OK ladies and gentlemen let's have another "Is it just me" Moment

This "Is it just me Moment" is about Heroes classes. The one I chose is Thor. I mean I can see why Thor is cosmic but Shouldn't Thor be mystic because he deals with magic. If you agree or have another Champion that has a class that could be another one or you want to just change the whole convertoin and talk about something else Comment Below!
Oh I see now
In Thor's world, he is skill. To mere mortals like us, he is an alien with "superpowers", so cosmic.
but the majority of his powers are because he is asgardian.
even is hammer gives him powers because it is made from a magical forge using a powerful cosmic metal. but the power stored in the hammer is cosmic of origin not mystical.
and it makes sense that thor rag is skill as he is fighting against other cosmic beigns and his cosmic powers do not give him any edge. it comes down to his skill that he is able to fight so well.
balde mystic/skill??? i would have though vampires were more mutant than mystical. there is no magic to them.
very good point
Because your post was full of incorrect information.
Heimdall: Argument can be made for both mystic and cosmic.
Deadpool X = correct, he is not a mutant
Juggernaut Mutant? Because he is from X-men comics? He doesn't even have the X-gene, he gets his powers from one of the Vishanti (Cyttorak)
Cable relies on his mutant powers to even stay alive. He is potentially an Omega Level mutant, although the majority of his mutant power is used to keep the virus at bay, rendering his "mutant" output far less than his potential was at birth.
The problem is that any character has skill, so only if they have nothing else going for them, they should be skill. Or if their skill is so much more important than other powers, but that is hardly ever the case.
Taskmaster science? See below: which of those abilities are from scientific experiments, serums et? None! All trainable skill. Yes, surely he is at the peak of human performance, but he doesn't have SUPERhuman abilities like Cap or Spidey.
@Marri you should have read further down the Wiki entry. This reads as being pure science and nothing skill based at all:
Really the forums is here to express opinions what you are saying would be false info.
This still doesn't take him beyond human like Cap or Spidey. It says 'unlock potential', placing him within human capabilities, not 'surpass potential'. But OK, he is 90% skill and 10% science.
50% skill. And 50% science. That's my final offer...
You make a post asking for peoples opinion on a champ class for Thor because you are having a "is it just me" moment. It is just you. Literally just you. Thor is as cosmic as cosmic comes. His weapons are made from a dead star (cosmic). Asgard was an island literally floating in space and has a portal to travel through space with the bifrost gate (cosmic travel). He's a god. His powers were born with him not gained from a ritual or an magical item. Not sure what other evidence you need at all about Thor but again, your OP was pretty far off. People flagged you because this was not a constructive post by any means. You simply just said hes mystic. Didn't add anything, provide any info supporting this statement (aside from a misquoted movie), or anything else to further support your "moment". That being said about incorrect info holds true. Also, posts like these attract flaggers anyway.
We could eliminate 'skill' as a class altogether and partially replace rankup cats with skill cats based on how much a champ's fighting skill adds to the champ.
Juggs: 0 skill cats
Loki: 0 skill cats
Cap: 1/3rd skill
Angela: 50/50
For example...don't wamt to start another debate LOL
Thor Ragnarok is a slap in the face. Thus, that would be skill.
Chill bud. I’m sorry you’re having a bad day.