When does this stop?

Ok so we got the parry mastery,
they released stun immune nodes,
but atleast the parry still worked in reducing damage, we could stun enemy specials,
They removed that too. We were fine with it.
We got 5 hit combos, they released autoblock, with parry. We were fine with that too.
They released evade champs, then they released true strike to counter evade champs, we were fine that too.
But how can they play around with dexterity? They are forcing us to take damage. And I hear no one voicing their opinions? It's not that the uncollected is tough or something like that. I'm just asking where does this end?
First they made medusa who could auto block with 3 furies, then modok with the shield, thor rags with intercept auto block, imiw with auto block on armored.
Heimdall is the start of something much worse, all of the above characters you can atleast evade their specials, not with evade champs but with skill. Now they're taking that away. Try picturing champs like Heimdall in LoL 2.0 where you have to take damage from their l2s or such. That won't be a pretty picture.
So back to my title, where does this stop?
they released stun immune nodes,
but atleast the parry still worked in reducing damage, we could stun enemy specials,
They removed that too. We were fine with it.
We got 5 hit combos, they released autoblock, with parry. We were fine with that too.
They released evade champs, then they released true strike to counter evade champs, we were fine that too.
But how can they play around with dexterity? They are forcing us to take damage. And I hear no one voicing their opinions? It's not that the uncollected is tough or something like that. I'm just asking where does this end?
First they made medusa who could auto block with 3 furies, then modok with the shield, thor rags with intercept auto block, imiw with auto block on armored.
Heimdall is the start of something much worse, all of the above characters you can atleast evade their specials, not with evade champs but with skill. Now they're taking that away. Try picturing champs like Heimdall in LoL 2.0 where you have to take damage from their l2s or such. That won't be a pretty picture.
So back to my title, where does this stop?
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Heimdall wasnt that bad to me the one that I had trouble with was that Hydra Adaptoid that was a pain
Again, I'm not having problems fighting him, I have a pretty beefy account and my r4 5* dr voodoo puts him to dust, I'm talking about us not being able to even Dexterity the special, that's with skill, not everybody can do that
It’s not technically evasion and it isn’t dexterity either
True that but if they dont know how to Dex properly then they have no business in labyrinth of legends
Again, I know Heimdall is easy, that's not the problem here, please read my post about not being able to evade correctly?
Tank him with Luke Cage
Omg!!! Does no one read correctly? I one shot him with my r4 5* voodoo.
I do see your point, but they will always try to find new ways to have us take unavoidable damage and try to push people to spend. So the answer to your question, never.
He doesn't care how to beat him, his point was the Evade cancel mechanic. Void, Domino, Sentinal (I think Science) and now Heimdall. Kabam keep doing this to us. Introducing new ways to make defenders harder.
By taking away the ability to evade is honestly EA levels of scum when it comes to how important it is to the game.
His point was at some point Kabam will keep doing this more and more with new champs over and over. We complain about Auto Block so they release new champs with skilled to get past it. We complain about not being able to evade? Give it some months for a better counter than we have now to come about.
They will start slowly taking them all away and then add in the new masteries. Which are exactly the same, but cannot be cancelled out by other abilities and cost 10 carb cores for each level.
Thank you and thank you too, finally someone got my point. You can't just change the basic game mechanics like this. Factor of luck should not interfere with skill, I should not be thinking twice when I'm evading a special with Dex that I might get clipped.
I bet a future champ will counter him.....
Ah I see what you mean now yeah it is bs but Kabam don't care it makes them 💰
Honestly, never. So long as the game exists, the developers are going to keep adding counters to existing abilities and even tactics, and then counters to those counters, and so on. They aren't going to create a "safe haven" where, if you just learn to do this thing well, all future content will fall to that set of abilities and tactics.
Roll up! Roll up! Get your champ with inbuilt dexterity that can ignore true strike abilities for the small price of your dignity and re-mortgaging your house
There are some champs with this ability in the game already (Vulture, Nightcrawler, SS)
Again, this is not about defense, but about attack, even with all these true strike champs, you could always evade using dexterity, but not from now on moving forward.
They can’t ignore heimdall’s True strike though can they?