My advice, don't worry too much. People are quitting over bad pulls lately (seriously, just lost 2 players over bad 6* pulls and they rage quit.) Whether you spin or just hit open, you're gonna get who you're gonna get. Do the best you can with whatchyah got. If it goes sideways, always another crystal to open down the road provided you continue to play. Just a side note, do your Alliance a favor and stick around through a War at least before throwing in the towel. You may be mad at the game, but that's hardly a reason to screw over 29 other people who stuck by you while you were having fun. On that note, best of luck when you open that 6* crystal @HULK_BREAK
I mean its pure random i was blessed with a IMIW but other guys in my alliance got like BB or Dpxf.
I've gotten to a point where in anything 5* or 4* i just hope for a dupe dont care who and the RNG gods have been pretty fair will go on a cold streak then pull a couple amazing champs
i pulled black bolt on my first one. beast on my second one. waited for the expanded pool and got green goblin for my third one. my 6* pulls have slowly been getting better.
Ladies and Gentlemen the Kabam CEO luck blessed me
I pulled Iron Man IW
after a very bad sequence of 5 stars in the last month besides She Hulk I pulled :
Yellow Jacket (from cinematic)
Daredevil (Netflix)
Falcon (that at first I thought it was Blade, after I cry )
it was time for the CEO's fortune to arrive
Now I have to take a degree to understand how it works
Anyway good luck if you decide to open it.
I thought like that after pulling IF months ago.
Waited until the 11th for expanded pool for 2nd pull.
Duped IF.
I dont think like that anymore.
same got jane frost the worst mystic champ
I've gotten to a point where in anything 5* or 4* i just hope for a dupe dont care who and the RNG gods have been pretty fair will go on a cold streak then pull a couple amazing champs
That Loki would have been more useful 2 weeks ago for act 5 Ultron but I'm using him in AQ and he's decent.
I pulled Iron Man IW
after a very bad sequence of 5 stars in the last month besides She Hulk I pulled :
Yellow Jacket (from cinematic)
Daredevil (Netflix)
Falcon (that at first I thought it was Blade, after I cry
it was time for the CEO's fortune to arrive
Now I have to take a degree to understand how it works