Is Kabam doctoring the drop rates of good champions?

I don't know how the game is treating you guys but judging from my roster which is quite comprehensive i formed the opinion that Kabam is lowering the drop rate of got tier champions from the 6 star crystals . I have so far 53 6 star champions while the base pool has 106 i believe and while i get **** champion like daredevil cyclops mordo storm kingpin etc duped multiple times each i never seen a god tier champ from the basic 6 star crystals so no Corvus Domino Void Cap IW Ghost to name some of the oldest .My only decent pulls where from the featured cavalier and they are all new/featured champs like dr doom , claire or nick . Only last month i opened 12 or more 6 star crystals getting only dupes and memes so please share your experience and if any moderator from Kabam is here i would like to see a distribution chart for 6 star in the accounts to prove the chances are equal which i higly doubted
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Collectively 1 corvus and 0 dominos. 0 natural blades (2 from featured blade crystals)
We also have 16 hulkbuster pulls, 9 capt marvel original, 7 Mrs Marvel.
I am a firm believer in statistics. So I know anything can happen but I do genuinely believe they decrease the pull rate on some champs.
95% of the time it seems like there’s a conspiracy to play songs I don’t want to hear.
But nobody from kabam will explicitly admit that there is anything else than random in basic crystals openings. Believe this position or not, at least it is the easiest answer to all septics.
But for example it could be random among a shortest batch for a period...
Last week I opened 2 6* basic crystals on different days and got Daredevil then Blackbolt. Less appreciated after Sabertooth, Masacre, Cap Marvel movie and Annihilus.
Just for fun : 3 years ago I opened a 4* Spider Gwen and another one the day after. Curiously the only 2 players that opened a 4* between my openings got... Spider Gwen. I let you guess the probability it happens.
You say the basic pool has 106 champs in it. How many of those would you actually want to pull? 15 tops? Thats roughly a 14% chance to pull a champ you want or a 86% chance to pull a champion you don't want. There are far more champs you don't want so of course you have a higher chance of being disappointed.
I've pulled 29 overall 6*'s-
I've been very lucky to dupe Wasp, The Champion, Symbiote Supreme and Hawkeye. Point is, everyone has a different experience. You've pulled good 6*'s so enjoy them. There are people out there with way worse pulls that you. The drop rates aren't different for desirable champions. In the basic pool they are equal for every champ in it.
As far as I know, that's never not happened.
You're suggesting variance within the crystal itself, that it's weighted to give us champions we find less desirable. I don't think that's true either. We obviously direct a majority of our negative focus on our bad pulls and tend to ignore the good ones after a while.
For my awoken Green Goblin or Rhino, I've also awoken my 6* Sentinel and IWIM.
For my Moon Knight and Magneto I've also pulled IWCap and Corvus.
It's confirmation bias, that's all. Look at how many people are in the 6* pool and then actually weigh out the statistics - everyone has the same chance at being pulled. BUT there are not an equal number of good characters and bad characters, so yes, you have a higher chance of pulling an undesirable character than you do a God, but not because those characters are weighted differently - you have a higher chance because there are more of them.
Though if they do rig crystals can I dupe Symb next please Kabam XDXDXDXD
P.S. Hypothetically, if given the distribution chart wouldn’t they doctor that also? It’s a BS question.