War Bugged Power Index [Merged Threads] [Under Investigation]



  • Bcat13Bcat13 Member Posts: 3
    I would really like to get feedback on this. Especially if this happening a lot.
  • Kryptic81Kryptic81 Member Posts: 34
    I just noticed that our PI for our aw defence is astonishingly low compared to our adversary. mfieu0r72dma.jpg

  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★
    Do you all not know how to use the search function in the forums? This has been asked and answered about 200 times now. Its a visual issue only.
  • Nitro422Nitro422 Member Posts: 276
    graphics glitch
  • Bcat13Bcat13 Member Posts: 3
  • Venki_457Venki_457 Member Posts: 3
    Same in our war opposing defenders are benefiting from nodes while our are not. gqrjsmfh42h1.png
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  • WilmarWilmar Member Posts: 1
    Meu dispositivo móvel moto Z play está fechando o jogo sozinho dentre outros bugs me sinto prejudicado quanto a isso arrumem o quanto antes por favor gosto muito do jogo
  • LukyrajLukyraj Member Posts: 2
    My alliance is continually facing harder opponents twice stronger than mine.. In AW.. Worst still the buffs for my defenders is not connecting!! In this case the opponents will overrun my 3 bgs easily.. Can u plz fix this problem kabam.. Damn irritating loosing this way.. Either grant us free goodies or from silver bring us to gold ally... Tnxs
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★
    Good Lord. This has been covered already. It's visual only.
  • Walk1Walk1 Member Posts: 1

    After the last update the game came with a lot of bugs, the game oscillates when it enters the crystals, some matches do not show the hp of the enemy, the game hangs a lot and the most recent was this print in War of Alliances. This print was taken today on 09/10/2018.
  • Walk1Walk1 Member Posts: 1
    as shown in the print above, the champions are with their default rating, as if there was no knot
  • Game_NinjaGame_Ninja Member Posts: 25
    edited September 2018
    We just started attack phase and none of our defenders are boosted.


    Compared to our opponent that is


    Why can’t we ever get a clean update? Every update something catastrophic happens and we are penalized!
  • Priest64Priest64 Member Posts: 56
    Please to any of the Moderators here on the Forums! My Alliance has been on a streak of loses. Due to the Alliance War Nodes on our defense aren't working! The opposing Alliance gets their buffs, but my Alliance doesn't! We cannot compete with them cause they're going to 100% the Map due to our champs not being Buffed by the nodes at all! I'm not complaining, but I would like a solution. Cause this isn't fair at all! We've noticed the problems during the last season of AW at the end, but we couldn't confirm it. Now we can, and we need some Moderators help with this! We're leaking badly right now, and this is all we have to do. I've filed a ticket with you guys today, but I wanted the community to know. And to see if anyone else is going through this same problem we're having! nsuhjsafqaoz.png
  • Priest64Priest64 Member Posts: 56
    @Kabam Miike please help a lowly Summoner!
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    How is this still not fixed, it's a really annoying issue that should have been fixed after it start but it seems like this is going linger around like the other bugs and issues.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,521 ★★★★★
    Visuelt glich
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Priest64 wrote: »
    Please to any of the Moderators here on the Forums! My Alliance has been on a streak of loses. Due to the Alliance War Nodes on our defense aren't working! The opposing Alliance gets their buffs, but my Alliance doesn't! We cannot compete with them cause they're going to 100% the Map due to our champs not being Buffed by the nodes at all! I'm not complaining, but I would like a solution. Cause this isn't fair at all! We've noticed the problems during the last season of AW at the end, but we couldn't confirm it. Now we can, and we need some Moderators help with this! We're leaking badly right now, and this is all we have to do. I've filed a ticket with you guys today, but I wanted the community to know. And to see if anyone else is going through this same problem we're having! nsuhjsafqaoz.png

    They have confirmed it is only a visual bug on your end. The nodes are working and your on a losing streak cause the other alliances are better
  • KingkushdyKingkushdy Member Posts: 4
    Kabam please fix this ongoing issue as my alliance is suffering loss after loss because of it and my alliance as well as many others are getting unhappy with the game because of it , Every single node in all 3 battlegroups is not providing a single buff for any champ and it is leading to the enemy being able to smash through us because our champs are stuck at base hero rating which in an alliance war is a guaranteed lose , 883ubzxwx9l3.jpg
  • KingkushdyKingkushdy Member Posts: 4
  • RaikisRaikis Member Posts: 174
    Is it just visual glitch, all buffs working
  • Jraik22Jraik22 Member Posts: 6
    Has anybody else noticed that when you view your base, the PI of the champions is not showing boosted?

  • IcsGrecIcsGrec Member Posts: 919 ★★★
    It's just a visual bug. The node effects are there.
  • Lawndart82Lawndart82 Member Posts: 0
    I’m not sure if this is a known issue, but it’s the first I’ve encountered it. Our aw nodes are not boosting our champions, but our opponents are workingi8omzia5jk6d.png
  • Blake_JackBlake_Jack Member Posts: 4
    For past 3 AW local node doesn't apply to our bosses & champs. Seek for your assistance to fix this issue. I believe this is not unfair and our alliance should be given compensation for this. You can refer at the link for details.
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  • Six_strings6Six_strings6 Member Posts: 223 ★★
    It’s a visual glitch. Nothing to worry about
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  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    I saw the same thing... it as if our champs are not noded.
  • Gster8Gster8 Member Posts: 0
    In our most recent AW, the node benefits were not applied to our champs, meaning v easy to fight. Is that a known bug?
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