So I give up 3 of my t4cc..



  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    The fact is, I would never trade 3 away for a chance at 5 different ones. Even if I could select the catalyst, I doubt I’d use it because the price is so steep.
  • Yagami9999Yagami9999 Member Posts: 152
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    shchong2 wrote: »
    Well I thought 2019 April Fool came early, but then I realized this is a new horrible idea, from what I heard from various folks in my alliance as well as few other alliances. But hey, Kabam knows its customers the best, and Kabam always do what's best for its customers, right? So I guess it must be a great deal, just that most players cannot understand Kabam's most kind intention, right? ;);)

    It is very easy to understand. Selling T3cc for the T4cc fragments is also a horrible exchange rate, it would be better to simply use them for rank ups. Except I earn ten times more than I can ever use, so I sell them. The conversion isn't supposed to be an efficient way to earn T4cc, it is just something to do for the players that have progressed far enough in the game that all of the sources of those available to them combined is far more than they can use. It is just that T4cc is currently the highest rank class catalyst that currently exists in the game so you can't sell them, so for players that get more of those than they can use there is currently no option available to do anything with them except watch them expire. This offers an option for something to do with them, and it is actually a very efficient exchange compared to most catalyst selling that granted offers higher tier fragments but at incredibly low exchange rates.

    I'd rather rank up that she hulk to 5/50
    or that sentry to 3/45

    than exchange for 1/5 chance for another T4cc

    you won't get overflow if you don't open crystals
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    Goodness??? LOL. What a terrible deal for any player.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    This is definitely for more end game players. If the idea of taking a chance with 3 Catalysts to get one is iffy to you, then you're probably not at a place where this would make sense for you to use!
    As an end game player I can whole-heartedly dispute that statement. This is a horrible deal. End game players are overflowing with t4cc. This is just another way to stick it to us it seems. With how absolutely horrible the game has been performing recently I would think that you would start introducing things that are over the top, not whatever this is.

    This is primarily focused on end game players with T4CC that is expiring, so this trade allows them to convert expiring T4CC that they can't use into other classes they might use. If you don't have overflow T4CC that has been going unused for so long that it is expiring, then you aren't in the part of the end game this end game feature is primarily focused on.

    Ok, end game player. Let's say you've got a skill, tech and mutant expiring and you need a cosmic.

    Your other t4cc are probably not expiring for another 20 days. You've got to sacrifice another 2 of some class to have a go at this exchange. I don't see a lot of logic in this feature since t4cc are not given as triplets.

    I don't see the logic of watching T4CC expire when there's a way to convert them to something else that could be useful. But if that's the way logic works in your country, that option is still open to you.
    Kabam doesn't care. Stop giving them your money. The only dialect they understand
  • SnakeEyes69SnakeEyes69 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Hmmmm let me see work my ass off to get these cats and then trade 3 for a random??? This is so out of whack...why not INCREASE THE LIMIT ON OUR INVENTORY!!!! Jeez Kabam it's not rocket science!!!
  • ScarcohScarcoh Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike Just write the explanation more clearly. The wording of it is so confusing. There are 5 crystals suggests you can choose the crystal which will get you the "other class" you want. You say "guaranteed" which also suggests you can choose. Say "you can choose" or "which other t4cc you get will be random" or heaven forbid, give an example "eg. if you trade in 3 t4 science you might be given a tech or a cosmic. Anything except a science cat". This ambiguity is why summoners are upset with Kabam's communication.
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    Well I have been full on tech and cosmic for 6 months. Let more than half a dozen expire. So while the cost isnt cheap. I’d probably do it. Problem is I’d probably sell a tech and get a cosmic. Then sell a cosmic and get a tech. Lmao

    Bottom line though. You should be able to pick theclass. To avoid this idiotic possibility above.
  • SmashSmash Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    Noob2435 wrote: »
    Let me tell you guys something that's going to blow your mind! You don't have to use it! *gasp* . I may not ever use it, but at least it's a option if I need it.

    Let me tell you something that’s going to blow up your mind. Players have been begging for a solution on expiring T4 cats and now they get this trash solution that “they don’t have to use it”. Blow your mind on this. There’s a problem and someone gives you a bad solution when they could’ve helped. Think on this one for a while. Looks like you need a lot of time
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Well I have been full on tech and cosmic for 6 months. Let more than half a dozen expire. So while the cost isnt cheap. I’d probably do it. Problem is I’d probably sell a tech and get a cosmic. Then sell a cosmic and get a tech. Lmao

    Bottom line though. You should be able to pick theclass. To avoid this idiotic possibility above.

    I wouldn't oppose a specific option to "rainbow" the crystals. In other words, sell three different catalysts, get a crystal guaranteed to contain none of them.

    I'm guessing that the game more or less "hard codes" the crystal purchases meaning they made six new crystals, each of which has a chance to drop one of five options, the sixth isn't included in the crystal type you purchase with. So three tech buys a crystal containing everything besides tech. That's pretty straight forward. The idea above can also be implemented in the same way, albeit with a lot more crystals. There are 120 different possible ways to sell three different T4CC, and each one would have to map to a different crystal that has a one in three chance of dropping one out of three classes (the three not included among those sold).

    Its just rows in Excel, though, and shouldn't require any special modifications to how the game currently works, except maybe an interface to pick three different cats to sell.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    3 for 1 😂 I am dying. This just magnifies the problem we currently have
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    A - You have a fantastic choice!

    A - You can take a million dollar now... or... give it up for a mystery box.

    B - I want the mystery box

    A - Great choice!... And what's in the mystery box?

    C - An ascendant Crystal!

    A - Thank you for playing Marvel Casino of Champions!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    do because we're chasing a rank-up it's much smarter to rank a champ for arena then just throw two away for no reason.

    I'm prepared to bet real cash that a significant number of players have lots of expiring T4CC and will take the offer. Kabam wouldn't offer it if they didn't have the data to support the work that went into creating the option, as well as the more obvious fact that people keep complaining about it constantly.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    Noob2435 wrote: »
    Let me tell you guys something that's going to blow your mind! You don't have to use it! *gasp* . I may not ever use it, but at least it's a option if I need it.

    So it's wrong to express one's opinion on a new feature and give alternative solutions they thought to be more fair.

    And in a public forum no less where people are supposed to express their opinion and exchange in dialogue. But no, you think you have to be sarcastic and witty when you really just sound like an ass.

  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    I tend to agree with @DNA3000 most of the time, but I do not see this new feature as something valuable. Not everything has to be random in this game. Why make it this way? I am losing 2 catalysts in exchange of one that I may not need.
    What happens if I have an overflow of more than one class?

    I still think the best option is not to open the crystals and only open them when you need them. That's how I do it at least. Although, to be honest, I am in a sweet spot right now where I get nice champions every now and then, so I rarely have a problem.

    And since the latest changes in the arena matchups, I found out I need to rank up my 5 stars to use them, so I cannot think an end game player will run out of champions to rank up. (As I am not in an alliance).

    I think extending the limit of catalysts was a better idea. Also, making some items not expire is something that would be also in line with apple rules. If I buy something with a bundle, (let's say, alphas), it shouldn't expire.

    It is hard to believe this was one of the most valuable features to introduce right now. At least we can ignore it exists, so it won't affect us, but I'd rather see their efforts in some other areas of the game.
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Not the most useful feature but might come in handy in the right situation. Nothing to make a fuss and get offended over.

    Kinda it is. They take a great idea and then mess it up.

    I would have gladly traded my 3 tech or 3 science for an immediate cosmic. It's a big exchange but I'm ready to do it.

    3 for 1 random is just insane. As you can read, even end game players don't really need this.

    It's a classic case of taking feedback and then delivering something completely different. Sorry but that's what they've done.

    Took the words straight out of my mouth bro
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Yagami9999 wrote: »
    This is definitely for more end game players. If the idea of taking a chance with 3 Catalysts to get one is iffy to you, then you're probably not at a place where this would make sense for you to use!

    Yeah, imagine you need skill, and have overflow in tech, science and maybe mutant

    so you need 1 skill

    trade in 3x tech, get science
    oh well, try again

    Trade in 3x science, get mutant
    ok ok, one more try
    trade in 3x mutant
    get ? tech.........

    nice system

  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Namelez wrote: »
    Not the most useful feature but might come in handy in the right situation. Nothing to make a fuss and get offended over.

    Kinda it is. They take a great idea and then mess it up.

    I would have gladly traded my 3 tech or 3 science for an immediate cosmic. It's a big exchange but I'm ready to do it.

    3 for 1 random is just insane. As you can read, even end game players don't really need this.

    It's a classic case of taking feedback and then delivering something completely different. Sorry but that's what they've done.

    Took the words straight out of my mouth bro

    This feature is right there with Cyclops being one of the most effective champions in the game. Those pesky analytics!
  • PsychomaticPsychomatic Member Posts: 10
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    I wouldn't oppose a specific option to "rainbow" the crystals. In other words, sell three different catalysts, get a crystal guaranteed to contain none of them.

    I'm guessing that the game more or less "hard codes" the crystal purchases meaning they made six new crystals, each of which has a chance to drop one of five options, the sixth isn't included in the crystal type you purchase with. So three tech buys a crystal containing everything besides tech. That's pretty straight forward. The idea above can also be implemented in the same way, albeit with a lot more crystals. There are 120 different possible ways to sell three different T4CC, and each one would have to map to a different crystal that has a one in three chance of dropping one out of three classes (the three not included among those sold).

    Its just rows in Excel, though, and shouldn't require any special modifications to how the game currently works, except maybe an interface to pick three different cats to sell.

    You may have hit the nail on the head as to why they didn’t implement this with a choice: only 6 crystals needed for a random type other than the type you used to pay vs. 30 crystals needed for allowing all types to pay for your choice of type other than the type you used to pay with similar logic. I suppose you could have 6 crystals that each accepted all the types except the one you are getting back, but maybe that required more logic in the coding and they wanting the quick and dirty fix. Or maybe it was all just down to their decision to make it random for whatever reason.

    Either way, I feel like they could have came up with a system to sell the expiring T4CC even for just gold instead of a solution that was most likely going to frustrate a good number of summoners with the tease of being able to trade unwanted T4CC for the ones you need.

  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    2 words.
    Predatory lending.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    I tend to agree with @DNA3000 most of the time, but I do not see this new feature as something valuable.

    I didn't say the feature was especially valuable, nor did I characterize it as the best possible way for players to deal with expiring catalysts. In fact, it is almost certainly explicitly intended to be suboptimal.

    Normally the game offers us a way to sell expiring (or not) catalysts for a tiny amount of fragments of the next higher tier. This option isn't intended to be "great" it is intended to offer *something* to players that max out on a resource the game places inventory limits on. In this case, there is no T5CC they can hand us fragments for, so up to now players had to simply let them expire for no value. This is something the players can do until T5CC appears, and it is intended to have a very high frictional cost.

    In other words, when players say Kabam could have given players a "better" option they are entirely correct, But Kabam wasn't trying to crreat a "good" option in that sense. It is intended to be an option of last resort, when players either will not or cannot spend T4CC of a certain class.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    What a terrible deal to trade 3 same class T4CC to maybe get one of the other class T4CC...

    How about @Kabam Miike you allow players to trade champs, even for one period per yr?
  • sbb75sbb75 Member Posts: 208
    I wish I could sell garbage 5* Champs for 3,333 5* Shards. That would be great.

    This T4CC deal is nonsense.
    Instead it’s a typical solution from the kabummies.
    If people have Expiring T4CC, it’s most likely from:
    * **** champs for a class.
    * Takes forever to ge T2A
    * Kabams RNG = Really Not Good

    How about doubling inventory limits and doubling the days for expiring.
    How about never offer T4CC deals for $ without letting people pick their class.?
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    shchong2 wrote: »
    Well I thought 2019 April Fool came early, but then I realized this is a new horrible idea, from what I heard from various folks in my alliance as well as few other alliances. But hey, Kabam knows its customers the best, and Kabam always do what's best for its customers, right? So I guess it must be a great deal, just that most players cannot understand Kabam's most kind intention, right? ;);)

    It is very easy to understand. Selling T3cc for the T4cc fragments is also a horrible exchange rate, it would be better to simply use them for rank ups. Except I earn ten times more than I can ever use, so I sell them. The conversion isn't supposed to be an efficient way to earn T4cc, it is just something to do for the players that have progressed far enough in the game that all of the sources of those available to them combined is far more than they can use. It is just that T4cc is currently the highest rank class catalyst that currently exists in the game so you can't sell them, so for players that get more of those than they can use there is currently no option available to do anything with them except watch them expire. This offers an option for something to do with them, and it is actually a very efficient exchange compared to most catalyst selling that granted offers higher tier fragments but at incredibly low exchange rates.

    Yes this is the kind of deal that only the top 0.1% to 1% would probably appreciate the rate (and the randomness of the 1/5 chance), but I would still assume for this top 0.1% to 1%, they basically have at least 3-4 classes overflowing, so now after the exchange they are still at the MERCY of the RNG, and there's no guarantee they will get the exact class of their choice.

    EXCHANGE 1 T4cc for another T4cc of our choice = 100% players will appreciate!
    EXCHANGE 3 T4cc for another T4cc of our choice = maybe top 0.1% to 1% players will appreciate!
    EXCHANGE 3 T4cc for another T4cc at RNG's mercy = Mickey will appreciate it! :D

  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    You know what I would appreciate more?

    Downgrading catalysts.
    1 T3CC = 2 T2CC
    1 T2CC = 2 T1CC

    How is this not a thing?
  • LadyCLadyC Member Posts: 12
    This is definitely for more end game players. If the idea of taking a chance with 3 Catalysts to get one is iffy to you, then you're probably not at a place where this would make sense for you to use!

    Can we begin to focus on the midlevel players still struggling day in, day out? Another perk for end game players that are already top? If they have maxed out 1 t4cc then they have all their t4cc maxed. This proves to all of us that kabam is catering to the "elites" or end game players and leaving the rest to pick up crumbs. This is straight from kabam itself as I have quoted kabam miike's own post.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Just raise the cap. Stop trying to spin this as something players want. No one wants this.

    It's ok. No one forces us to sell our T4CC anyway, let's just ignore it exists. And it will show up in their analytics if it was successful or not.

    Sure, we would prefer them to deliver more useful things that solve problems without creating new ones, but in the end... our lives are not worse because of this feature.

    Let's assume Deadpool redacted that post and it was all a joke.
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