Suggesting a “Pity” System for Featured Cavaliers

I recently spent a grand total of $3,400 on the Dr Doom Cavalier crystals without getting a single 5* or higher Dr Doom.
I suggest a tweak to the drop rates in this manner:
I suggest a “pity” system for Featured cavaliers. This is how it’s gonna work:
Every unsuccessful pull for either the featured 5 or 6-star champion would result in the pity meter going up by a metric of 1 point, once it reaches 200 or 300 points which equates to 200 or 300 unsuccessful pulls, then the game will increase the drop rate for the Featured from 0.5% to 1.5%.
This system would be beneficial to both Kabam and the summoner as it would empathize with the summoner by allowing him to have slightly better odds after 200 unsuccessful pulls, essentially ensuring that the summoner would be rewarded with a better drop rate thereafter. Kabam’s monetary benefit is that it can still earn more income from summoners that are incentivized to carry on pulling after 200 unsuccessful crystals, but this time they’ll have the benefit of knowing that their odds have increased by a certain degree.
I’m not expecting charitable handouts from Kabam which is running a business after all, but more like a fairer way to reward summoners that have plunked in thousands of dollars without any tangible benefit.
My loss shouldn’t be nought, the least I can do is make this suggestion so that the player base could at least benefit slightly from a fairer system.
I suggest a tweak to the drop rates in this manner:
I suggest a “pity” system for Featured cavaliers. This is how it’s gonna work:
Every unsuccessful pull for either the featured 5 or 6-star champion would result in the pity meter going up by a metric of 1 point, once it reaches 200 or 300 points which equates to 200 or 300 unsuccessful pulls, then the game will increase the drop rate for the Featured from 0.5% to 1.5%.
This system would be beneficial to both Kabam and the summoner as it would empathize with the summoner by allowing him to have slightly better odds after 200 unsuccessful pulls, essentially ensuring that the summoner would be rewarded with a better drop rate thereafter. Kabam’s monetary benefit is that it can still earn more income from summoners that are incentivized to carry on pulling after 200 unsuccessful crystals, but this time they’ll have the benefit of knowing that their odds have increased by a certain degree.
I’m not expecting charitable handouts from Kabam which is running a business after all, but more like a fairer way to reward summoners that have plunked in thousands of dollars without any tangible benefit.
My loss shouldn’t be nought, the least I can do is make this suggestion so that the player base could at least benefit slightly from a fairer system.
You plan to spend 3400 dollars on Cavaliers. If you don't get him with the first 400, you stop and give the remaining 3000 to a family that can live off this money for 2 months at least. If you get the featured before you hit that 400, you donate all the remaining money.
Seriously, how do you expect us to pity you if you throw two months' worth of actual hard work at something you know is not gonna give you what you are looking for? It's like telling the Casino that you want better them to change the odds at the slot machine because you were dumb enough to throw 3400 dollars into it.
If you want to spend that money on the game, I don't care, that's your prerogative, but don't complain on the forums about it.
1. I wasn’t complaining about my money going down the drain.
2. The money that I spent was part of my disposable income that I could afford to spend
3. My suggestion was made so as to maybe improve this in-game system of cavalier drop rates after a certain amount of pulls.
4. Another game I play also uses a similar pity system, though it’s slightly better as it guarantees a 5* Featured weapon after a certain number of pulls.
In summary, was I complaining and wallowing in my own self pity at not getting Dr Doom? Nope. Rather, I was just offering a suggestion that would help ever so slightly those whales who have encountered a similar situation.
This benefits both kabam, the whales and the FTP players. The whales can whale out on units to get 100 crystals and they at least are guaranteed a 5 or 6* version of a featured champ, the FTP players can grind out the units required knowing that at least they will be guaranteed the featured champ at the end of 100 pulls, and kabam get more money from the whales who will invest into getting 100 pulls.
To add on, this system of bumped up drop rates will reset for each successful pull so as to not be abused. For instance for those that are able to pull the 5* featured early on, the counter will reset back to zero.
Now before anyone misconstrues my intentions in suggesting a tweak to the Cavalier system, as per the above screenshots, I myself have been the beneficiary of some decent pulls from cavaliers over my time as a summoner.
Kabam has been very forthright in establishing the drop rates for said crystals, and all I’m suggesting is that Kabam explore the benefits of a tweak to the system to further incentivize us summoners who have a never say die attitude. For those of us who prefer to spend at least we can have a bit more to look forward to in as we continue plunking more dough into Kabam’s coffers. Kabam has got to earn their keep after all, hence I wasn’t suggesting free handouts or anything of that sort.
1 odin gives 155 refreshes of a 6* champ at say 60,000 points as the lowest for a 6* win, thats 9.3mil, so for around $1000 you'd get 93mil which (probably) would be enough to earn the 5*
PS the mandalorian is an awesome series!!
Thanks OP. Now I feel pity for myself for not having champs like you. There's another 'Pity' system for you.
For the first 100 crystals you pop, the odds of getting a featured within the first 100 are
1-0.995^100 = 39.4%
For 200 crystals:
1-0.995^200 = 63.3%
Seeing as how it’s already gonna be highly likely, with a 63.3% chance that you’ll pull a 5* featured within the first 200 crystals, this Pity which only kicks in after 200 failed attempts to boost up the drop rate ever so slightly acts as a mechanism to provide the player with slightly raised odds if he keeps at it beyond 200 crystals.
What I personally experienced was this:
After 340 crystals, my odds of getting a 5* featured would be around 1-0.995^340 = 81.8%, but I still failed to get him. I chose to stop as I was beginning to lose faith in ever getting him this time out.
With this pity system in place, it’s still not a guarantee to get him even at 340 attempts, but it would make a difference in terms of the slightly better drop rates. In my eyes, this can only be beneficial to kabam as it would actually get more players on board to try their luck, and not as some envision cut into Kabam’s earnings.
I refer you to the above comment I just made, with probability calculations, to prove to you my point on how this would have the opposite effect and boost spending in the game, this being a win-win for kabam and the players.
1. The calculations I provided for 100, 200, 300 and even 340 crystals clearly illustrate one’s odds of getting the featured 5*.
2. These odds also apply to all whales from orca to the largest blue whale.
3. As such, the majority of spenders would get what they want 200 crystals in (63.3% chance)
4. So let me reiterate once again that I’m content with what I pulled from the Doom crystals, but I was just making a suggestion that could improve rates ever so slightly for those unlucky few whalers, so that they’ll have slightly better odds at landing that Moby ****.
So pray tell, how would this hurt Kabam’s bottom line, seeing as how most whale’s should get the featured 5* within 200 crystals?
I’m sure you can see now how this suggestion can assist and spur those who have received the wrong end of the stick 200 crystals in to continue to stuff Kabam’s coffers, albeit with slight raised drop rates. It’s only gonna be in the best interests of both kabam and the player.
The majority of whales won’t even past to 200 failed attempts as can be seen from the math. This so called “pity” system that was suggested is just that, to offer as semblance, whether big or small, of an assured bump to the drop rate for those brave souls who wish to soldier on.
And since the majority of whales would’ve gotten him within 200 crystals, this doesn’t hurt kabam’s Bottom line. Rather it improves it as it promotes further spending from those who would be otherwise unwilling to buy even more crystals after 200 failed attempts.
Like it or not, it’s the whales that pay to keep this game up as it is. And it would be in Kabam’s best interests to keep those whales happy so that they keep on coming back for more. I can only see this generating more revenue for kabam.
Whether it’s for weapon tickets in dissidia final fantasy opera omnia or crystals in mcoc, the same formula of 1-(chance of not getting the featured)^no. of attempts holds true.
It’s only cause you were so antagonistic that I offer the same back to you. Seems like your probability logic has just flown out the window.