Shut down Alliance Wars as a game mode permanently.



  • Vale84Vale84 Member Posts: 308 ★★★
    Rocap wrote: »
    Idk if they didn't make the difficulty of AW so obnoxious, and continue to do absolutely everything they can to increase that difficulty, people wouldn't even feel the need to pilot. If the thing wasn't a 48 hour event, people wouldn't feel the need to have someone else jump on their account. If potions and revives weren't so expensive, people would be more inclined to play on their own without piloting because they could afford to take a loss.

    What do all of these things support? Kabam making money! It's a business, yes. They should make money. They don't need to do absolutely everything to savagely ensure they get money from every single possible corner of the game. Seriously all I picture is someone in front of a laptop on a golden yacht that's been "awake" for 100 hours, a nose bleed, and foam at the mouth, getting angry when players find a way to sidestep the ridiculous prices of virtual currency games.

    Yes, sharing and having someone play for you is gross, but these people wouldn't even feel the need to do that if we weren't so pressured into spending and maximizing everything. Kabam literally said "it's not our intent for you to 100% the AW map" but the only way to do that is to give them money, so how is it possible that it's not the intention that's the problem?

    BTW: I have no idea what went down but your post described it enough that I can assume. Also, be careful because even if it's sarcasm people hate the idea that their favorite thing in the game could disappear.

    As long as people burns money cause they can while not being able to play at the top, piloting and cheating will stay.

    Pretty much till this game becomes a press button and pay 100 bucks to win everyone not being a good player will cheat his way to the top if he has the money disposal for all the rest.
  • grud9egrud9e Member Posts: 85
    But aw rewards are a joke for the expenditures required. Pots, revives, boosts day in day out add up. To get what?... 6* shards and some t2a shards. It doesn't quite make sense to push for platinum.

    Personally, the majority of glory goes towards pots every day.
  • UppercutUppercut Member Posts: 158
    Looks like original thread that mentioned this issue was closed. I think it’s important to keep that thread open for everyone in the community. Amazing to see top ranked season 3 alliances breaking ToS to gain unfair advantage. Eveyone in the community needs to be aware of it. Cc @Kabam Miike
  • terrrycshterrrycsh Member Posts: 54
    I have to agree with you to a certain degree. It is indeed poisonous to the spirit of the game. I played various games for the past few tens of years, but have NEVER come across a game mode that actually brought out the absolute worst in the people that have played this game.
  • Blackluster_6Blackluster_6 Member Posts: 36
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,869 ★★★★★
    Some of us actually enjoy Wars. I don't agree with shutting them down permanently just because some don't know how to follow rules.
  • Blackluster_6Blackluster_6 Member Posts: 36
    what shall we do first in our riot? Get Pitchforks? Torches? post pictures of them in the thread?


    We shall buy Machine Guns & Grenades from Turk😂

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  • Blackluster_6Blackluster_6 Member Posts: 36
    A man of culture, i see😂
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,680 ★★★★
    Full disclosure: I’m in a Gold 1 Alliance so I’m not part of the incident that occurred recently in the Master bracket.

    This game mode has brought out the absolute worst in the people that have played this game. The alleged actions today show that no matter how much the piloting is investigated there is a certain percentage of the player bad that will do anything in the REAL WORLD for the rewards in the virtual world.

    Kabam, this cannot be the intended version of Alliance Wars you designed. If what happened today is to be believed, you have players violating the TOS by logging into another account while at the same time striking at the very integrity of the Alliance War results. There are too many players that buy crystals, items, and units that play the game without engaging in such heinous actions for you to continue to ignore their voices.

    I suggest that you drop Alliance Wars completely from the game. The direct competition has proved poisonous to the spirit of the game. Reallocate the rewards from Alliance War to the Alliance Quest mode. The Quest Map should be the enemy and we should only be competing for points. Another alliance should zero ability to impact whether my team finishes a Map thereby manipulating the results.

    Thank you for reading. I really do enjoy playing this game. I have been a huge fan of Marvel since my childhood.

    Bro, there's the game where you tap on a screen, and The Game where you push every boundary to see what flies, and don't think for a second I'm just talking about end users.
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  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Some of us actually enjoy Wars. I don't agree with shutting them down permanently just because some don't know how to follow rules.

    I actually enjoy alliance wars as well. It’s a random challenge every other day. Challenge varies from match up to match up. But regardless with all other content done it’s fun. The rest of the shenanigans I don’t care for.
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    The problem with Wars is and always has been one thing, it's a money grab. I'm not sure how but they managed to convince everyone that Wars are about "bragging rights" and beating other alliances when it's nothing but a War against Kabam nodes. Nodes that continues to drain every player as much as possible. And for what? No matter the tier the rewards are just ok. Final placement I guess is the real bragging rights but who really cares? Well, obviously some do which is sad. I'll give it to them, they managed to Jedi mind trick just about every whale in the game and many many up and comers.
  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    I enjoy Alliance War, without it I'd be pretty bored.... I say that if you don't like AW so much just join an alliance that focuses mainly on Alliance Quest.
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,400 ★★★★★
    Im like AW it make me keep my skils lvl at a okay stage AQ is boring same ever week. AW is a bit defrinds
  • jaylerdjaylerd Member Posts: 113
    I believe the whole of Alliances needs to have at least one core change applied: regardless if you were kicked or leave, you get your alliance rewards (or at least some percentage of them). If I bust my hump in AQ or AW and the week / season ends, and I get kicked 1 second after the event closes, I put in 100% of the effort and I get 0% of the rewards.

    That is bull.

    Maybe leaving the alliance by choice shouldn't garner rewards: you are making the choice to bounce and thus forfeit them. But if you're kicked then you should get some rewards. This would also require that kabam provides transparency on which members are piloting or cheating so that if/when an officer kicks a trouble maker, they know why. Cheaters don't get rewards - people you're kicking because you're an unethical officer do.
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    It’s taken a while, but the moment seasons was announced I’ve said that it would rip apart a good deal of alliances and basically destroy any normal human behaviour.
    I’m not happy to see that I was right.

    My statement had no basis in ingame observations, it was based solely on the average addiction of those playing this game. The higher the stakes, the farther they will go to get their high. It’s human unfortunately. It’s not competitveness anymore.

    I don’t think I could care less whether or not we win or lose a war anymore. Seasons, whatever the result, is some icing on a cake that for mee has been out too long and has become stale, maybe a splotch of fungus here and there.

    Shift the rewards around for AW and AQ to make them more equal, then maybe toxicity such as this lessens. But the damage to broken alliances and even friendships has been done. No repairing that anymore.
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  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Why would they **** it down. It’s making them big money will all the guys who revive and use heals
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Keep alliance war get rid of seasons. The cheating is too much. Seasons is becoming a cancer and killing the game.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,522 ★★★★★
    Full disclosure: I’m in a Gold 1 Alliance so I’m not part of the incident that occurred recently in the Master bracket.

    This game mode has brought out the absolute worst in the people that have played this game. The alleged actions today show that no matter how much the piloting is investigated there is a certain percentage of the player bad that will do anything in the REAL WORLD for the rewards in the virtual world.

    Kabam, this cannot be the intended version of Alliance Wars you designed. If what happened today is to be believed, you have players violating the TOS by logging into another account while at the same time striking at the very integrity of the Alliance War results. There are too many players that buy crystals, items, and units that play the game without engaging in such heinous actions for you to continue to ignore their voices.

    I suggest that you drop Alliance Wars completely from the game. The direct competition has proved poisonous to the spirit of the game. Reallocate the rewards from Alliance War to the Alliance Quest mode. The Quest Map should be the enemy and we should only be competing for points. Another alliance should zero ability to impact whether my team finishes a Map thereby manipulating the results.

    Thank you for reading. I really do enjoy playing this game. I have been a huge fan of Marvel since my childhood.

    I disagree with shutting it down, what needs to happen is get rid of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and keep a 1% awards bracket or 0.5% rewards. Additionally the rewards for placing 1st compared to Master tier has too much disparity and should be much closer. This would eliminate the god awful behavior that we are seeing. Alliance Wars is pretty cool feature although some nodes this year have made it frustrating. But Kabam knows what cheating is going on and they know how to eliminate it.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    Just imagine the pages of salt about useless rank ups on war defenders if they ever killed wars.
  • ezmoneyezmoney Member Posts: 208
    Zuko_ILC wrote: »
    Full disclosure: I’m in a Gold 1 Alliance so I’m not part of the incident that occurred recently in the Master bracket.

    This game mode has brought out the absolute worst in the people that have played this game. The alleged actions today show that no matter how much the piloting is investigated there is a certain percentage of the player bad that will do anything in the REAL WORLD for the rewards in the virtual world.

    Kabam, this cannot be the intended version of Alliance Wars you designed. If what happened today is to be believed, you have players violating the TOS by logging into another account while at the same time striking at the very integrity of the Alliance War results. There are too many players that buy crystals, items, and units that play the game without engaging in such heinous actions for you to continue to ignore their voices.

    I suggest that you drop Alliance Wars completely from the game. The direct competition has proved poisonous to the spirit of the game. Reallocate the rewards from Alliance War to the Alliance Quest mode. The Quest Map should be the enemy and we should only be competing for points. Another alliance should zero ability to impact whether my team finishes a Map thereby manipulating the results.

    Thank you for reading. I really do enjoy playing this game. I have been a huge fan of Marvel since my childhood.

    I disagree with shutting it down, what needs to happen is get rid of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and keep a 1% awards bracket or 0.5% rewards. Additionally the rewards for placing 1st compared to Master tier has too much disparity and should be much closer. This would eliminate the god awful behavior that we are seeing. Alliance Wars is pretty cool feature although some nodes this year have made it frustrating. But Kabam knows what cheating is going on and they know how to eliminate it.

    a possible solution, but Kabam has consistently allowed the same alliances at the top cheat like crazy without any major recourse. At this point it's the rest of us not to spend because who cares. If these two alliances who CLEARLY destroyed the ToS aren't getting punished then why should the rest of us give a darn about progression other than doing as f2p.

    Kabam needs to rid this culture of win by cheating and permaban a few whales... I know they won't but the whales who cheat and break the ToS need the same treatment as the rest of the community.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    mutamatt wrote: »
    what should happen is this, awards should be flattened out so the top 100 or so get the same exact season awards. season awards should decrease in value, and the per war awards should increase. This will also solve the problem of alliances tanking in the offseason.

    season was a great idea, but this nastiness has really ruined it.

    this is why we cant have nice things.
    mutamatt wrote: »
    if the game team cant police the cheating, they need to remove the desire to cheat.

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