Dear kabam you guys even care a single bit?

Lag, crash, heating issue, ai launching sp in mid of combo, connection issue, game is getting worse and worse.and it seems like you guys even dont care. With all these issues aw season is going on. I have quitted playing event quest bcoz its unplayable cant complete a path without 1-2 crash. But had to play the aw just bcoz of season. And you guys dont care. Atleast halt the aw season . I m not asking for compensation all i m asking atleast make the game playable. With every update comes connection issues free. Then comes maintenance and plus we get emergency maintainance as a gift for updating the game. . Please its a request forget discussing compensation just make this god damn game playable asap
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What have you done to help them? You talk about lag and the A.I effecting you but what are you doing to help from your side? Have you provided screenshots or videos with it happening? Have you provided your device info and current OS version? Have you sent support tickets in when it happens? Did you provide where it's happeing and which game mode?
They cant just "fix" things just because you say they are broken or not working. I have an LG V30 and have none of the issues you say except of course when the servers go down. So without provide detailed information, how can they fix it ASAP? Its fairly annoying to see these posts screaming at the mods and the company to fix things but no info is provided.
The annoying thing is there’s no update about what’s happening. They fixed the issue with 19.0 by patching it, it fixed the issues I had, they then came back with 19.1 so they must have a good idea what the problem is but just because most iOS users aren’t having it it’s not getting fixed!
I for one think that they have gone past caring and this will be the beginning of the end for MCOC. After over 3 years of playing and hard earned money spent on this game will be retiring after season 3 cause this won’t be getting fixed unfortunately.
Are you kabam in disguise?
This is an ongoing issue and there are LOTS of instances of people complaining. What a silly response. If you dont work for Kabam, dont expect any candy from them. Silly person.
I have already quoted the bugs in bugs section. Crash issues in android crash section etc etc. All those comments in tht section are not sifficent for evidence?
Should I offer a coding symposium as well? How about a primer in customer service? Send a certified letter each time problems arise?
Dr. Zola
Thats the key. "Complaining" what can a dev do with complaining? Does it tell him what device to test? Does it tell him what OS to use to test? Does it say what game mode its in? None of that. Most of you come on here saying "fix the lag" or "fix problem x" and don't give anything else to go off of. You all want issues "fixed ASAP" but can't provide any details.
Again, this game us played over 100's of different devices and dozens of versions of operating systems. Its not as simple as saying fix the lag. I dont experience any lag in any game mode but you might. Thats the point I'm trying to get across. Even more so Mods keep having to ask the same queations because a very small few ever provide that info. So either provide the info or stop complaining.
As I also said it’s annoying that there has being no information about what’s being done about it, it’s 2 weeks now, the beta to fix 19.0 was being tested in that time and released the patch to fix it!
No they do not
Glad that now more people aware. Thanks for posting.
(Watch this post get flagged as SPAM or ABUSE for speaking an inconvenient truth...)
Amen!!!lol im definitely never spending another dime ,and have already semi retired ive been having control/lag issues for awhile until iPhone users had a problem it was completely ignored and they fixed those issues android users are still being ignored ,ive sent in a few tickets with specific info (make model of device,carrier, where problems exist,etc etc)
We do understand that if the game is not performing well on your device that it can be very frustrating. But the most helpful thing you can do for us is to share detailed information as requested in the performance threads. This helps us identify trends in reported performance issues as the team continues to investigate and work to improve game performance. We don't have any new info to share at this time about any performance updates, but please know that it is something we care about and are working on.
This said, rant threads are against the forum rules so this discussion will be closed. Thanks for understanding.