Best choice for first LOL run?

So recently finished exploring act 5 and started saving for a run through the Labyrinth. Planned on taking sparky to r5 and using him, until last night I pulled starlord who I can awaken and take to r4. Which would be the better option?
Yes 5* sl
I do already have 4* r5 sl aswell
Star lord 5/65
Not a whole lot of better options than those two.
Ok I know you love only that Hyperion. But come on saying spark as bottom tier is just too much. A lot of ppl in community can argue that spark is better than Hyperion so, well. It's okay if you don't like spark but he ain't bottom tier by any means.
You know this guy is a troll right?
Honestly I hadn't noticed. Just clicked on some of his comments and there is a very clear trolling theme lol
Hello. Just wanted to know, is your spark r5 and duped? How much does the dupe affect? I'm having him at R5 unduped. Having explored act 5 recently, I have a generic awakening but I'm confused whether to use it or not. Unluckily I couldn't score a tech gem from act 5. A mystic that I used on Voodoo. And a mutant which I'm confused as well. Whether to use it on my AA r3 or hold out. I have a 4 star maxed AA. Would like your input. Also what team did you use? I'm thinking of R5 spark unduped, R4 blade duped, R4 GR unduped, vulture for 6% attack and miles for long debuff for spark.
Stark def is generic worthy. However, do the first LOL path and see what gem you get. If you're a spender you may also want to see if they come out with a gem deal next week.
Trinity + Vulture + MM is the way to go.
Sure whatever floats your boat lol
Spark has one the lowest health pool in the game.
Spark is an abominationin block proficiency and defense.
Spark requires poise charges to hit hard.
SL has a large health pool.
SL has one the best block proficiencies in the game
SL has the closest thing to perfect block team.
SL does not require charges to hit hard.
SL does damage of 125,000+ of a 5 hit combo after 125 hits.
SL sp2 power drains heal block or shocks the enemy. After 50 hits sp2 does well above 35000 damage on last hit alone.
I have a 5/65 SL rank 200. Never looked back. I also have spark.
cool, you listed the very few negatives about sparky and the positives of star lord. Using Sparky makes it so you dont have to play PERFECTLY. If you dont play perfectly using star lord, you're done. You lose your combo and eventually get screwed by the enrage timer. Sorry, but Star Lord is the old king of LoL.
Legends = Star-lord