Should "Conqueror Summoners" get their rights

Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
So basically the game has made certain milestones and give rewards and compensations according to the milestones completed.
But do you think the progression path from "PROVEN" to "UNCOLLECTED" is too big and the rewards given in that time-phase are not that satisfactory.
I have heard many mcoc players talking about how they need to collect resources for many months to just have their first R4 five star champ or bulid their roster only to become uncollected.
Share your thoughts on whether the milestones should be changed or not!

Should "Conqueror Summoners" get their rights 111 votes

Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
Crine60Monto_Carlos28SamdroxtaarMaster3418AshMoskovAssumedNameSkyBlueGamingsagarsaurabhDatman257Scopeotoe987JtarunAleorRyseNopedrooo-sixate-EtjamaMidnite93AdamanteCage_1Ftvinny 39 votes
No (it's already perfect)
Vdh2008danielmathHaji_SaabTendersquadAjay121R_D_JrTerraMityAntWayde0wilsonDOKTOROKTOPUSDeacon03Baseballguy711SlashingSunsetSpiderCoolssolopoloBWladwaDuke_SilverXXGhost_RiderXXCupidJohn757 65 votes
Other (Mention your thoughts👇🏻)
DrZolaSeatinTheVyrusMidknight007Lvernon15EdeuinkNightbat216 7 votes


  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)

    They shouldn’t spend time designing special rewards for every single title. Each title as a particular set of rewards, most just have a reduced price for premium hero crystals. There can always be an additional tier, but I would rather Kabam focus on bugs that appear and have been present for some time.

    Yeah appreciated very much the bug problem has haunted the game for a while now but main point of this discussion was that proven should not be the benchmark of next tier rewards conqueror should be as the player pushing for uncollected are getting those useless proven rewards and compensation. Anyways thanks for adding up✌🏻
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    Other (Mention your thoughts👇🏻)
    In almost every instance I would say no. The purpose is to create an incentive for progression to Uncollected and beyond. Most can achieve Conqueror pretty easily and then slow down to to move to Uncollected.
    That said when Kabam issues compensation for game issues, I do think they should recognize the Conqueror status. Resources lost during game outages and errors have a higher level of value for those trying to make that leap to Uncollected.
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  • SubExtaByteSubExtaByte Member Posts: 80
    No (it's already perfect)
    You don’t need r4 five stars to become uc? I used r5 four stars to become uc and used only 2 level two team revives
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    edited December 2019
    Most ppl who are cav got uncollected with 4 stars, i highly doubt any conquerors will understand how hard it was to get an r4 5 star before, my first was x23 and talk about material collecting.... They werent just giving away t2a like they are now, in fact i must have sold a million t1a for tiny bits of t2a frags to help form the t2a needed for my first 2 r4s. The stuff was rare and super expensive to buy and maybe u could get 1 t2a as the highlight of a big unit offers, my Second r4 was xbones and some of the newer 4 stars u have access to are stronger then my r4 xbones and x23. Point is when we were all doing act 4 and uc story we weren't getting even half the rewards players at your level get now and we were using less powerful champs then most of you are using these days to do it so youre gonna be hard pressed to find anyone whos not still a conqueror like you to feel bad about you guys not getting the same rewards as them.
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
    Rewards. Calendars. Progression rewards. All those make sense. Where it hurts is the purchase deals. $100 dollars makes the same dent in everyone’s bank account.
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)

    You don’t need r4 five stars to become uc? I used r5 four stars to become uc and used only 2 level two team revives

    Not bout me but I have some examples of people and have seen some on forum
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    No (it's already perfect)
    You are supposed to work for months to get your first 4/55. It’s a big milestone that sets you on a path to complete much harder content. From then on it will get easier, and the new step will be obtaining a 5/65. That’s how things scale in this game.
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)

    Rewards. Calendars. Progression rewards. All those make sense. Where it hurts is the purchase deals. $100 dollars makes the same dent in everyone’s bank account.

    Agreed and as a matter of fact an free to play game must support both the communities the ones who are willing to spend and ones who are not. The bundles and offers just don't meet the expectations and thats sad
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)

    Most ppl who are cav got uncollected with 4 stars, i highly doubt any conquerors will understand how hard it was to get an r4 5 star before, my first was x23 and talk about material collecting.... They werent just giving away t2a like they are now, in fact i must have sold a million t1a for tiny bits of t2a frags to help form the t2a needed for my first 2 r4s. The stuff was rare and super expensive to buy and maybe u could get 1 t2a as the highlight of a big unit offers, my Second r4 was xbones and some of the newer 4 stars u have access to are stronger then my r4 xbones and x23. Point is when we were all doing act 4 and uc story we weren't getting even half the rewards players at your level get now and we were using less powerful champs then most of you are using these days to do it so youre gonna be hard pressed to find anyone whos not still a conqueror like you to feel bad about you guys not getting the same rewards as them.

    Yes being uncollected 3 years back and now there is lot of difference. More 5 star availablity and these rewards have certainly helped newbie in the game
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)

    You are supposed to work for months to get your first 4/55. It’s a big milestone that sets you on a path to complete much harder content. From then on it will get easier, and the new step will be obtaining a 5/65. That’s how things scale in this game.

    Yes agreed 👍🏻
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    No (it's already perfect)
    I'm only conqueror so this change wlild benefit me
    However, k think the gap is not big enough to justify an entire new tier like uncollected
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    edited December 2019
    No (it's already perfect)
    Uncollected is the first major challenge of the game and the bridge to the next level, if you can't reach that you don't need a boost in rewards. You already have access to all the resources you need to reach uncollected, and more. Rank up materials are abundant if you're in an alliance that plays AQ's at all and you play event quests, crystal shards come in from EQs and alliance events. You even get the materials you need to r4 your first 5* by exploring act 4, which is necessary anyways for those mastery points. All you need though is a good team of r5 4*s, which isn't hard to get.

    If you want better rewards, reach uncollected. It's challenging, as it should be, but it's nowhere near impossible. You have more than enough resources to get there without even considering gifts from special events, offers, and compensation, or anything else progression-based.
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)

    I'm only conqueror so this change wlild benefit me
    However, k think the gap is not big enough to justify an entire new tier like uncollected

    @Thicco_Mode this is not about adding new tier but replacing the old one like
    Conqueror = proven
    proven = contender anyways thanks for your views
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
    solopolo said:

    Uncollected is the first major challenge of the game and the bridge to the next level, if you can't reach that you don't need a boost in rewards. You already have access to all the resources you need to reach uncollected, and more. Rank up materials are abundant if you're in an alliance that plays AQ's at all and you play event quests, crystal shards come in from EQs and alliance events. You even get the materials you need to r4 your first 5* by exploring act 4, which is necessary anyways for those mastery points. All you need though is a good team of r5 4*s, which isn't hard to get.

    If you want better rewards, reach uncollected. It's challenging, as it should be, but it's nowhere near impossible. You have more than enough resources to get there without even considering gifts from special events, offers, and compensation, or anything else progression-based.

    Well said👍🏻
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    edited December 2019
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
    solopolo said:

    Uncollected is the first major challenge of the game and the bridge to the next level, if you can't reach that you don't need a boost in rewards. You already have access to all the resources you need to reach uncollected, and more. Rank up materials are abundant if you're in an alliance that plays AQ's at all and you play event quests, crystal shards come in from EQs and alliance events. You even get the materials you need to r4 your first 5* by exploring act 4, which is necessary anyways for those mastery points. All you need though is a good team of r5 4*s, which isn't hard to get.

    If you want better rewards, reach uncollected. It's challenging, as it should be, but it's nowhere near impossible. You have more than enough resources to get there without even considering gifts from special events, offers, and compensation, or anything else progression-based.

  • Nightbat216Nightbat216 Member Posts: 195
    Other (Mention your thoughts👇🏻)
    It doesn't really matter if you struggle to rank 4 5* that's not a big deal I know alot of people myself included just used my 5/50 4*
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,262 ★★★★
    Other (Mention your thoughts👇🏻)
    I don’t get why conquerors feel like they need 5 stars. Four stars are more abundant and are just as useful for getting uncollected. Plus, the jump from act 3-4 isn’t too much. Act 5 is the start of bs global nodes. If a conqueror wants more rewards, they should push for uncollected
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
    Edeuink said:

    I don’t get why conquerors feel like they need 5 stars. Four stars are more abundant and are just as useful for getting uncollected. Plus, the jump from act 3-4 isn’t too much. Act 5 is the start of bs global nodes. If a conqueror wants more rewards, they should push for uncollected

    The push is real tho😩
    Till 5.2.3 we can use the same team which we use for act 4 but then this bs masochism node is there just waiting for us.
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)

    It doesn't really matter if you struggle to rank 4 5* that's not a big deal I know alot of people myself included just used my 5/50 4*

    Yeah 5 stars are no big deal r5 4 stars are of more utility atleast for act5.2
  • 7or77or7 Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2019
    I think your definition of ‘rights’ is unreasonably broad. This is a game that kabam runs. You have the right to decide whether to play it, that’s about as far as it goes.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    No (it's already perfect)
    I started playing almost 2 years ago. I was in the same boat the current conqueror players are in now. To change it now and award additional rewards for the conquerer title wouldn't be fair to players that have already dealt with the situation. I used it as an additional reason to push for Uncollected. If my memory is right i was only conquer a short amount of time because it doesn't take long to get to Uncollected after reaching Conqueror
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
    7or7 said:

    I think your definition of ‘rights’ is unreasonably broad. This is a game that kabam runs. You have the right to decide whether to play it, that’s about as far as it goes.

    Lol it's just a poll I am not the one who decides how to run the game😂
    Just discussing with fellow forum mates
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
    Neotwism said:

    I started playing almost 2 years ago. I was in the same boat the current conqueror players are in now. To change it now and award additional rewards for the conquerer title wouldn't be fair to players that have already dealt with the situation. I used it as an additional reason to push for Uncollected. If my memory is right i was only conquer a short amount of time because it doesn't take long to get to Uncollected after reaching Conqueror

    Yes it took me less than one month from conqueror to UC👍🏻
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,521 ★★★★★
    edited December 2019
    Other (Mention your thoughts👇🏻)
    I’ve always thought Elder’s Bane should have received some sort of unique treatment. That required completing BS fights more than just once and likely came at greater cost than other recognized progression points.

    But otherwise, no.

    Dr. Zola
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
    DrZola said:

    I’ve always thought Elder’s Bane should have received some sort of unique treatment. That required completing BS fights more than just once and likely came at greater cost than other recognized progression points.

    But otherwise, no.

    Dr. Zola

    True the global nodes of act 5 as a whole chapter are complete bs
    Also by this thread I can see only a few percentage gap is there between the two polls that means the mcoc players can always relate to those 1 or 2 **** months before UC😂
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    No (it's already perfect)
    Everyone playing this game knows the biggest rewards/deals come at july4th, blackfriday, cyber Monday, and December. Is well known by now Kabam is doing everything based on progression. It was basically announced July 4th. Ppl were warned to reach the highest progression they could before these dates. I dont see what else they can do. They cant make everyone happy. If they make conquer a different reward package then ppl will want a package for elders bane. If they make both of those packages ppl that r just at the door step of completion will complain they deserve more than someone at the beginning of that progression title. They have to draw the line somewhere
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    Yes (summoner - contender - conqueror - Uc - cavalier)
    My main reason for publishing this poll is fulfilled 🙂
    That fact is that the game needs to go by some rules and someone or the other will try to bend em just to make themselves comfortable but they can't provide us with everything right.
    The Uncollected was designed to ramp up our skills and roster and was not a wall in the path. Sure it is tricky but not impossible even for player who have just played for couple of months. The push for uncollected is worth it and for all the conqueror players out there just build up and push through. Cheers!🤙🏻
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