Alliance War Leaderboard Issue [Merged Threads]

Anyone else having an issue with the war leaderboard? Ours will not show our rank or bracket and the brackets will not display the alliances in the bracket. It also takes way longer to load the war page now. 

Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
How did you solve the issue?
Do you have any problems viewing global/region based summoner leaderboard too?
Not summoner its alliance wad rating
I’m not sure... it wasn’t working for a while and then it just started working again... don’t think I did anything to fix it
Thank you for sharing this information. We are currently working on a fix for Android 9 players who are having trouble viewing the leaderboards.
I can only see Region leaders for all 5 categories. but i have the same issue for all others in Global.
I had the same problem on previous update and hoped it will be fixed.
On my phone there shoudn't be any lags or problem - Pixel 2, but i see that others can look on global ratings. I've seen some people with the same issue, but not much.
I've tried to reinstall game (on previous update) - as you see it didn't help.
can this be fixed?
I cant see my Alliance's current rank in Season 5 of war or the leaderboard.
Anyone else having this issue?
So this could be the Clean Android bug?
How kabam testing the game on devices? No more clean Android? :-) just using garbaged vendor os's? :-)
i did everything:
uninstall and reinstall game, clear cache, clear data, uninstall and reinstall play game.. everything but...nothing...
Worked before starting new season... since... nothing...