So I give up 3 of my t4cc..



  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Rocap wrote: »
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    This is definitely for more end game players. If the idea of taking a chance with 3 Catalysts to get one is iffy to you, then you're probably not at a place where this would make sense for you to use!

    It's actually not for end game players because we have all the t4cc we need. personally, even after opening a bunch of crystals to r5 Starky, I still have over 30 full t4cc crystals and over 1100 frag crystals.

    IMO, the main people who are goin to go for this deal are mid game players gambling their minimal number of t4cc on the 20% chance they get the class they need for that r4 champ. 80% of the time they're going to be hugely disappointed not only because they didn't get the class they wanted, but also because they don't have a plethora of t4cc to throw away.

    I think you’re right on here. With 9 tech T4 and 5 mystic T4 and nobody worth ranking, I would actually consider trading those to gamble on getting a mutant or cosmic T4 I could really use. In my situation I could use any of the four classes of skill, cosmic, mutant, and science, but I can almost foresee my luck being trading mystic cats for a tech cat and vice versa.

    I foresee people absolutely sewering their accounts chasing down one class cat.

    I am in need of science. But trading in 3 for one is not a good deal.

    In the same boat with Mystic. I've needed one for weeks and have science maxed. Still not using my science for this because I know I'll need them someday.

    Well., I’m trying too R4 my 5* modok, I just need 2 more.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,149 ★★★★★
    It's odd because I opened yet another t4cc science yesterday and that puts me at 9 or 10. I open a 5* and bam I pull og hulk. Guess I can't complain. Gives me a reason to use them. Tin foil hat stuff lol
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,149 ★★★★★
    But then I remember. No gold :(
  • RocapRocap Member Posts: 222
    Buttehrs wrote: »
    But then I remember. No gold :(

    Just sell all of your other champs to rank him.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,149 ★★★★★
    Lol!!! Absolutely.....not
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Why can't we CHOOSE the one we want ? I was actually going to use this to get me a t4cc for GP but when I found out I have a 1/5 chance I said **** that ! Great way to ruin an awesome idea Kabam. It could be awesome if we could pick the one we want for the love of God we're giving up 3 of them and we STILL can't pick ? Very dumb.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,149 ★★★★★
    They best fix for all these problems is more gold but hey what do I know I dont have a phd.
  • JinniDaveJinniDave Member Posts: 1
    They are trying to flush out the extra cats people have in their stash to increase the demand for class cats again...😞
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Namelez wrote: »
    Why can't we CHOOSE the one we want ? I was actually going to use this to get me a t4cc for GP but when I found out I have a 1/5 chance I said **** that ! Great way to ruin an awesome idea Kabam. It could be awesome if we could pick the one we want for the love of God we're giving up 3 of them and we STILL can't pick ? Very dumb.

    There wouldn't be much point in having a Crystal that rolls a random outcome if people just traded for what they wanted.
  • RocapRocap Member Posts: 222
    Namelez wrote: »
    Why can't we CHOOSE the one we want ? I was actually going to use this to get me a t4cc for GP but when I found out I have a 1/5 chance I said **** that ! Great way to ruin an awesome idea Kabam. It could be awesome if we could pick the one we want for the love of God we're giving up 3 of them and we STILL can't pick ? Very dumb.

    There wouldn't be much point in having a Crystal that rolls a random outcome if people just traded for what they wanted.

    Yet it's already one sided for giving up more than you're getting. Both is just rude and disconnected.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Namelez wrote: »
    Why can't we CHOOSE the one we want ? I was actually going to use this to get me a t4cc for GP but when I found out I have a 1/5 chance I said **** that ! Great way to ruin an awesome idea Kabam. It could be awesome if we could pick the one we want for the love of God we're giving up 3 of them and we STILL can't pick ? Very dumb.

    There wouldn't be much point in having a Crystal that rolls a random outcome if people just traded for what they wanted.

    There would be when the ratio is 3:1. You swap 3 of the cats you’ve obtained randomly for 1 that you want. That is the trade off. Whether or not you think it’s a good idea, you can’t argue that this would “destroy the integrity of RNG”. Other games have similar concepts.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Namelez wrote: »
    Why can't we CHOOSE the one we want ? I was actually going to use this to get me a t4cc for GP but when I found out I have a 1/5 chance I said **** that ! Great way to ruin an awesome idea Kabam. It could be awesome if we could pick the one we want for the love of God we're giving up 3 of them and we STILL can't pick ? Very dumb.

    There wouldn't be much point in having a Crystal that rolls a random outcome if people just traded for what they wanted.

    Because it’s still a very expensive tease, 3t4cc for 1t4cc.

  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    Namelez wrote: »
    Why can't we CHOOSE the one we want ? I was actually going to use this to get me a t4cc for GP but when I found out I have a 1/5 chance I said **** that ! Great way to ruin an awesome idea Kabam. It could be awesome if we could pick the one we want for the love of God we're giving up 3 of them and we STILL can't pick ? Very dumb.

    There wouldn't be much point in having a Crystal that rolls a random outcome if people just traded for what they wanted.

    This would be true if the trading ratio was 1:1 but the premium paid by losing 2 class cats justifies the shedding of RNG here. It’s still not a great deal even with the choice.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    You're paying extra for a reroll. Something that no other Crystal provides the ability to do. Even if it was 3:1, it would still contradict the point of making the T4CC Crystal random. People would just trade for what they want. It still has to be based on RNG somehow.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    You're paying extra for a reroll. Something that no other Crystal provides the ability to do. Even if it was 3:1, it would still contradict the point of making the T4CC Crystal random. People would just trade for what they want. It still has to be based on RNG somehow.

    It’s not a reroll at all, a reroll would be to open a t4cc, and have the choice to roll again, having opened 3, and getting a choice to swap them isn’t a reroll, it’s a trade, but to trade you should be able to choose what you are trading for.
  • Vale84Vale84 Member Posts: 308 ★★★
    This is definitely for more end game players. If the idea of taking a chance with 3 Catalysts to get one is iffy to you, then you're probably not at a place where this would make sense for you to use!

    Miike please. that's just a smart way of making t4ccs less overflowing having people GAMBLE for a single one they need. It's smart, but let's just avoid stating it's a good thing. When are you gonna move aside the gambling aspect and actuallty work on the gameplay side?

    I guess i can gamble since the game crashes continously, that much is true... 19.1 out, still waiting my Ghost rider to shut down Sabertooth's regen (not working) and Cap IW unable to hit grounded opponents (not working).

    Can we fix 19.0 failed fixes before 19.1 and before adding more gambling? thanks.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,149 ★★★★★
    No it doesnt that's the point. There's already plenty of stores that let us buy exactly what we want. Glory loyalty the occasional special store. Those dont have anything to do with rng so there's already a precedence
  • HarvesterSorr0wHarvesterSorr0w Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2018
    I have a dump truck fully of T4CC. And while i like the idea of being able trade and maybe even "pay a fee" to do so in that it wouldn't be a 1:1 swap, the exchange rate of 3 to 1 is sheer horse S$%^. Literally a case study on how to take a great idea and completely mess it up right from the get-go. P$%% off with that. And, if I WAS going to pay that steep of a fee to do it, I damn well should be able to specify the class involved. No thanks.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    You're paying extra for a reroll. Something that no other Crystal provides the ability to do. Even if it was 3:1, it would still contradict the point of making the T4CC Crystal random. People would just trade for what they want. It still has to be based on RNG somehow.

    It’s still RNG when you open the T4CC in the first place. A 3:1 ratio would be more than fair to pick your own class cat. 2:1 for a random cat is acceptable but still not the greatest deal. 3:1 for a random cat that isn’t so random is a really bad offer unless you’re desperate/impatient (which I admit I can be impatient). Everyone can attest to some degree about pulls not being random despite how you say it’s just RNG. When you pull 7/7 tech T4C in a row, I don’t care who you are, you’re gonna don the tinfoil hat.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    For end game players. LOL. What koolaid are you drinking?
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  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    edited July 2018
    Laughable response, but i guess that giving a choice is too overpowered, yes i know i dont have to, i just think the price is too steep, i would think extending the inventory would be a better choice or at least 2x1
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    I consider myself an end-game player. I have more T4CC crystals and frag crystals than I can possibly use but 3 for 1 (random) is a terrible deal even in my circumstances.

    The bottle neck for end game players is T5B and T2A. This doesn’t all. It’s almost as if whoever thought this up doesn’t understand the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    You're paying extra for a reroll. Something that no other Crystal provides the ability to do. Even if it was 3:1, it would still contradict the point of making the T4CC Crystal random. People would just trade for what they want. It still has to be based on RNG somehow.

    It’s still RNG when you open the T4CC in the first place. A 3:1 ratio would be more than fair to pick your own class cat. 2:1 for a random cat is acceptable but still not the greatest deal. 3:1 for a random cat that isn’t so random is a really bad offer unless you’re desperate/impatient (which I admit I can be impatient). Everyone can attest to some degree about pulls not being random despite how you say it’s just RNG. When you pull 7/7 tech T4C in a row, I don’t care who you are, you’re gonna don the tinfoil hat.

    What you're describing is a situation that would suit that. Pulling 7 Tech would be a use for it if someone wants. However, picking the Class Cat you want would contradict the random Crystals. People would literally do that until they got what they wanted. This is a way to try again. Sorry, but I disagree. Having the option to pick it contradicts the RNG system.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Not the most useful feature but might come in handy in the right situation. Nothing to make a fuss and get offended over.
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★
    This is definitely for more end game players. If the idea of taking a chance with 3 Catalysts to get one is iffy to you, then you're probably not at a place where this would make sense for you to use!

  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    You're paying extra for a reroll. Something that no other Crystal provides the ability to do. Even if it was 3:1, it would still contradict the point of making the T4CC Crystal random. People would just trade for what they want. It still has to be based on RNG somehow.

    It’s still RNG when you open the T4CC in the first place. A 3:1 ratio would be more than fair to pick your own class cat. 2:1 for a random cat is acceptable but still not the greatest deal. 3:1 for a random cat that isn’t so random is a really bad offer unless you’re desperate/impatient (which I admit I can be impatient). Everyone can attest to some degree about pulls not being random despite how you say it’s just RNG. When you pull 7/7 tech T4C in a row, I don’t care who you are, you’re gonna don the tinfoil hat.

    What you're describing is a situation that would suit that. Pulling 7 Tech would be a use for it if someone wants. However, picking the Class Cat you want would contradict the random Crystals. People would literally do that until they got what they wanted. This is a way to try again. Sorry, but I disagree. Having the option to pick it contradicts the RNG system.

    Everything is not RNG in this game though don’t you understand? And why should everything be RNG? It devalues your sense of accomplishment.
  • JimmyBJimmyB Member Posts: 212 ★★
    This has sucker written all over it. Trade in 3 get one you don't need. Trade in 3 more still don't get what you need. Trade in 3 more and yet you still Don't get what you need. So now you're down 9 cc and still Don't get the one you.need. Yeah, i don't think so.
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