MS worth ranking a 5* to R5

Not many options to rank to rank a 5* to R5. Already have Blade as R5. Other options besides MS are Magik, Hulk OG, Hyperion, Ultron or Sabretooth. I also have a 6* Duped GG that I could take to R3 in a month as an option. I would also need to use a generic AG on the MS, Hyperion or ST.
Absolutely crazy how you’re basically in the same position as me. I have a generic I’m debating on using on MS and have Hyperion at r4 already. Think I might awaken the MS if I don’t get something soon and r5 her
I think it depends greatly on how good you are with Morningstar. I've seen great things done with her, but I think she is a bit like Ghost Rider in the sense that some people seem to play the champ well and get great results and others don't. If you're one of those people that gets great results from Morningstar, then I think that's a legitimate choice for R5. Magik, Hyperion, and Sabretooth are also good choices because they are all good playable options and can do double duty as decent defenders when not being played.
But if you're not sure, you can also wait: there are potentially better options out there you might pull between now and when you have to use the resources. My thinking on upgrades when it comes to hard to get resources is if the rank up is going to save you time and/or money or is going to make your gameplay significantly better right now, then a bird in the hand is worth taking now. But if it isn't going to be game changing, I generally wait until it is.
Have you used MS? Surprised to hear someone say she’s trash...
Bro seriously, you are comparing MS to The super god Hyperion???
Bro get this: MS is not a god tier champ. Hyperion is. I am surprise this is even a question. You really have to know very little to nothing about this game.
There are a lot of reasons to take one thing to R5 over using the resources on more R4s, but one area in which the extra health can be a dramatic difference is any champion with health recovery. If you're upgrading Blade, or Rogue, or MS (who has life steal with five souls and regen steal when awakened) then the higher health could be the difference between losing health in every fight to gaining health in every fight, something that can save significant resources in many cases.
Also, if you are spending a lot of potions and spending glory or units on them, anything that will reduce that expense significantly could be worth the rank up resources, heal or no heal. It might be alliance war or it might be uncollected difficulty bosses: its different for every player. Some don't need the firepower, some could save money if they did.
Well firstly at 5 souls she does similar or even more damage than Hyperion. She’s also much better at taking down Medusa/Hyperion and has been used to clear LOL 100%. I wouldn’t also be asking who I should rank 5 as a 5* if I knew nothing about the game...
Similar damage to Hyperion. 😂 go ahead and 5/65 her then. This is the biggest joke of July for me. Thank you for making my day. I am just wasting my time. Just find some videos of 5/65 Hyperion in youtube first before talking this $&$)&&))$$
I’ve actually looked into videos of both at r5! Please sir keep your negativity away as I’m sure the OP is just looking for constructive feedback from people who can accept others views! Also I advise checking out her damage on her sp1 when she has 5 souls
Wow. I’ve never seen such an inflated and overhyped opinion before. The arrogance is insane. You know Hyperion is not the be all end all. Not even close. There are other good champs out there, even better than Hyperion. Maybe if you were more open minded you might realize it. Maybe even find a new favorite.
Magik is a good choice for 5/65. At least she power controls well. I like magik and never pull her as 5 star 😢
Sir. The fact that MS is good in your eyes does not make a fact that she is GOD tier. Hyperion is the highest heavy hitter damage dealer in the game. Fastest raw damage. He soloes all content including LOL maestro. Again he soloes all content, maybe some AW nodes he is not ideal but that is about it.
It takes more than 15 minutes in LOL to take a champ down with MS pillow hands and considering that champ has buffs because if the enemy does not have buffs MS is air hands.
You can have your own opinion fine. But MS is not god tier period.
Do not compare Magik or Hyperion to MS please. Do yourself a favor 😂
What do you mean by that?
I will not get intimidated by some random guy that chose to $&$&@$$. I have my opinion if you dont like it you dont need to attack personally just ignore me and move on.
I like to keep things real and on perspective. I would not 5/65 anyone who is not GOD tier period. I would not rank 2 a 6 star for prestige like the guy of this thread is suggesting. Mr. Green pillow globin 😂. T5B are really rare and precious and the GOD tier champs are very rare to obtain. If you have one good for you. This guy has 2 of them and he is neglecting for a soso champ 😂. Even Sabretooth is better choice than MS.
1. She is not GOD tier
2. MD is getting change or nerfed however you want to call it.
3. Building souls is a pain in the behind.
4. Her synergys are a flat out gas.
5. Agaisnt champs without buffs she is just nauseating.
6. At 5/65 her punches are 4000 damage on the high critical ones 😂 give me a break.
7. She is not the best Medusa killer. Even Hood is better than her. Hold on. Even 4 star SW is better than her. I personally kill medusa with any champ. She is somewhat irrelevant. Learn how to fight the autoblock mechanics. When she reaches living strands do one hit + special combo then intercepts and rinse repeat.
1. She is very good agaisnt champs with buffs just like a female version of Ronan with no stun in power wise.
2. MD still is ok agaisnt buff champs power is gain Ie. Medusa.
3. Her SP 2 can be powerful true but at what cost. How much timeeeee bro?
4. Good top AW defense.
Nobody was personally attacking you. I simply said your opinion was way overhyped. You’re being dramatic. I also did not say MS was god tier. I didn’t say anything about MS or classify any other champs as god tier. I simply told you to keep an open mind. If you want to flag me for it, it doesn’t bother me.
I’ll just leave this here. 1 soul vs 2 buffs. If she’s duped she gets a soul automatically so she can do this potential on the first fight.
The more you know....
This is fair, and the point about regen makes much sense. That other guy will call me a moron I'm sure, but I believe I'll be r5ing my MS before my Magik or my Hype.