Community's Choice: Champion Update #MCoCChampionUpdate



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  • Abraxas420Abraxas420 Member Posts: 1
  • GizGiz Member Posts: 155

    Did I do it right?
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    So do we assume that there will be a second champion like Old Man Logan along with the champion we choose?
  • Saint9Saint9 Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2019
  • nitesh0234nitesh0234 Member Posts: 1
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
    I don't want to have 2 god iron man. so #BuffKamalaKhan
  • WilkerWilker Member Posts: 2

  • JoLuizJoLuiz Member Posts: 1
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  • ParfanityParfanity Member Posts: 330
    Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) (#BuffKamala)
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,849 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    I abstain

    No mystics have been reworked or been a candidate for rework.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,493 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Hulkbuster never once beat the Hulk in the comics! Not once! But who cares about the source material; it’s not like they’re the reason this game exists or anything.

    Marvel signs off on all the champion designs, but who cares about Marvel, it's not like they're the reason the comics exist or anything.
    Marvel signing off on champion designs has nothing to do with the point I’m trying to make: In the comics, Hulkbuster has traditionally been an ineffective hunk of metal for Hulk to smash. I truly believe, as Marvel Comics fans, we should respect that tradition. We already have a viable version of Tony Stark to play with in the Mark L suit of armour (Infinity War) so, naturally, I don’t believe Hulkbuster or Iron Man warrant a buff as much as the other available options.
    Why should we respect "tradition" and not the people who actually dictate what actually gets put into the comics, when it comes to a completely different environment from the comics? The game is not the comics, and it isn't a translation of the comics. The game is a different fictional universe, no different than the Ultimates universe was a different universe from the main Marvel universe. So why must the game adhere to "tradition" when the comics themselves don't have to adhere to that tradition when it comes the the comics themselves?

    Or to put it another way, why is Mark Millar allowed to create alternate realities in the comic books, but Kevin Feige and Gabe Frizzera are not allowed to create alternate realities in movies and games? They all ultimately work for Marvel when it comes to creating new works under the IP. That seems like a completely arbitrary penalty.
    I don’t think the point you’ve made is contrary to mine. I respect those people entirely, I just believe the decision to have Hulkbuster officially defeat the Hulk in the MCU was a poor one and definitely went against the grain of the comic books. Traditions are traditions for one reason or another; they’re in some way useful, enjoyable, or reliable. This particular tradition serves to prop up the Hulk as “the strongest there is” by supporting the iconography of the character. Tony on the other hand always has something to strive for with his Hulkbuster Armour, an improvement to be made, an advancement in technology. It also serves as a topic for dialogue between Bruce and Tony, a rivalry of sorts. The problem of the Hulk has now been solved in the MCU and that robs us of the “greatest hits” that Savage Hulk had to offer us.
    But there's no tradition in the comics that the Hulk always wins. If there's any tradition at all, it is that the Hulk *eventually* wins, if he is enraged enough. That was the entire theme of the World War Hulk series. But the Hulk has been defeated in the comics. I recall a case where the Silver Surfer defeated the Earth-616 Hulk (i.e. the "main" Hulk). And I believe Iron Man also defeated the Hulk (note: Google says it was Iron Man 132).

    Moreover, the Hulk was being partially mind controlled during the events of Age of Ultron. Stark only "defeated" the Hulk when Scarlet Witch's mental delusions wore off. That certainly seems to be one of the many exceptions where the Hulk has been defeated in the comics (when he wasn't as "purely" rage-focused).

    The MCU Hulk seems to be closer to the 70s and 80s Hulk and not the 2000s World Breaker Hulk. And while I have no idea where the Hulk is going from here in the MCU, I think it might have been very savvy for the MCU to start the Hulk at a much lower power level, because it gives him somewhere to go. The comic book Hulk had decades to "evolve" into World Breaker-class power.

    Has the MCU "solved" the problem of the Hulk? Professor Hulk didn't last forever in the comics. World War Hulk takes places *after* the Professor Hulk stories. So we don't know if we've seen the worst that the Hulk has to offer yet.
  • ThugsmurfThugsmurf Member Posts: 85
    #BuffBlackPanther he has the most potential with vibranium and wakandan tech, he has the most synergies, also nearly every og science has been buffed, not kamala cause theres already a bunch of great cosmic and no tech cause ghost,sl,warlock,sparky,darkhawk,etc and all skill has is like blade, aegon, and gwenpool, also we just got a crazy new tech champ this month so please no hulkbuster or iron man
  • The_Prankster16The_Prankster16 Member Posts: 84
  • HenriqueSCCPHenriqueSCCP Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    From this list, the oldest are:

    Abomination: December 2014
    Black Panther: December 2014
    Iron Man: December 2014
    Hulkbuster: May 2015
    Daredevil: November 2015
    Kamala Khan: March 2016

    From the messages I'm seeing here, Hulkbuster is going to be first and Iron Man second, Abomination doesn't have a 5* (it would improve a lot if it could stack poison when attacking), Daredevil Netflix also needs buff, but it's only 2 champions, Kamala Khan is the best of this list shot, it would be better if the cosmic class Black Bolt, Groot or Superior Iron Man, of cosmic buff Gamora, Venom and Carnage, it is better to give chance to another class that needs more, next mystic must have, is the class with the least good champions
    By the end of Avengers 4, I would vote for Iron Man secondly Hulkbuster.
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  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,099 ★★★★
    Putting in my vote early.

  • XaestroXaestro Member Posts: 2
  • RudrajeetRudrajeet Member Posts: 3
    I'll go with #BuffBlackPanther. He is great but compared to killmonger, he is weak. He needs to be buffed at same level as his cousin.
  • SAHILBUDSAHILBUD Member Posts: 2
  • RudrajeetRudrajeet Member Posts: 3
    Rudrajeet said:

    I'll go with #BuffBlackPanther. He is great but compared to killmonger, he is weak. He needs to be buffed at same level as his cousin.

    I mean the civil war version, if not then someone else.
  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
    Hulbuster need buff the most i think next iron man
  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
    mkgujraal said:

    #BuffHulkBuster please.

    Insane luck my friend 😂🤣
  • JohnHSJohnHS Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    Rudrajeet said:

    Rudrajeet said:

    I'll go with #BuffBlackPanther. He is great but compared to killmonger, he is weak. He needs to be buffed at same level as his cousin.

    I mean the civil war version, if not then someone else.
    Pretty sure it's OG Black Panther, otherwise they'd have specified Civil War.
  • Thor_123Thor_123 Member Posts: 1
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