Dropping 2* from a PHC

Does anyone else think that 2* should be dropped from PHCs as the are not really premium are they.... I'm sick of pulling 2* as they are now all but unusable... Drop the 2* and fetch 5* into PHCs
U get daily grandmaster shards, once uncollected it just takes 2 weeks to get 2000 daily login rewards
Everyone that’s uncollected got there without uncollected crystals, but now it’s not possible?
It is easier to progress now than it has ever been. If it is impossible for you to progress to uncollected, how did anyone else get there? I became uncollected with just a couple of 5/50s and one 3/45.
I got uncollected with some 4/40s, 2 5/50s and a 3/45, and fun fact I used the 3/45 the least and one of the 4/40s the most
5* champs aren't necessary to becoming uncollected
It doesnt happen over night buddy. Keep grinding and completing content and you will get what you need.
Right now 4 and 5-Star shards are becoming so much easier to come by and that’s without arena. Becoming uncollected isn’t meant to be easy, it takes time, you’ve gotta build a strong roster (and that can take some time). PHC’s are frustrating, we all know that but patience is key.
Get uncollected. Simple enough.
Having said that, it would be awesome if Kabam stopped giving PHC and PHC shards to Uncollected players and replaced them in all arenas and events with Grandmaster Crystal shards and Grandmaster Crystals. Alternatively, they should create some content (aside from Arenas) that you can only use 2-star Champions to overcome, making them useful again. They could base rewards on your Prestige to give incentives to end-content players to enter these challenges to gain rewards while not unbalancing the "economy" of rewards for newer players.
Uncollected isn’t all that hard to achieve. A full team a r5 4* can get the job done. A bit of preparation and skill goes a long way too. Grind for units potions and revives. Save your free crystals. Especially now with the peak milestones system giving extra units and full energy refills. It’s easier than when I made my attempt.
I think most of the early uncollecteds have a similar story, because outside of the very top alliances that's all we could have possibly had. T4CC were precious, 5* champions were unusual, and T2A were almost science fiction.
Try thinking about what's better in your shopping experience - Premium, Deluxe, or Luxury...
I bought some premium toilet paper a few weeks ago. Won't make that mistake again...
Well, it can be done with less lol, just a lot harder the right 4/40s carry you a long way
You want nice things, you work for them.
Might as well just leave the ones from demigod and god tier aswell.
And make crystals cost 200 shards instead of 2k while we’re at it.
The same way everyone else did it?
Well, this month, GP goes to the movies is going to basically give away a 4*, 4 or 5* and a 5* (one in each of the top 3 quests) and all should be easily attainable with just a 3* roster if the difficulty is going to stay about the same as Kabam posted in in the sticky.
Man, I wish we had something like this about a year ago. The last really great offer like this was the 4* for $1, which was pretty amazing for anyone in need of a decent 4* champ and early players. I only had 4* when I got uncollected and my go-to's were x-23 to clear paths and hulk for collector. My 5* roster is 23 now and up until recently has pretty much been trash, but recently got GP, Void and SL so things are looking up for getting the next acts done with some additional muscle on the team.
PHC - meh. Honestly, I don't think any of the GMC are that great either. So far, I've had all 3* and one 4* antman. I've pulled a lot more 4* out of PHC and they come a lot easier than GMC.
Same way all the other people got uncollected? You act like it was just bestowed upon us in a Devine act.
You should be lucky you have shards. You should have tried progressing before that.
And not that I like throwing the millennial moniker around, but it seems like that stereotypical attitude translates very well in the game where people want instant gratification of having the best champs and the ability to beat all difficult content from the get go because they see and hear how others are so much further along than they are. Zero regard to the time they all put into getting to where they are now. Crawl, walk, run... Progression.
I noticed a huge increase in the shards I get once becoming uncollected. If you're wondering whether you should prioritize alliance over becoming uncollected, you should definitely try to become uncollected. You start progressing a lot faster (although it's still not that fast. Just a lot faster than when you're collected).
Get Uncollected and get GMCs if ur not Uncollected sorry not my problem