Here is a list of the abilities I've tested for the Unholy Trinity:

ST, KM, Void.
With KM, Sabretooth can bypass these. Again, I'm pretty sure this isn't complete; this is only what I've tested.
Astral Evade
Ice armor from reforming
Cable's degen on bleed
Reflect stun
Auto block+
Crossbones' fury conversion
King Groot's shrug off
Groot's shrug off
Hood's invisibility+
Any buff on hit (fury, armor up, regen, etc.)*
Doctor Strange's buffs+
+ = for the .07 seconds, does not remove buff
* = debuff has to cause buff; buff can reform
With KM, Sabretooth can bypass these. Again, I'm pretty sure this isn't complete; this is only what I've tested.
Astral Evade
Ice armor from reforming
Cable's degen on bleed
Reflect stun
Auto block+
Crossbones' fury conversion
King Groot's shrug off
Groot's shrug off
Hood's invisibility+
Any buff on hit (fury, armor up, regen, etc.)*
Doctor Strange's buffs+
+ = for the .07 seconds, does not remove buff
* = debuff has to cause buff; buff can reform
Haven't tested them. Will get on that tonight.
That would be great. Thanks for compiling this data. I can’t pull a damn 5* or 6* Killmonger for the life of me so I pulled the trigger on the 4*. Hoping to use ST/KM synergy for masochism perhaps and Magik.
I will say that Nebula and Proxima synergy is pretty awesome for Nebula. Start each fight with 10 shock charges? Any day!
It shuts down tenacity 100%.
It shuts down KP's rage 100%.
It bypasses Punisher's endure (stun then hit during endure kills him).
It bypasses Hela's indestructible (same as Punisher; stun and hit her).
It shuts down limbo... but... this one is tricky. You have to stun or bleed her right before a bar of power.
Wonder if he can break korg rock shield damage limit / thorn when suffered by AB debuff (he is skill) ... Probably no good way for you to test for now though
Is the GP Korg duped?
Nope. Don't worry there will be lots of 5/65 from top alliances to test from when he get release . Awesome post btw.
I can't test it with duels.
I was thinking AWA or next EQ... I am about to awaken my ST so these are useful info
It DOES NOT stop Thor Rags power gain.
It DOES NOT bypass Korg's rock shield protection.
I imagine it should shut down Thor rag power gain if your 20th hit is a special attack and you get lucky and causes bleed... But I can see it will be kinda useless since that special attack will shut down power gain anyways.
Yeah, that's a moot point.
I tried it by having my 20th hit after a parry. He still got it.
Only got 0.7s for that hit to happen after the stun. Need some fast response time for that
Thank you for this info, this is very helpful!
I believe in his ability list it says his power gain cannot be affected by ability accuracy reduction. I cannot check in game at the moment but I believe that’s why it does not work.
It's the same thing for astral evade and reflect stun. You just have to go into the fight knowing you can parry.
I know, for me, it's so ingrained in my head to not parry those two... I have to think differently.
That one is going to be hard. There isn't one in a quest that I know of.
Astral Evade
Ice armor from reforming
Cable's degen on bleed
Reflect stun
Auto block+
LC's indestructible+
Crossbones' fury conversion
King Groot's shrug off
Groot's shrug off
Hood's invisibility+
Any buff on hit (fury, armor up, regen, etc.)*
Doctor Strange's buffs+
AV's tenacity
KP's rage
Punisher's endure
Hela's indestructible
Limbo on meter gain*
Face me
Starky's evade special
+ = for the .7 seconds, does not remove buff
* = debuff has to cause buff; buff can reform