Emma Frost Phantom heavy attack [Under Investigation]

In Uncollected event, while fighting Emma Frost, she throws a heavy attack that doesn't hit me however it says KO and I am out. She's already damn hard enough without this bullcrap. This is ridiculous. How does one fight when getting KO'd by mystery punches. I have video and screen shots. 

Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
It’s probably the case that her heavy has a little bit longer range than you can see visually and did actually hit you and break your block to cause the 17k damage but at that point you were registered as KO and the fight ended all animations so the knock back never happened. Could also have been the block damage was 17k (cant remember her details) and caused the same thing.
Your close enough to where that’s possible. If you were across the screen that’d be a different story. Posting the actual video would be helpful.
Uplolde it to youtube then put the link in here
If you are able to upload the video to YouTube and provide a link that would be very helpful in understanding if anything is wrong. Thanks!
Here is the part of the video I trimmed down just for the punch in question.
The issue with the attack range for Emma Frost’s Heavy Attack will be resolved in an upcoming update. Thanks for sharing this information for our investigation.
An understandable response. lol
Is that correct @Kabam Lyra ?
To give an update, this issue will be resolved in the 20.1 game update.
For more info please review the 20.0 Known Issues thread and the Changelog.