Petrify broken?
Used doctor strange in a fight against another doctor strange in arena I have 2 points in petrify and only hit him on the stuns and we still gained power at the same rate, I also have the mastery that increases stun times by .5 sec. so based on the mastery it should decrease Dr strange’s power gain right? Compared to my strange’s power gain. Shouldn’t the power gain be different if it supposed to slow it by 20% while stunned? @Kabam Miike
theres a lot of things not specified in this game. But the explanation for this probably goes hand in hand as to why a +50% power gain node in AW doesn't affect him either. I don't know for sure, but I would guess this mastery wouldn't affect any power gained by Dr s, or power gain through the buff by hyperion or mordo. For hyperion or mordo, it would only affect power gained through you hitting them.
I wouldn't say wasted. but its not as effective as you think. Consider some other champions. If you need to reach sp1 before they reach sp1 in order to power lock them or something of the like. Normally (as far as I know) If you are hitting them without this mastery, they will always reach sp1 before you do, or sp2 before you reach sp2. This mastery would let you get to your special before they do, theoretically. It would also help a ton for nodes that give +100% power gain, or someone with md, to let you get more hits in before you have to bait specials.
that all being said, I don't use the mastery all that much, and if I do, its only 1 point. Usually.