Kinda sick to my Stomache...

So I probably know better than to ask this, but just incase I'm missing something. Account is bout 100 days old, n yesterday I opened my 1st 5*. I also had a 3*, 4* n Arena Rewards (got BPCW, somehow missed Red Skull), so that's a promising day for a progressing player I just knew the 5* was gonna go bad, felt it all week. This is my pull :
Unbelievable. Like is there any silver lining from this?, I'm well aware of the Tiers, but like can I even take him to r2? Like would him being a 5* really help that much compared to my 4*s , like w HP or Attack? I understand game has moved towards 5* n up , but like is there real use for him? Paired w AA for syngery or in AW D w Domino, im like tier 18. N to make it worse, I pulled his 4* out of a PHC 4 days earlier n was pumped, cuz well it's a 4* from a PHC. I guess only plus is I got bout 5k of the shards from Kabam? I know I'm a newer account, not sure how quick ppl get 5*s, but man it hurt lol I've been grinding too

Unbelievable. Like is there any silver lining from this?, I'm well aware of the Tiers, but like can I even take him to r2? Like would him being a 5* really help that much compared to my 4*s , like w HP or Attack? I understand game has moved towards 5* n up , but like is there real use for him? Paired w AA for syngery or in AW D w Domino, im like tier 18. N to make it worse, I pulled his 4* out of a PHC 4 days earlier n was pumped, cuz well it's a 4* from a PHC. I guess only plus is I got bout 5k of the shards from Kabam? I know I'm a newer account, not sure how quick ppl get 5*s, but man it hurt lol I've been grinding too
He’s arena fodder.
At some point it will get better.
Don't be so sure about that - got my first 6* last night.
Iron Fist.
This won't lessen the pain, but if Kabam offered me a 5* champion when my account was 100 days old, I wouldn't care if it was a Symbiod with no special three attack.
Yeah, could be worse.
Try playing without crystal shards, catalyst fragments, easily obtainable T4C, much more limited T4B, no calendars, and…
Well you kinda get my point. It used to be that even getting a 3* was a bit interesting and getting a 4* was nothing less than a miracle unless you did arena 24/7 religiously
Now most long term players are popping a 5* on average 2-3 times a month and 4*s are abundant.
120 days to get a 6* and some people like me get KingGroot! Relax, you got an extra 3/30 4* essentially and for such a new account I’m surprised that’s a bad thing
Atleast u didnt spend a grand on fgmc's and only pull 2 4*s which btw where the duck and falcon..
There were no 5* champions when I started playing and getting a 3 star was something to celebrate. 100 days and getting a Colossus is more than enough. Start complaining if you are still getting crappy champs a year in.
He has uses, even if he’s not great.
Classic DD. Only 10 dupes to go...
We can take turns crying on each other's shoulders.
As for 5* Hawkeye, I think he's way underrated. I have him unlocked and am even thinking of maxing him out first. His sp1 bleed and power drain is so good sometimes I use him against enemies who don't bleed just to drain their power and keep them from using special attack.
If I remember correctly I pulled.
Duped ironman
Duped rhino
Duped ironman
Also, Hawkeye is great. My 5* is r4 unduped and basically got me through uncollected with SW and Hyp 4*.
And last thing I’d note, 6* KG isn’t bad at all. Use him in AQ if you don’t like him for war def. He can still heal on his sp3.
My first bleed immune champ was, in fact, 4* Colossus. I got a lot of mileage out of him before he got surpassed in my roster.
Hawkeye is an awesome first 5* pull. I got Cyclops as my first 5* pull. Hawkeye's L1 can be really useful. Just saying.