore, it's not as widespread
  • Eric987Eric987 Member Posts: 78
    IGN: Eric987
    Device: iPhone 7
    OS: iOS 11.4.1
    Cell or Wifi: Both
    Game version: 19.1
    Game mode: Questing (have not yet tested AW/AQ)
    Issues: severe overheating, lag and errors during gameplay and battery drains rapidly.
  • kiilookiiloo Member Posts: 25
    IGN: k i l o
    Device: iPhone 6s
    iOS: 11.4.1
    Cell or WiFi: both
    Game version: 19.1.0
    Issue: severe FPS drop, lag, random disconnects.
  • WestthepestWestthepest Member Posts: 9
    iPhone X
    WiFi and Verizon
    Game: 19.1.0
    Very glitchy during game just stops mid combo as if it’s buffering then catches up and I get slammed sometimes. Getting hot as heck again and drains battery bad during arena and questing. Not shutting off like before but I’m playing in short spurts again to keep it from shutting off. Also losin arena battles due to locking up. Which costs me to have to start all over on my streaks. This is really getting old at this point.
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