War Bugged Power Index [Merged Threads] [Under Investigation]



  • AttliaAttlia Member Posts: 63
    This is happening to us too. And they are not getting any kills! nrcv5gfyc537.jpg
  • TwinTTowersTwinTTowers Member Posts: 25
    Recently when we have been doing a war our bosses when placed are around 20k but when the attack phase starts they get reduced to around 7k. Is there a reason for this or are we ecountering a bug ? Our opponents are getting a great advantage from this. Can anybody help ?
  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Visual bug only. Looks weird, but it’s not a real issue. They are as strong as they should be. No advantage to the opponent.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Do you see that when you are looking at your base vs attack? I have noticed that as well and I believe it is a visual bug, because opponents had the expected difficulty with our boss despite the "reduction" in attack rating.
  • TwinTTowersTwinTTowers Member Posts: 25
    Is this because of the new update maybe ?
  • TwinTTowersTwinTTowers Member Posts: 25
    It is very confusing and annoying.
  • RuschRusch Member Posts: 33
    I was unaware of previous post on this, I have only been on a forum twice. If it is visual only that is fine, it seems not to be . I could he wrong and defer to the experts.
  • TheKidIsCoolTheKidIsCool Member Posts: 1
    So My alliance has been facing some issues regarding AW our boss is a maxed a7rcjrl85jeg.png
    modok and it is just barely at 6k PI, our hero’s aren’t getting boosted at all.... help
  • InsiraNomeInsiraNome Member Posts: 1
    Our heroes are way weaker at the war than they should be when the war stars, before that they are much stronger. And the ally’s that we have fight against are way too much stronger than us, some times even have twice the rating that we have. Our alliance java faced many problems trough all the seasons that have made us lose many rewards e you never do anything about, at the second war season an rival player even use hack to defeat our boss that he got no chance against anda nothing has been done so far.
  • InsiraNomeInsiraNome Member Posts: 1
    And we reported every time the issues, but like always you do nothing about it
  • Dudley2906Dudley2906 Member Posts: 4
    @Kabam Miike wars are showing as champions original stats on our side and we are getting smashed by inferior opponent's in multiple wars? I would like to know what the issue is and why nothing has been done about it as it was a known issue before the new season started???
    @Kabam Sophia @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Miike what's going on with the war bug???
  • Jboom12Jboom12 Member Posts: 42
    Are we just supposed to ignore the war issue? Our map is still not reading accurately and we are getting 100%'d in less than 14 hours. The only war we have won recently they couldn't make it to the boss. We aren't amazing but we aren't as bad as record shows and this is beyond frustrating. We were at 1100+ war rating and reward tier 11 now we are under 900, reward tier 14 and have 1 victory in the last 13 wars. I'm not looking for free compensation although it would be deserving I just want to play a fair fight not this rigged ****
  • 500lbs500lbs Member Posts: 1
    My alliance has entered its first war of the season and we noticed that our boss and mini bosses where we put the nodes on were not active is this a bug or something else?
  • Trey_sadlerTrey_sadler Member Posts: 1
    We have lost 6 straight wars due to the defender ratings. Before this bug started my strong alliance members would get at least 5 defender kills each. Now we get 5 defender kills total.
  • Jboom12Jboom12 Member Posts: 42
    Check the stats, this isnt just a visual issue. But of course kabam will never admit an error. What are we supposed to do, dwindle all the way back down to a 0 war rating?!?! Telling us its visual isnt right. Especially when its proven over and over and we get 100% explored in 12 hours but it's all visual
  • SanguineSilenceSanguineSilence Member Posts: 3
    It seems the nodes are not applied to champs in current war. Bug?
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all!

    Thank you for your patience on this. We are working on the resolution and you can expect it in an upcoming game update.
  • ManuvjManuvj Member Posts: 18
    I have placed my 6* Sentinel as Boss and 5* Rank 4 Void as mini Boss on nose 51. 6* Boss has only 8618 power and void has 8239.
    Whereas Boss should be around 24-25k.

    Anyone know about this
  • Scoobyphd8Scoobyphd8 Member Posts: 4
    Gosh u can actually say working on a resolution on it yet the war season continues... Don't u people ever run a trial run or a test run before rolling out an update???
  • DragynphyreDragynphyre Member Posts: 4
    My alliance has also lost several straight wars, it's like our defense is a bunch of 2*! This is not just a display issue, Kabam. We're getting less than 1/3 of the defender kills we were before the update, even against weaker alliances. This needs to be fixed!!!!
  • ManuvjManuvj Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2018
    I posted earlier also about this but I am not able to find my post.

    My 6* sentinel Boss has only 8600 power whereas my opponent 4* wsap has 15800 power.

    This is 1 example, our all players have less power.

    We are going to lose this war because of this bug.

    Is this happening to anyone else ?
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    It’s a visual bug. Chances are the opposing team is looking at their champs and noticing that they have less power compared to yours.
  • MedjarMedjar Member Posts: 8
    It appears that the pi of our defensive champs is much lower than theirs.
  • MedjarMedjar Member Posts: 8
  • Talon2139Talon2139 Member Posts: 8
    Prior to the end of the last AW season there was an issue with defender defense strength. The numbers for our defense decreased severely following the start of the AW. We were told it was just appearance. In reality the numbers had not changed. We started an AW yesterday and the same thing happened again. Our boss went from 21k to 8k. In addition their champs were much tougher than they should be. They went through us like we weren't there and there alliance is not that strong.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★
    Its visual only. Not sure how much clearer anyone can be. Just because they "went through your defense" doesn't mean the visual glitch was a reality. It means they were better than your defense.
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  • LuddotLuddot Member Posts: 3
    All you guys saying it's a visual bug only obviously havent been members of an alliance that has been hit by it. We've slid about 400 rank points and continually watch their 3k champs rip through our entire map with barely a hit against what should be 7-10k nodes. We're now deep in silver where we used to be mid level gold.

    Despite KABAM saying its visual only there's enough evidence and players here to show its not. And for every post in here there's probably 10 alliances not reporting it.

    The ramification of KABAM admitting that there are any issues are pretty huge, how do you compensate a number of alliances for all the lost ground and 4 / 5 * shards lost over a couple of months.
  • Monkeyhole2___Monkeyhole2___ Member Posts: 6
    Second war this season and again our defenders are not being boosted from the nodes they are placed on. What is so complicated about fixing these issues?
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