Kabam, can you stop pumping out obscure or weak god tier champions and give up proper OG'S???

The villain from the Ant-Man sequel= GOD Warlock=GOD Quake=GOD Domino=GOD ETC....
Aegon, Symbiote Supreme, and Guillotine 2099, all made up- GODS
Magneto= TRASH Juggernaut=TRASH ETC... ok you're starting to fix champions, but still.
I mean, i don't even read comics, but why are we using Squirrel Girl instead of Magneto? AND WHERE THE HELL IS APOCALYPSE!?!?!?! I half expect Discopants Jubilee as next months god tier addition. I'm just goofing, but i have a point, don't i???


  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    dont agree on all the points ,there has to be new ,weird,relatively unknown champs in game that grow and become fan favorite and eventually get big push in like movies,series or even other games! like i'd b immensely excited to watch a movie starring night thraser,darkhawk,Aegon, or even morningstar,because i have daily connection to them and finding them in other content would immediately exciting to me BuT big ol
    BUT we need balance on champions,dage,utility. ability ,niche wise proper balance!! i hate domino from bottom of my heart ,she has two gun and luck which is not real power and on other side we have most powerful mutant like magneto ,or storm who flat out sucks!!! same for all other class, yeh we need new champs to be powerful to drive sells, support game and so on but at the same time keeping balance on all old tired champions is necessity in any other game of this magnitude, why do we get 4 rework in 12 months, why not every month there is a rework, why waste time with voting,polls,beta,announcements, and bla bla bla for weeks and months !!! why is there
    a need for "rebalancing" NEW champs instead of old tired champs, why not make new champs go through a proper quality testing and even ccp before releasing those champs!! reworking or buffing old champ with new animations and abilties will also drive sells for newer players as well,makes things interesting and rank up choices interesting for veteran players, keeps balance on AW,AQ, quests teams, gives ppl freedom
    on upgrading champs they like instead of champs they have to!!!
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Disopants Jubilee? Has nothing on Butterfly Longshot and Flasher Mojo. (Rumored to be next.)

    jubilee needs to be better than beyond god tier, i hope more weird and joke champs get added in the contest with ridicolous powers
    besides that, what's your problem with warlock, he is one of the coolest D-list characters ever

  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 335 ★★★
    Clearly its Forbush Man FTW.

    Though Paste Pot Pete would rule too
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    It’s funny when people in my alliance where mentioning squirrel girl I called she would be a strong champ. The obscure champs that are less known seem to have a higher probability of being high tier champs while the well known sit in the mediocre range the majority of the time.
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    KoiBoy18 said:

    Clearly its Forbush Man FTW.

    Though Paste Pot Pete would rule too

    Paste Pot Pete for the win! 🤘🏻
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 883 ★★★
    IMIW and CapIW crying in the corner.

    Dr. Strange was once god tier, SWitch was once god tier, Thor, Widow, Wolverine, Deadpool, Hulk (right?), Ultron were all once god tier.

    Nick Fury, Dr. Doom, Thing, Namor are god tier, Spiderman is god tier twice over (Starky, Stealth), Venom and Emma Frost are demigod-tier, Sabretooth, Red Hulk, Killmonger, Iceman, Hawkeye, Doc Oc, Blade, Ghost Rider, Starlord are all god tier or demigod tier.

    Hell, Cap WWII even used to be good for his block proficiency, and Magneto was used in synergy teams before PB teams were removed.

    All of these are very well known or decently well known characters, and are mixed well enough with more obscure characters. Not sure what you're talking about.
  • GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    If Disney reboots X-Men into the mcu, which they should, we are gonna get a lot of cool new versions of those characters in the game and it's gonna be awesome.
  • Superchampion_Superchampion_ Member Posts: 172 ★★★
    First off, squirrel girl is ridiculously powerful in the comics, although she’s more of a gag character.

    Second, symbiote supreme is doctor strange plus the venom symbiote which would theoretically be stronger than doctor strange.

    And most importantly, the OG champs like hulk, Thor and iron man aren’t necessarily bad but just outdated. IM is **** but IMIW is a great champ. New characters will always have more than old champs.

    Magneto desperately needs a re work like so many others. I had him when he first came out and he was decent for act 3. His abilities are massively outdated. If he was released today, he would probably be top 5 mutant champs.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    While I understand and to some degree agree with the OP's opinion, there's many points being glossed over. Let's do some bullet point action here..

    1. Kabam has ALREADY gave us MANY well known characters, and still do to this day. Unfortunately, that brings us to...

    2. In already giving us many of these said characters early on, they haven't aged well to say the least. How things were when many of the well know characters were introduced is not how it is now. If they had started the game with a bunch of relatively obscure/unknowns, I doubt the game would've lasted as long as it has.

    3. They are buffing old characters, but that takes time, and doesn't really pay the bills so much as a fan service, and to maintain some balance in CoC. People want so many champs buffed, but...

    4. The ever increasing number of champs in game alone makes it more of a task to buff a champ as they have to take into consideration so many interactions (abilities, synergies, nodes, etc).

    5. In there being so many characters in game, they strive to introduce lesser known characters in between the well known ones to again, maintain some semblance of balance.

    6. It's true that some of the would be 'weaker' characters in the comics are unbelievably strong in CoC. If they weren't, would you try to get them?

    7. This game, while F2P has to bring in revenue to stay alive, let alone buff new champs. All the designs, redesigns, updates, etc cost money to create. So naturally they must keep the new champs desirable, regardless of their comparable strengths in the comics. This is MCoC, not Earth-616. Things are inherently going to be different.

    8. As previously mentioned, licensing is a BIG part in who they can add, and when. Couple that with the promotional aspect for Marvel, it's a team effort in who gets added along the lines.

    9. They cannot make certain characters as strong as they are in the comics as it would INDEFINITELY unbalance things in a way that would make the game unplayable. Can you imagine if the Phoenix was at her full strength? Sentry? Magnus? Heck, even Juggernaut? They'd be nearly unbeatable with certain champs. So again, balance is necessary.

    10. With balance being the mantra here, we as the players may not be able to see the full depth of our requested changes/additions. While we may see them as great, they could be very damaging to the system Kabam has in place to keep this game alive. They always have to do what's best for the game and their company 1st while keeping their clientele happy and interested in their product. There in lies the ultimate challenge. Especially considering the fact some of the community will never be happy no matter what they do. Yet, they continue to login in and play daily, lol.

    Like so much in life, certain things are beyond our control. Make the best of what you have, and try not to be disappointed with what you do not. Which essentially means keep your expectations realistic. Unrealistic expectations will undoubtedly lead to disappointment and discontentment. If you subconsciously enjoy such things, well... who am I to judge? 😂

    Personally, overall I'm content with the state of the game. Of course there's always room for improvement, but that generally comes in stride. If you ask me, in general things are always improving in this game. There's always going to be flaws/bumps in the road along the way. However the good certainly outweighs the bad. Wouldn't still be playing after 3 years if that weren't the case. I would wager that's true for many.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,110 ★★★★★
    "why do we get 4 rework in 12 months, why not every month there is a rework, why waste time with voting, polls, beta, announcements, and bla bla bla for weeks and months !!!"

    You're under the assumption this is a visual glitch or something just chucking a bunch of Fury and cruelly buffs in an older champ and that can automatically fix it but it is a serious change to the mechanics of a character and that's not something you can knock out on a weekend, just for the lols. Older champs have a more simplified kit compared to new champs so to adapt them in the current meta requires a full rework including the immunities and resistances, understanding their damage output and retuning them to work with the new kit, not to mention the synergies and how those mechanics worked before and how they'd work after.

    Newer champs don't require as in-depth of a rework, their immunities, resistances, past and current synergies are figured out and anything that might've been overlooked can be resolved with a synergy down the road. So these rebalances are quicker, hence the whole "bla bla bla" and the whole song and dance many can't stand required for older champs.

  • MetroidBlasterMetroidBlaster Member Posts: 131 ★★
    edited January 2020
    you take back what you said about jubilee RIGHT NOW

  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189

    You had me until you dissed Jubilee.

    I wasn't dissing Jubilee, i was talking about a variant of Jubilee called "Discopants Jubilee" who would be god tier. Regular Jubilee with appropriate skillz would be fine.
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189
    Y'all got me wrong haha, DISCOPANTS Jubilee. Along with Abomination 2099 and Howard the Pterodactyl.
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189

    Leave Domino alone please, she’s already “balanced”, thank you

    I'm just saying. In the comics she's not exactly one of the most powerful mutants.
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189

    Luke9648 said:

    The villain from the Ant-Man sequel= GOD Warlock=GOD Quake=GOD Domino=GOD ETC....
    Aegon, Symbiote Supreme, and Guillotine 2099, all made up- GODS
    Magneto= TRASH Juggernaut=TRASH ETC... ok you're starting to fix champions, but still.
    I mean, i don't even read comics, but why are we using Squirrel Girl instead of Magneto? AND WHERE THE HELL IS APOCALYPSE!?!?!?! I half expect Discopants Jubilee as next months god tier addition. I'm just goofing, but i have a point, don't i???

    if you were in charge of DC's game it'd all be kryptonians and green lanterns. yipeee
    Huh??? What is a krytonian?
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2020
    xNig said:

    Haha let's put it this way.

    Well-known, popular characters = Sells itself no matter how bad it is. (If in doubt, bump character's prestige.)

    Unknown characters = Doesn't sell itself. Make it god-tier to create the demand.

    Tbf, it's a really really smart way of doing business. =)

    You know... i never thought about it that way. But just imagine what a frenzy a "god tier" Wolverine would create. BTW, we can do better than the Weapon X version. There are 14 Spider-men.
    Luke9648 said:

    Y'all got me wrong haha, DISCOPANTS Jubilee. Along with Abomination 2099 and Howard the Pterodactyl.

    howard the pterodactyl better be OP
  • Judge_PainJudge_Pain Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2020
    Jubilee only came out 3 years before Squirrel Girl. Both were created almost 30 years ago. I think your use of OG means "people i know."

    Also, Doop is the champ i want in here the most.
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    Magneto and many of the well known champs in the game we’re added on. As the game grew Kabam could make champions with more depth and mechanics and also had to keep making them better. Magneto WAS good back in the day but time has left him in the dust.
  • AlexBossuAlexBossu Member Posts: 146
    By adding powerful new champs, company is making money. Sad part is the iconic Marvel champs, the reason we are playing this game, are covered by dust.

  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    May be u don't know this. But for KABAM
    Thier game has it's own Universe.
    They also connected to MCU and any marvel movie and comics too.

    So what u said about made up champions being god tier and not famous at all champions being ultra tier. Etc. Then see the logical part where Ghost rider is not immune to incenerate or able to inflict incenerate where he literally spits fire animation with his sp2.
    Iceman is not immune to coldsnap. Etc. These are old topics like really old. That they became meme nowadays.
    And fan favourite champs like magneto and others being meme tier. These topics are old news.
    True thier are champs that made marvel comics is famous.
    But they absolutely suck in this game.

    There is a reason.
    1-The developer team has changed over the years.
    2-Animation team also changed
    Naturally coding and creative vision lacked in the beginning. The more players joined the more serious it got in terms of business point of view.
    3-imagine what champs like sentry magneto daredavil gambit rihno Juggernaut could have done if they were released now.
    4-You have to see the business view. They don't gain anything from buffing champs. Except for playing more hours and community feeling good. New champs brings new crystal. People can buy them.
    5-game is different for f2p and msp.
    6-there team is split with that new game om the verge release.
    7-buttomline if u pull a meme champ trust me everyone been there done that.
    Even Kabam mike having tough time finishing acorn event epic. Lol.

    It's a slow process but little by little i think OG's will get buffed.
    They did a good job with Colossus and OML. I am looking forward to Hulkbuster.
    We need good XL champs from every class.
    Next up they should go for Juggy and Rihno. XL. Available in 5 and 6 star. That makes them Good for variant. And it will also help in diversity too.
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