Scaling power of 6 stars

A 4/40 4 star = 5 star Rank 2
A 5/50 4 star = 5 star Rank 3
Why in the world 6 star champs dont follow the scale.
Currently a 6 star rank 1 = 5 star 4/55
Currently a 6 star rank 2 = 5 star 5/65
This does not make sense at all.
It should have been:
A 5 star rank 3 = 6 star rank 1
A 5 star rank 4 = 6 star rank 2
A 5 star rank 5 = 6 star rank 3
When we are able to rank 3 6 star 4 stars will be straight garbage. Why devaluate our effort so much?
Why not properly scale 5 star vs 6 star so we get incentive to rank 5 stars.
I personally cannot rank anybody and I am holding almost maxed out on all t4cc and t2A.
A 5/50 4 star = 5 star Rank 3
Why in the world 6 star champs dont follow the scale.
Currently a 6 star rank 1 = 5 star 4/55
Currently a 6 star rank 2 = 5 star 5/65
This does not make sense at all.
It should have been:
A 5 star rank 3 = 6 star rank 1
A 5 star rank 4 = 6 star rank 2
A 5 star rank 5 = 6 star rank 3
When we are able to rank 3 6 star 4 stars will be straight garbage. Why devaluate our effort so much?
Why not properly scale 5 star vs 6 star so we get incentive to rank 5 stars.
I personally cannot rank anybody and I am holding almost maxed out on all t4cc and t2A.
All my 6* are trash and I won’t get another for a few months. I’m sure others are in the same boat. That’s plenty of reason to keep ranking 5*.
Because the 5* scale is wrong. If 5* champions were the last tier champion to be introduced and rank up materials were going to be permanently restricted, then the game design justification for 5* champions scaling like they do would be that T4CC would permanently restrict rank up progress, so it would be reasonable to design progression so that both 4* rank 5 and 5* rank 3 were unlocked with the same scarce resource, and 5* rank 4 would then require an even rarer astronomically difficult to get resource.
But if you're going to introduce 6* champions, then you can't hold those rank up materials permanently restricted, particularly T4CC. In that case, it will become relatively easy to rank up 4* to 5/50 and then 5* champions only have significant progressional value at rank 4 and higher. That means most of their ranks are progressionally redundant which is objectively broken in design. 6* champions are actually correctly scaled relative to 5* champions; they are immediately at an appropriate power level at rank 1 relative to 5* champions. There's no catalyst bottleneck to get them to a point equal to the bottlenecked progress point for 5* champions, which mostly exists at rank 4.
The problem is not that 6* champs don't follow the progressional pattern of 5* champs, it is that the progressional pattern of 5* champs is broken and 6* champs shouldn't follow it.
Very smart post bro. Never tought about it.
At some point that wont hold true. The content will be just like LOL. If you dont have a rank 2 or rank 3 6 star the Quest maps and LOL 2.0 will be locked for you or you will have to spend to get it.
a 4* at r1 is around the same PI a r3 3* and above a maxed 2*.
a 5* at r1 is around the same PI a r3 4* and above a maxed 3*.
see the pattern?
a 6* at r1 is around the same PI a r4 5* and above a maxed 4*.
They're all above an maxed champ that has two star less than them. though a 6* is equal to a r4 5* mainly because a 4* has more ranks than a 3* so it'll require more ranks for a 5* to surpass a 4*. instead of only 2 like in the 4*-3* case.
Also, this is the whole progression of the game. 3* became useless some time after 5* were released. some day same thing will happen to 4*, just adapt to the game progression or did you complain about 3* becoming useless? Idk about 4* becoming trash though. they have been used for a lot of players for act 5 exploration (me included), and proved a lot of usefulness. also there might be a long way until we see r3 6*s
Making a 6* r1 equal to a Maxed 4* won't do anything at all though, just will make us waste more resources on a 6* champ. why in the world would you want that? getting t2a is already hard enough.
The whole point of higher star champs is to make lower tiers obsolete. 6 stars are so rare and hard to rank, there's nothing wrong with their scaling.
A 6 star rank one is a 5 star 4/55
Good loluck using a 4 star for Act 6 and LOL 2.0.
I bet we will have some limitations like danger rooms in act 6. maybe chapter x allows only champs with x stars or smth like that. so you will have to use 1* in act 6, wich is nice actually
Is LOL 2.0 comfirmed?
Were they even a bit used in the First LOL? other than obviously SL but with lots of items.
Other thing to add is that 4* I believe will be useful in the first or first two chapters of the 6th Act. chapter 3 and up I doubt it. though you will have enough r4 5*+ to make up for it. the exact same thing happened with 3* years ago. they were rendered useless as soon act 5 came out or maybe even before.