How to manage AQ AW with work

rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
For people that are parents and have a full time job, I am wondering how do you manage to be active in AQ and AW without affecting your job. For example, if the AW AQ ends in the afternoon, other than playing the evening after work, you pretty much have to at least play at least three time during working hours: one early morning, one noon time, one afternoon before AQ AW ends, that is not counting checking in between if needed?


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  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    I dont have a family but I have the full time job. The key is to find an alliance finishing maps by noon, or around noon. (I am EST.) Usually I check in before my drive home, 1-2-3 times at home depending how free I am, first thing in the morning, and maybe once at work in the morning. I do map 6, and lately with our pace and planning, by noon time I have 1-3 fights and im done. Usually early morning my first moves are finishing S2 or starting S3. All about planning my man. its sometimes tough to find though
  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291
    Beside, AQ Map5x5 are getting so difficult. Some folks are quiting because the difficult of the fights, with this new champions and fights are so long. For example, last AQ Map 5 day 3(!) i had 4 time out in Thanos and still didn't kill it, a mate killed! And I used 5* Red Hulk Duped in R4 with the 10 charges all the fight..
  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291
    I think kabam is trying maximizing the profit. So who don't want or don't have time to play have to spend money to rank up the champions. Now even who plays needs starting thinking so the same.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    I would have daily stand up project meetings where I didn't need to say too much and could pay attention while I played. I would also play at my desk but, it's tricky finding a balance so it doesn't impact your productivity. My colleagues are cool and I deliver my work.
    I play casual now, no aq or aw, no stress!
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    NCB_pt said:

    I think kabam is trying maximizing the profit. So who don't want or don't have time to play have to spend money to rank up the champions. Now even who plays needs starting thinking so the same.

    If they wanted to maximize profit on here they would give the option to buy faster energy.
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  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291
    Lormif said:

    If they wanted to maximize profit on here they would give the option to buy faster energy.
    Don't give them ideias :D
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    edited October 2019
    I have never fully understood why, but making the fights longer is actually one of kabams goals. That and demishing the effectiveness of block and stun and immunities by creating deterioration. Kabam knows time is money but obviously they do not care. They know most of us are adults and not kids, that makes em happy 'cause we have money and kids don't. Their bottom line is what is important to them, not the quality of our experience in the game or our lives outside of game. And i believe some of the summoners are leaving because they had unrealistic expectations of what things would be like when they hit uncollected. They thought "now i am gonna buy a ton of gm crystals and open a bunch of 4 and 5 star champs", but they been dumping their units on 3s.
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Join Map3 AQ and gold1-2
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    I have a full time job, I don't bother with Arena nor AW any more ... just no time, and the return on investment is actually quite poor.
    (yes, arena rewards *can* be good, but only after investing a *ton* of time ... not worth - for me, at least ;) )

    I stick with AQ, but in a more casual alliance, we just do maps 2 & 3 .. sometimes Map 4 . *shrug*

    nice an easy .. :)
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    It comes down to time managment and what works for you. We are a 6x5 and platinum 4 alliance. I have a full time job, but I'm mainly in my office alone. That helps to quickly fight in AQ and wars. I do arenas in early morning, lunchtime, then at night. This works for me because my daughter is older and takes care of herself. My biggest issue is getting my wife off my back when I'm playing! Lol

    My advice is to find an alliance with the right AW and war level to fit your activity schedule. Otherwise, you'll burn out or just lose interest faster.
  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
    Thanks everyone for sharing the experience. My main problem is not just finding time, but it is also hard to find a place during work that you can comfortably playing the game. I can’t imaging playing game during working hours in front of coworkers, feels like that is risking to be fired just to help some alliance mates to clear linked nodes. Wish kabam can makes every one with maximum 8 energy to fit the 8 hour sleep and 8 hour working schedule so you don’t have to play in the middle to clear the content
  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291
    rivet said:

    Thanks everyone for sharing the experience. My main problem is not just finding time, but it is also hard to find a place during work that you can comfortably playing the game. I can’t imaging playing game during working hours in front of coworkers, feels like that is risking to be fired just to help some alliance mates to clear linked nodes. Wish kabam can makes every one with maximum 8 energy to fit the 8 hour sleep and 8 hour working schedule so you don’t have to play in the middle to clear the content

    You know, before I used play a game of strategy, in what I have to wake up in middle of night to send the offense troops with my teammates. I thought that was a very active and demanding game. In invitation I decide to change to this game. But now I understand that this game is as demanding as the other game, this if you play in an ally that play Map5x5 and above. Maybe I will start playing map4 because this is too much, but map 4 don't give much rewards so best is make a vacations in game really, just playing sometimes some solo events.... I mean, I just start playing this game just for the fun, not for an obligation. This is not more a game played for fun, but a game where we feel obligated to play.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Use 5 energy between AQ start and when I head off for the night.
    5-6 energy in the morning.
    A bit more at lunch if others have cleared the other links.
    Mop up whatevers left in the evening.
    That was doing map 5 but I probably could’ve done map 6 with that too if I could be bothered to grind arena enough to keep up with donations.
  • Gert1s_Da_guruGert1s_Da_guru Member Posts: 66
    Quit ur job
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Find a pace that works for your life. Lots of map 3 or 4 semi retired alliances out there.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    I managed by cutting out wars entirely, much easier than worrying about 2 different areas at the same time.
  • WhiteStrikerWhiteStriker Member Posts: 107
    AW is not difficult if every one is active. Paths are short and can be managed. But AQ is tuf to manage as map 5 has long paths
  • SettlersofCatanSettlersofCatan Member Posts: 94
    The game is known to cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome when you do 7x5 and your boss wonders why you run to the bathroom the same time every day.

    And your kids wonder why you need to lock yourself in a room for really really important business meetings on weekends. "Why is daddy yelling?".

    Sometimes your wife wonders if you received really bad news from the Doctor but it's nothing you just died in war. She later finds out you have a separate bank account and thinks you have a really nasty habit involving very questionable people but you just buy Cavaliers.
  • PiviotPiviot Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    edited October 2019
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Wake up
    Turn on curling iron/flat iron (depending on mood)
    Turn on coffee pot
    Move in AQ
    Move in AW
    Makeup, hair, coffee
    Drop kids off at daycare/school
    Get to work and open store
    Take a and move in AQ then AW
    Go back to work.
    Take a lunch
    Chat with friends while finishing up the last leg of AQ and AW.
    Take a final break
    New AQ and defense placement start
    Move in AQ
    Grab dinner on the way home.
    Come home kiss the husband, play with the kids.
    Eat the dinner the husband made
    Play some AQ
    Relax with the husband
    Go to sleep

    Pretty much that in a nut shell.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    You could just do what I did and stopped playing AQ/AW entirely. Much lower stress tbh. The only real downside is progression is a good bit slower, but it depends on if you get enjoyment from just playing the game when you can or progressing through content.
  • TheToxicCactusTheToxicCactus Member Posts: 368 ★★
    They should just change the energy cool down to like 15 min
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  • _I__I_ Member Posts: 306
    declare urself diabetic first. then frequently use the restroom. job n game both safe!
    if u are married n have children then perhaps u need to sacrifice ur sleep n when everyone is off to bed, rush to war!
  • DęłtåDęłtå Member Posts: 295
    Easy don’t do wars AQ is much better with mods now
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