AW Seasons are hurting the game more than anything

My constructive advice is to change AW Seasons, or remove them, because it is bring toxicity of an indescribable magnitude to the game. there hasn't been a fair season yet.
It was a good try, but when you allow 30 people to play at different times, on different devices, in different locations, then anything and everything scummy can happen.
You can take away the top 3 bonus rewards and that would go a long way. Lets face it the top 5 in AW don't spend much on potions, they only spend on boosts. You wont lose much income from removing top 3 rewards.
It was a good try, but when you allow 30 people to play at different times, on different devices, in different locations, then anything and everything scummy can happen.
You can take away the top 3 bonus rewards and that would go a long way. Lets face it the top 5 in AW don't spend much on potions, they only spend on boosts. You wont lose much income from removing top 3 rewards.
AW seasons is fine as it is, there's rampant cheating, but there's fair competition as well. This does not affect 99% of the alliances out there. Whoever wants to engage in cheating should be punished instead of taking the whole system down.
It's much more prevalent than you think then. As I said flattening the rewards for the top 20 will go a long way. As long as top 3 get a bonus cheating will happen on a larger scale.
Or they could invest appropriate resources to identify and penalize TOS violations. Many players would be grateful if TOS violations were to be extended to players that account share in arena and alliances that account share in Alliance Quest.
Nope, sorry dude, but the Top 3 deserve the rewards (as long as Kabam can weed out the cheaters). As for cheating, Kabam is taking some action, just not enough against the Top 3, which I can understand is pissing off other top alliances, but that's other thing, I dont believe that all those top alliance dont cheat a bit.
Yes, but they can't police it enough that's the issue. Every time they do people find a new way around it.
I'd prefer proper policing bc I really do like competition. But true mcoc competition isn't what we have. We have "see who can cheat better and not get caught".
Hell, I'm even ok with creating a super-duper-really-awesome-alliances-only pay-to-enter bracket... Let em pay a monthly fee, increase all rewards tenfold, let em take their shenanigans there and do what they want... Just keep them separate from the rest of us in all brackets and events.
We also need to know who in an alliance is cheating. Cheaters should be dealt with I don't understand protecting the cheaters identity. How does that help anyone?
My constructive advice is that there's a reason why cyber security is a multi billion dollar industry, in that there'll always be someone trying to beat the system, no matter the reason.
People will try to get away with what they can get away with, no matter the stakes. The only times and reason others suddenly care is when they're percieved to have been affected, or are in a 7th ranked alliance and have the gall to ask for same rewards as 1st ranked, but hey, you don't know till you try.
Agree with removing the bonus top 1-3 rewards though
That's there income bud, only a fool will do something to hurt his own profit
I'm not asking for anything. I never said my idea was the best idea (it wasn't even my idea. It was muta's) . What I do what is to start a discussion and try to work together to find the best solution. Make all the assumptions you want
1) That's factually incorrect.
2) That's also factually incorrect.
3) Kabam needs help policing as they've already said, so staying silent helps nothing. By the way those alliance that were punished were due to me talking. You're welcome.
4) The end of your paragraph makes no sense. Everyone still wants the best rewards.
Maybe you have a personal interest in this, maybe not, maybe Muta has, maybe not but reducing rewards in not the answer. No one will even try to be top 3 then.
I will agree, everyone knows that a alliance will not be punished, why? Because they are the one that fill kabam pocket to run the game
some top 20 "master" alliances die 50+ times, while others die 10 or less times... do you truly think it's fair for all 20 alliances to get the same rewards? Just submit a ticket when you think someone is cheating and let them investigate it, or make a post with facts and maybe something will be done. It's like giving the top 20 alliances in AQ the same rewards, it makes no sense. We should be asking for a new AQ season with t5b included, shift the focus away from war.. you can't cheat in AQ, lol.
Nope, sorry dude but we haven't had a legit playing top 3 yet. remove your head from the sand.
If you play the game at all you have a personal interest in this.
Which i what I said, all top alliances cheat. Read Carefully.
No , I do not. I will , in no way benefit from this thread.
I have not spent any money to have a binding interest in this game.
"Interest" word means a little different in this context, it doesn't mean liking the game.
"Rampant cheating" is the exact opposite of "fair competition".
and they can both exist in the same universe.
Ho hum, another season coming to an end and another “constructive” thread from Rigel that is self serving.
You’re in 7th and have an outside shot of getting top 3 of course you’re complaining you clown.
T5B in AQ would cause account sharing in AQ to skyrocket. Plenty of Map 6 exclusive alliances already account share every AQ cycle, we don’t need prestige wars to come back full force on top of AW Seasons.