Average Joe can't succeed in the contest

For players who don't spend millions of real life dollars in the contest, it's almost impossible to actually make it. As well as those who hold down real jobs in the real world that can't dedicate 19 hours a day to playing... Average Joe cannot possibly get anywhere in the contest.

For example, it takes far, far too long to explore act 4 cause there's no possible way average Joe can do act 5 or RttL or RoL.
You finally, after weeks of hard work, get a 5* crystal and KABAM! You get a Luke Cage...

Kabam is going to lose a lot of players because they feel they just can't get anywhere in the contest. Some of us are not as brilliant as the top players and we can't play the game as a living... Kabam need to make drastic changes or risk becoming obsolete. Make is possible for average Joe to get somewhere.

There's so many easy ways to make the game more worthwhile to your "weekend warriors". I'm not saying make it easy or take away/diminish what the pros have achieved... Just make it a little more doable.


  • RydertheblackRydertheblack Member Posts: 296
    KhanMedina wrote: »
    The problem is the average joe isn't happy with average prizes. They want the same stuff that the dedicated or paying customers get, which isn't going to happen. It's a freemium game, so if you don't want to pay or play consistently then you only get the bare minimum of rewards available.

    There's nothing stopping you from enjoying the easier content of the game that you can handle other than your envy of better players and their great, new champs. I don't need to be in the NBA to have fun playing basketball. It's definitely not the NBA's job to make the requirements to play there easier so I don't feel left out.

    I really think, this is the main problem. People think that by not paying, they should be also awarded with the same prizes as spending members.

    When I didn't spend I was able to complete act 4, which gave me access to a 5* r4. That's a huge game changer. Sometimes it's just about how to play your cards. I've seen people with unduped 5* champs r4, which are useless (let's be honest on this one, there a few champs that are worth unduped), so they pretty much wasted their chance to have access to more difficult content. Then, they complain, the circle goes on and on
  • Rusty181Rusty181 Member Posts: 5
    I'm not saying that people who don't play must get the same rewards. But by average Joe I don't mean the guy who logs on once a week. I'm talking about your average summoner who plays quite regularly, usually a few hours a day, grinds arenas, etc. But it's extremely, extremely hard to get 4* rank 5 heroes and when you finally get enough shards to make a 5* crystal, even after grinding for one, you get good old Luke Cage. It becomes disheartening to most.
  • RydertheblackRydertheblack Member Posts: 296
    Rusty181 wrote: »
    I'm not saying that people who don't play must get the same rewards. But by average Joe I don't mean the guy who logs on once a week. I'm talking about your average summoner who plays quite regularly, usually a few hours a day, grinds arenas, etc. But it's extremely, extremely hard to get 4* rank 5 heroes and when you finally get enough shards to make a 5* crystal, even after grinding for one, you get good old Luke Cage. It becomes disheartening to most.

    Have you try in a different alliance? Sometimes, what I've seen, is that, people could have skills, and some time, but they are in the wrong alliance
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Rusty181 wrote: »
    I'm not saying that people who don't play must get the same rewards. But by average Joe I don't mean the guy who logs on once a week. I'm talking about your average summoner who plays quite regularly, usually a few hours a day, grinds arenas, etc. But it's extremely, extremely hard to get 4* rank 5 heroes and when you finally get enough shards to make a 5* crystal, even after grinding for one, you get good old Luke Cage. It becomes disheartening to most.

    I feel your pain on that since my first 2 5 stars were both cyclops, and I opened a 4 star cyclops the same day as the 5 star. Paying doesn't increase your odds of getting a better champ, aside from getting you an extra ticket in the lottery. I got one of those $30 deals and ended up with a colossus. I would suggest sticking to arena and grabbing basic 4 star champs that way so at least you know what you're grinding for. If you don't have time for that either, then not sure what else to say.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    I'm agree, this game could have centre its bussines in (many) average players, instead few whales spenders of thousands (and some free fulltime players).
    But I don't think it will to change.

    So it's true, average Joe have not chance of progress in this game and it's important realize it before build false expectative and end burned up and mad. I realized it early and I'm taking what I can, but well it work for me for now, maybe don't for everyone else.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Average joe still plays this game? Wow what a legend.
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  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    i feel you im stuck on 4.2 and need rank 5 4stars to move on.

    act 4 can be completed with rank 3/4 4 stars.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    I've never spent money on this game. I beat Act 4 recently with 4/40 4*.

    I beat ROL with 4* 4/40 Wolverine, 3/30 4* Storm, Guillotine, Magneto and 3* Red Cyclops.

    I beat Web-Slingers (some items were gifted to me but the vast majority of items I used I grinded the arenas for the units to buy the items).

    I made it to Chapter 4 of RTTL.

    I finished master mode of the Punisher 2099 event quest.

    I got Howard the Duck from the basic arena a little while back (my first basic from the arena). Why wouldn't I go for a new 4* with a low cutoff. New in terms of not having him in my collection that is.

    You don't need to spend money. I have my first rank 5 4* because I tried to build up my collection of champs before finishing what I finished. Act 4 is much easier now, so is ROL.
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    i feel you im stuck on 4.2 and need rank 5 4stars to move on.

    Is this a troll or are you serious?
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    OP: You are wrong.
  • hobohobo Member Posts: 87
    Actually this game has evolve into a game mostly for the elites, they are the ones that were there at the beginning (initial start of this game) Now this game has become a pay to play to advance into the upper tiers. See before version 12.0 and other earlier versions there were many ways that this game could be exploited. Then the game had unblock-able synergy's and real god tier heroes you could play with that made the game content much easier; so those that were able to exploit those advantages are the elites of today. Knowing how hard it is to kick the king off the mountain, I can say you will never reach their level unless you can afford to spend a whole lot of money. It is the same as being able to join their alliances. My suggestion is to just play the game for whatever pleasure it may provide you, If you get lucky and land a few top characters or the items needed to rank them up; then smile for the game good fortune has smile upon you; but like I said before you will never be like them. By the way to you trolls out there let me say this, I mean no jealousy to be directed at you. I really feel that those of you at the top deserve your status so do not imply that I am saying that you did not work hard to get to your level. This is the game management fault they probably never thought this game would have had the success it has enjoyed and are now they are clueless on how to keep the millions of players playing this interested and happy So to again state the obvious the first one to the treasure always gets the gold first.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    i feel you im stuck on 4.2 and need rank 5 4stars to move on.

    I'm an average joe and log a few hours per day. I have a wife and kids and work 40+ hrs a week. Spent a total of about $50 in the 8 months I've been playing

    I just walked through 4.2 yesterday without using a single revive or health potion with just R4 champs. Only units spent was on energy because I wanted to clear it before AQ fired up today.

    It's not just about having high champs, you actually have to log the hours to learn how to use them. I'm still learning techniques for my champs to use them more effectively. Even then, I know I have a TON of learning left to do before I'll be ready for act 5...
  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    Join a alliance that will help you grow. I make it a point to help my lower ranking members. 3 of my members been playing under 3 months, 2 working 2 full time jobs and one working and in college to be a Doctor. Can't play much. All 3 have three to five 4*, one made rank 4 over the weekend. In a short time they will be able to handle act 4 or 5. Find the right alliance.
  • Vinitlalka1988Vinitlalka1988 Member Posts: 269
    Hey Average Joe..Hi from another Average Joe...

    I wud like to tell u that the point that only those who pay progress & other dont get equal rewards is incorrect...hear me out....

    I have never spent any money on the game....i was struggling as much as you are to get through difficult content & thought as much how it is possible....However soon i realised that it is all about..patience...strategising.....sacrificing & on top of all finding a good alliance (not necessarily the ones where everyone breezes through all the minimums but the ones where core at leasr group of people stick....through good and bad times...wins & losses).....

    Wen i joined my alliance 8 months back i had only 1 r4....Iron Patriot....

    I realized that only way to start the progression path was to do ACT 4...But the process was to slow..So wat i did was i completely sacrificed the Event quest for 1 whole month (GOTG 2 Quest alongwith Rocket workshop).....Sometimes u need to sacrifice small gain for a larger one........stacked around 2000 units & competed ACT 4 in 1 and half months...it was dull going through same paths day in day out..felt like a circle....but i stuck by & wen i finished it each and every minute felt worth it....

    Within a month i had 3 r5 (i had some instock earlier through free gifts from kabam during 12.0 & couple from Map 4 & Map 3 luck).

    i did web slingers, 5.1 & got more t4cc not to mention glory crystals & since our Alliance has grown quite a bit we did Map 5 regularly & got i think 3 from Map 5....

    The upshot is i have 5 r5s & i m good to do 4 more if i get right champs....

    Also there is an youtuber by the name Brian Grant who has never spent a dime.........he cleared LOL some time back by stacking units..........

    You dont need to spend money bud...Just play right & have patience.....Your time will come...Dont lose hope

  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Hey Average Joe..Hi from another Average Joe...

    I wud like to tell u that the point that only those who pay progress & other dont get equal rewards is incorrect...hear me out....

    I have never spent any money on the game....i was struggling as much as you are to get through difficult content & thought as much how it is possible....However soon i realised that it is all about..patience...strategising.....sacrificing & on top of all finding a good alliance (not necessarily the ones where everyone breezes through all the minimums but the ones where core at leasr group of people stick....through good and bad times...wins & losses).....

    Wen i joined my alliance 8 months back i had only 1 r4....Iron Patriot....

    I realized that only way to start the progression path was to do ACT 4...But the process was to slow..So wat i did was i completely sacrificed the Event quest for 1 whole month (GOTG 2 Quest alongwith Rocket workshop).....Sometimes u need to sacrifice small gain for a larger one........stacked around 2000 units & competed ACT 4 in 1 and half months...it was dull going through same paths day in day out..felt like a circle....but i stuck by & wen i finished it each and every minute felt worth it....

    Within a month i had 3 r5 (i had some instock earlier through free gifts from kabam during 12.0 & couple from Map 4 & Map 3 luck).

    i did web slingers, 5.1 & got more t4cc not to mention glory crystals & since our Alliance has grown quite a bit we did Map 5 regularly & got i think 3 from Map 5....

    The upshot is i have 5 r5s & i m good to do 4 more if i get right champs....

    Also there is an youtuber by the name Brian Grant who has never spent a dime.........he cleared LOL some time back by stacking units..........

    You dont need to spend money bud...Just play right & have patience.....Your time will come...Dont lose hope

    While I agree you need to sacrifice to make real progress, I think you have to pick and choose what you sacrifice a bit better. Personally, I wouldn't sacrifice the monthly quests on higher difficulties to do chapter 4 or anything that will always be there. The Rocket Scrapyard in particular was one of the better uses of energy that I've seen here. I got so many cores from that event to rank up expensive masteries. Some are definitely better than others, but you should always research before pouring all your energy into something to make sure you get the most bang for your buck.
  • haplopearthaplopeart Member Posts: 25
    I agree as well. I believe I can put myself in the Average Joe category. I play perhaps an hour a day total, perhaps a little more on the weekends. I have spent here and there. I took the recent $69, get Tier 4 class cats offer for example because I've been trying to get enough to any of my 4* or 5* Character's ranked beyond R4 or R2 respectively. I'll also grab some credits here or there, but my total yearly spend on the game is very low normally. I hate the pricing structure. I rather think that if they lowered the prices of things they might get an increase in the cash flow and have the bump benefit of making more "Average Joe's" happy.

    Of course that would also mean that the big spenders would then be able to absolutely run away with things. If you are willing to spend $100 on one thing, and then things change so you get 20 things for the $100!

    I love the game its a great relaxing diversion. I just wish I could "earn" more with my play.

    I've seen a lot of threads like this. The discussion always divides into two camps:

    1. Work Harder, Play More, slog through this, you can't expect to succeed if you don't put in the time.
    2. If you don't want to spend, don't expect to succeed, the company is in it to make Money $$$$ if you don't want to buy the stuff then they have no interest in you.

    But they really come back to the same problem. I'm currently trying my best to raise my team up. BUT some (many...nearly all) of the events that will help with that I'm limited by time and resources. I recently was trying to achieve the full awards in one of the arena's, and the Events that would reward me for arena play. I realized during this effort the ONLY way to do this would be to purchase tons of credits to revive my champs and skip the cool downs so I could constantly use them for 3 days and nearly every waking moment! Its just NOT feasible.

    Never mind some of alliance events, my Alliance as all but given up on Perfect Series and Similar events that reward for arena grinding because the ultimate rewards and pathetic compared to the effort to get them.
  • kapt_krunchkapt_krunch Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2017
  • DarkArrow07DarkArrow07 Member Posts: 109
    Like I tell my daughter, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    I'm an average Joe who play around 2-3 hours a day and more during rainy weekends. Installed the game in may 2017.
    I've joined an great alliance in mid-june, with 6x 4*, I was prest. 46k
    I've spent around $150, overall
    I'm prest. 102k, now and this is my roster...

    Yes, I think the average Joe can have fun in this game, playing with average Joes.
    Don't expect to play or match the top hardcore players.
    Just play to have fun. ;)
    And, for Luke Cage as your first 5*, could have been worst, SpiderGwen or Groot.
  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    oh man, your profile pic in game is Howard the duck.. I'm so sorry.
  • DarkArrow07DarkArrow07 Member Posts: 109
    You need to work on getting your Dormammu up!
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    haplopeart wrote: »

    But they really come back to the same problem. I'm currently trying my best to raise my team up. BUT some (many...nearly all) of the events that will help with that I'm limited by time and resources. I recently was trying to achieve the full awards in one of the arena's, and the Events that would reward me for arena play. I realized during this effort the ONLY way to do this would be to purchase tons of credits to revive my champs and skip the cool downs so I could constantly use them for 3 days and nearly every waking moment! Its just NOT feasible.

    Never mind some of alliance events, my Alliance as all but given up on Perfect Series and Similar events that reward for arena grinding because the ultimate rewards and pathetic compared to the effort to get them.

    If you're not in an arena alliance, don't expect to get those arena events done. I'm happy if they do item use and event completion. Anything else is a bonus.

    Getting all arena milestones from personal arenas should not require units to revive unless you're in the wrong arena.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    double post
  • EddieGotSoleEddieGotSole Member Posts: 20
    I'm an average Joe and I'm "succeeding" just fine. You just have to manage your expectations and be willing to grind it out a bit.
    (I actually thought this post was going to be about Joe Fix It)
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Cavalier wrote: »
    oh man, your profile pic in game is Howard the duck.. I'm so sorry.

    Howard is a Tank...H'es my mutie killer in AQ. ;);)
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    You need to work on getting your Dormammu up!

    Working on it. ;)
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