How do arena grinders keep it interesting? (edited by mod for clarity)

I literally hate grinding Arena almost as much as pulling a 2-star champion time after time from a PHC. what I want to know is how is it that you keep from going completely insane doing fight after fight after fight after fight after fight after fight waiting for recharge and then doing fight after fight after fight after fight after fight of the same exact thing over and over again? I know I need to grind Arena to get the champs and to get gold because my gold is pitiful but after 27 rounds I want to hang myself.
Post edited by Kabam Pistachio on
It's ok to admire us, grinders, for our patience and willpower...
I run out of questing energy in 30 minutes if no energy revives i check back in 5 hours lol.
Admire? No. Pity? Yes. But to each thier own. I was an arena grinder for awhile and to place you have to devote way to much of your free time to this game. I for one am glad I have found the WILLPOWER to stop the addiction.
agree. i did 65.5M for frost. im BROKEN.
Watch something on youtube
Yeah basically nit a big fan of grinding but still need unit to buy revpot for AW so..